General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking is great

Matchmaking is great in General Discussion

    Ty lord gaben


      It seems odd but once you hit 5k the games seem a bit easier LOL. Everyone knows what they're doing and you're less likely to get retards.

      Ty lord gaben


        no more elo hell

        (not that it matters i don't think i'm touching this awful game for months since i had to suffer for 5 months just to get here)

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            you made it


              the trench welcomes you


                Do people generally not bash each other either if they're losing?


                  Yes, i agree topic starter - matchmaking is great. Whiners are just low skills trying to excuse themselves.


                    I'm the last guy who you would call a whiner but I don't like their mmr system.

                    GG | dudutsai

                      You aren't really ever safe from bad games because MM system will still put you with 4k players from time to time :(


                        that's true, but it isn't that bad, since there are 4k players on the other team lol.

                        i've had some decent 4.5k - 5k players on the grind to 5k and some pretty trashy ones as well

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                          xan don't lose your 5064 solo rating or ur going to be sub 5k, my condolences if that ever happens

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                            one of the reasons i wanted 5k so badly was cuz i remember playing with/against some of the sub 5k players back in dota 1 and they were just beyond awful. cba to list everything (comments like "you farm too much" when i was playing antimage; comments like these which 5k players would laugh at and call them scrubs afterwards because nobody with half a brain thinks am should giving up valuable farm to join minor fights) but if i ever see them in mm again i'd flame them for being trash; they were some of the most outspoken low skill plebs you could ever (want to) meet.

                            i still have some of them on my friend's list and the only reason i haven't deleted them yet is because they ain't worth the time (i'd have to log into my other account, right click their name, cilck "remove friend," and then click 'confirm' etc., which is 30 seconds more than i'd want to spare)

                            i didn't want to be associated with those bad players even though my solo MMR was already higher than theirs at calibration (4700 vs their 4000 or whatever their trash MMR is) so yea, lol!

                            it's not about being with the good players, it's about getting away from the garbage trucks. (though i guess being able to play with/against 4800-5300 players consistently is always a bonus)

                            might play in 3 months or whenever i get my sanity back, i might drop a bit below 5k for being away but i can recover rating easily now that i've improved slightly and have taken some advice/learned a bit from 6k players like beesa/swiftending

                            but ty lord gaben, justice has finally prevailed

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                              not that i don't like sub 5k'ers (i play with them often, most of them are fine) it's just that a whole lot of them/a huge minority think they're actually good when they're not, i don't even think i'm good so them claiming they're anywhere near being good is kind of like some 3rd rate college basketball star claiming he deserves some spot in the NBA because of his amazing performances in a few games, or one of those online dating retards who rates himself "9/10" when he's 5/10 at best in terms of physical appearance LOL

                              think i've heard plenty of those types of statements in steam private chat "i beat 5k players before with my 3.8k mmr ahuehuehue"

                              god damn delusional fucks lol

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                                noone cares that you hit 5k, lowscrubscum