General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve?

How to improve? in General Discussion

    Hello there. 3k mmr scrub here
    I want to improve my game, but i don't know how, I'd appreciate if dotabuff analysts see my games and tell me what i do wrong.
    I think my decision making and positioning is bad. But i don't know how i should improve these skills

    p.s: dat wk.

      Flat is Justice!

        1. find video "eye of the tiger"
        2. play
        3. win

        Seriously though,
        Looks like prefer to support
        1. And the fastest way out of 3k-4k mmr is to carry your team if you are good (mid/carry roles)
        2. 2nd fastest way is to pick a strong impact support that counters of the carries (silence/stun)

        But what do i know i am in mid 4k trench tier myself


          ^ yes ofcourse i can go mid/offlane to carry my team to victory, I tried that before and it works.
          But what's the point if i get to 4k mmr when i can't support that tier.
          Although the players i'm getting matched with are really bad lately(both allies and enemies) but as support I can't do much beyond setting up kills early game and warding


            I think too many people think supporting is just about warding when it sure as hell is plenty more. Supports just have to use their brains more, as it's generally a more strategic role. All about being in the right position, sense when a teamfight is coming and being where you're supposed to be, use tp's when teammates are fleeing and turn the earlygame. Also picking the right supports can make alot of games easier. if youve got a mirana, bane is awesome, if youve got a jugger, CM is awesome. combos can really tear a lane up.
            but what do i know, im also mid 4k trench and not really a supportplayer

            Miku Plays

              heeyyy .. .try shadow shaman or lion

              shadow shaman = heavy disables + heavy pushes

              lion = good disable + annoying early mana drain + heavy early nuke


                back to the topic, i want to improve my play, not win.
                I can spam huskar/viper/clinkz/nyx/sniper and win if i want

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                kanye went to uni

                  I don't think picking carry/mid heroes is necessarily the best way to improve. It's the fastest way to increase MMR if you're significantly better than your teammates, but if you're not, you don't really contribute less to a game as a support.

                  Say for instance the argument that no one can last hit in trash-bracket. If, say, a noob-tier carry gets 30 cs out of 82 in the first ten minutes in an uncontested lane, that's bad obviously, but it's not as bad as getting 10 cs because they didn't have any lane support, and falling behind the enemy 'free-farming' carry who managed to get those 30. It's also bad if there's no wards on the map, and no mek on the team, no dewarding, etc. People say that supporting is useless in trench tier because carries are bad and not worth supporting but forget the fact that the enemy carries are just as bad and that a supported bad carry is better than a shut-down bad carry.

                  Also ... just gank a lot I guess. Smoke gank and stuff. Even that mid nyx is worth ganking, if only to increase team morale. And if you're radiant, triple pull, that shit's OP if no one contests it.

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                  Miku Plays


                    if you can win a game why ask if you want to improve?

                    Ples Mercy

                      allright, i'll make a video.


                        @hatsune miku: because winning =/= improving

                        Ples Mercy

                          Ok, so i watched ur replay and decided not to make a video, since your mistakes are very very fundamental.

                          I watched your cm game ( and noticed that you really do stupid things. You walk in enemy theretory without any vision whatsoever, you died because you tanked a tower to death, you wasted spells all the time so you never had mana when it counted and basicly you went offlane to sap EXP from bristleback while doing absolutely nothing in lane and let bot feed like hell.

                          Those mistakes are not because you're inexperienced, but more because you just play without thinking. You should start concentrate and stop making those huge mistakes, i mean cmon, how hard can it be not to tank the tower to death while doing nothing?

                          Start watching your own replays will get you alot further, once you realize how stupid your pathing and decisionmaking is, you will start improve to the point where you will need advice for getting better, right now your just playing like a drunk hamster and are able to improve by just stopping to play like bogi.




                              You want to spam SNIPER and win?

                              Please stay at 3k

                              Hex Sigma

                                @blunt should we also watch the replays from one sided stomps and wins? I mean does it help or not?

                                Ples Mercy

                                  you can watch a replay when you get stomped, since somtimes people are acually causing being stomped without realizing. The onesided win wont rly help at all.


                                    Blunt is actually posting not so trolly replies. MADNESS!

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                                    Ples Mercy

                                      IS THIS REALLIFE?


                                        ok, who is using blunt's account? i know he has many personalities, but all of them are badmannered

                                        Flat is Justice!

                                          fastest way to improve?
                                          Join the local dota club that has strong players

                                          Fastest way to improve by yourself?
                                          Watch your own replays and see why u lost/won

                                          My dawg

                                            YOLO UR WAY TO 5K MMR


                                              if you are a support player and want to improve, first you have to watch pros and their decision making.. why they are putting wards in that spot, why they are rotating, why they are playing aggressive, and more than why, HOW AND WHEN.

                                              as soon as your game awareness improves, you'll be able to provide a outstanding support (at your tier) and you will win more, and everything gets better

                                              well but in a practical way, learn to:

                                              - stack effectively
                                              - how/when to pull
                                              - good ward spots (srsly, not the river all the match)
                                              - playing agressive to allow your carry to farm
                                              - gank mid <<<< THIS SHIT WINS GAME MAINLY IN YOUR BRACKET

                                              at 3k no one really ganks fucking mid even if the hero has no fucking escape like SF, ppl usually think that mid is supposed to gank and not the other way

                                              so gankind in a SMART way will make your mid have experience and gold advantage, which will lead him to a snowball if he is not a completely dumbfuck. like pick a hero that can gank early on (CM, Enchant with a centaur, AA, Rhasta, Lion, Venge, whatever man), smoke up, wait until the enemy cross the river, and then do your shit. at your bracket i dont recommend you to say "im ganking mid" because your team's mid is going to push the lane (because he assumes thats the best way to set up a gank) or is going to suicide rushing like a retarded.. just get close and start pinging, do your shit, try not to steal the kill and thats it

                                              get back to your lane, get some space to your carry and repeat the process. and doesnt matter how bad your carry is, if you create space for him, even a monkey will carry the match later


                                                LEARN THAT MOST MIDS SHOULDN'T GANK and your golden