General Discussion

General DiscussionAvg for ranked

Avg for ranked in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    so the avg is ~3800, so that means if you are below that you are below average.................





        is that legit? '11154 players on record'

        Miku Plays


          im still below average


            only ppl who submit MMR are included, which is likely heavily weighted towards the top end because 2k mmr ppl aren't gonna submit

            so nope

            King of Low Prio

              tons of 2k MM players submitted it


                Considering most of new comers rated ~2.5k or lower I'd say this is not true.

                Miku Plays

                  i submitted mine when i was below 3k

                  King of Low Prio

                    so many delusional 3k MM players dont want to believe this :(


                      Well maybe explain how aristar and wave is still the highest MMR at that website
                      and expect how people believe about it's credibility

                      Polkadot Piranha

                        It's possible it's true, though the data can never be accepted as viable statistical data. I mean, for starters people had to actively seek it out in order for them to show up on it and put an effort into contributing data. That's not how you produce reliable statistics.


                          No Sampson you are wrong, 3.8k is avg for that site with 11 k players. Real avg for 7 milion players is more like 3.5k there are alot of sites that say the same average 3.4-3.6 for global dota 2 community.


                            sampson has a bh fetish so his invalid


                              The only way to get a meaningful average is if Valve releases that info themselves. D2TopList, DB, and Reddit surveys are all biased towards the higher end of the player spectrum, as higher-MMR players are more likely to read/comment about D2 online as opposed to lower-MMR ones. There's no point extrapolating results from a sample set that isn't fairly distributed over the entire player base.

                              Quick maffs

                                "The only way to get a meaningful average is if Valve releases that info themselves. D2TopList, DB, and Reddit surveys are all biased towards the higher end of the player spectrum, as higher-MMR players are more likely to read/comment about D2 online as opposed to lower-MMR ones."


                                Miku Plays

                                  But isnt the data reliable still ?


                                    real data should be skewed a bit to the left.

                                    Source: statistics 1 course

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                      You guys only follow numbers and you buttfuck yourself all the time by getting the wrong sample pool and data.


                                        "The only way to get a meaningful average is if Valve releases that info themselves. D2TopList, DB, and Reddit surveys are all biased towards the higher end of the player spectrum, as higher-MMR players are more likely to read/comment about D2 online as opposed to lower-MMR ones."

                                        pretty much that


                                          sam, the sample size is only 11000 players out of 7 million, but youre smart enough to know this so i claim that youre trolling


                                            It's not the size that matters. A sample of 100 tennis players says that the average serve speed is 110mph.

                                            Is that data good set for representing all tennis players when the sample list is from


                                              Average Dota player in unranked was 2.4 or 2.5k. Since less low mmr players play ranked games, the average is higher - around 3k i guess. But to say average mmr of ALL players playing ranked is 3.8k based on 10.000 players who are mostly pretty good already (MAJORITY of bad ones wouldnt even consider posting their mmr's publicly and they dont even read forums), that's bullshit. I think this is troll comment, since i dont believe Sampson is actully stupid enough to believe what he posted or?

                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                Before ranked, the average mmr was 2250. Valve themselves said this. Do you really think people have improved 1550 points since then? (which in terms of like true skill ability is probably 10x more skilled)

                                                Valve did say, however, that they expected ranked would be slightly higher. True average is probably around 2400.


                                                  if anyone thinks the average is 3800 or anywhere close to that then they're just further proving that they're A. trolling B. beyond delusional


                                                    @djgandy Using a sample to estimate a statistic for the population requires that the sample be taken randomly, and not from just one portion of the population.

                                                    Eg: Is it fair to say the average height of an adult male on Earth is close to 6 feet when my sample is drawn only from Europe? Of course not.


                                                      I know, that was my point? The sample is skewed towards people who are heavy dota players. You can probably very easily verify this by comparing the time played of the sample vs time played of all players. Didn't arstechnica do an article on hours played for steam games? They may have useful data for such a comparison. You can see hours played in past 2 weeks on public profiles. If the sample average played for the sample is higher than the average for all players then you are pretty certain your sample is bad.

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                        wink shh

                                                        i'm 3.2k scrub below average don't even know how to triple pull on dire ;_; and always lose counterwarding wars wah

                                                        kanye went to uni

                                                          Wait what you can triple pull on dire???


                                                            ^hes joking lmao

                                                            kanye went to uni

                                                              Man I got so excited :(


                                                                Dire Triple pull with wisp.

                                                                kanye went to uni

                                                                  I see. To Youtube!

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!