General Discussion

General DiscussionRandoming in ranked

Randoming in ranked in General Discussion

    I'm not sure randoming should exist in ranked play. It's happening all too often: "xxx has randomed Brewmaster" or 'xxx has randomed Visage' No one wants to be on the same team as someone playing a hero they haven't touched but it happens and kills games fairly early when they refuse to re pick or swap.


    If you disagree and think removing randoming heroes from ranked isn't necessary should they not at least restrict it to the first 30 seconds of hero selection?
    I hate having a team of say Weaver, Storm, Disruptor, Terrorblade and then with 1 second to go 'xxx has randomed Faceless Void'


      not everyone is tryhard lel chill mayn


        I'd rather look at it this way:

        Dire: 5 randoms
        Radiant: 0 randoms

        Dire starts with a 1k gold advantage from the beginning at lvl 1.
        If both teams has "normal" picks this hurts a lot.

        Should ranked, a cometitive game let people start with an advantage by just pressing "random".?


          I have more issue with the random gold too.

          Flat is Justice!

            There are 107 heroes currently in dota 2

            Even professional players that are paid to play, dont play all heroes well.

            Given that the average player can play maybe 20-30 heroes well
            Maybe half of the heroes decently
            Hate playing certain types of heroes
            And totally throw with maybe 10 heroes

            Its basically gambling for a chance to get 300 more gold or play terribly at an unfamiliar hero

            As much as i dont like my teammates randoming, i love to random when the time is right - because it gets boring and I wont dare to try something new if I had a choice and i been playing this dam game since 05, i can play most heroes

            I din say play them well tho, kekeke

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              Err, no. I've won more games in ranked since I stopped picking heroes. If you ask me, the bonus gold has significant impact on your early game.


                you have 42 heroes that you never played perhaps you should random buddy get some skill


                  Random against bots first pls! In ranked don't play heroes you are not familiar with!

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    In AP that's legit strat. That bonus 200 gold is HUGE! An average ranked player knows at least 30 heroes and probably has like 10 best heroes. So he has a 1/3 to get a decent hero or 1/10 to get his favorite heroes with 200 bonus gold.


                      oh and also there is repick for a reason


                        Alot of reading the title and not the thread action going on. I mentioned repick. Im not concerned about me as I play vs bots and have a smurf for messing around with new heroes (so i have played more then my profile suggests). its the players who refuse to repick that kills it.
                        but fair enough if you are all a fan random in ranked but what about disabling the random button with say 20-30 seconds to go? because a random at the last second can really mess things up.

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                          they should just change it to -rd or make it -ap with bans (each player gets 1 ban) which should prevent the OP hero pickers from having inflated MMRs in the future

                          frankly what the OP said is true: people who random usually suck ass with their hero(es), but lots of people pick heroes they think they're good with (sub 5k invoker pickers come to mind as #1) but are awful as fuck so i don't think that will change much.


                            also after they fail with the hero they randomed and team mates ask why they pick a hero they suck with, -I randomed!


                              The first person to get a hero should honestly get random gold to go along with that hero. He will be the one with the most counterpicks on the other team, so the random gold is a balancing factor.
                              Randoming as the last pick on your team? Die.
                              Four people on your team have randomed? ROLLD20


                                @Ям LФяdУ Disabling random during the last 30 seconds of the pick phase is a stopgap measure. The real issue is late pickers, and the gold handicap doesn't seem to motivate them much. I'm a fan of forced randoms once the timer runs out, hopefully Valve sees fit to implement this in the near future.

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!