General Discussion

General DiscussionRequest of a replay analysis!

Request of a replay analysis! in General Discussion

    Hi.. Im rather fond of Disruptor as a hero and i feel i play him fairly well as is, but i was hoping someone could watch this game or one of my other disruptor matches and tell me what im doing wrong\right to improve or fix all criticism helps thanks


      it was a little bit of a stomp near the end but the game felt closer while playing it, im not asking to look at the fact that i won, just my play.

      bum farto

        Lel, that puck and Timbersaw draft after your picks. TA rapes the living shit out of Puck I dunno why they would draft him then a Timbersaw after TA and Vengeful were picked up.

        King of Low Prio

          it is never really a good idea to have people analyse wins because they are fairly misleading.