General Discussion

General DiscussionLich unlimited ult?!?!

Lich unlimited ult?!?! in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Are you fing kidding me? New notes: Aghanim's Scepter Chain Frost no longer has a bounce limit

    Does that mean his ult will bounce until the enemy team runs out of range of each other? This is the most ridiculous thing ever, basically forces your team to breakup during any and all teamfights. Lich is already super powerful and casting frost armor on buildings is op enough.


      I still don't think a Lich would save 4,200 gold to buy an aghanims.

      i left her

        Wombo combos incoming


          Salza, if 4200 gold on your Lich wins you the game, then you let the lich farm

          Polkadot Piranha

            Right now anyone competent is already spreading out upon the lich ult being cast. Most of the times that is not possible, it ends up killing you anyhow. I don't see it changing anything.


              It already caused teams to break up. It's very unlikely for you to land a full lich ultimate without some sort of aoe disable. So, there'll be almost no changes from Aghanims aside from wombo-combos and wave cleaning.


                And fountain farming, don't forget fountain farming. It's a legitimate strat now.


                  OP's outrage is sort of mysterious as in most scenarios, the ult will not stop due to bouncing in the first place.

                  I will mention that this adds to Lich's affect in combos/stuns as well as giving him the ability to throw out his ult in final push scenarios where creeps are everywhere without worrying about the stupid creeps causing the ult to end.

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                    New meta. Let Lich rush Aghanim's and someone else rush Veil.


                      Isn't Lich ultimate was changed to always have 10 bounces long time ago?

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Just cast it on Ancients. Best trap EU.


                          love u sam


                            I predict more "DOTA fail" videos with Lich's ult involved. =)


                              can't imagine it'd be fun for an average meepo though...

                              Krazy Kat

                                Most Lich ults end before 10 bounces anyway. I don't think spending 4200 gold for 11+ bounces is worth it.


                                  Best team atm.

                                  Carry: Lich.
                                  Supports: Void, Enigma, Magnus, Disruptor.


                                    all u need is mag and seer


                                      ^and void, and enigma



                                        greedy tho

                                        maybe venge/rubick/mag/seer/lich

                                        abaddon is gonna make tanks even tankier... i wonder if it works like i think it will with spectre and bristle


                                          84% AOE slow.


                                            I think its dumb. What are the chances of a lich getting 100 bounces or so? I think they should just make it 30 bounces or something. Infinite is kind of a lazy addition to "idk just give them whatever"


                                              Counter a 4200 item with a 2250 force staff. It's not that bad in my opinion.



                                                still a pain for certain heroes like np/meepo, as it'll just wipe out all the creeps fairly easily

                                                im wondering how it'd fair against an army of PLs


                                                  After thinking back on it

                                                  The cooldown on his ultimate at level 16 is 60 seconds I think
                                                  So he could casually farm creeps with this ability and repay for it

                                                  Do you think we could be seeing Lich mid?


                                                    I doubt he will be played mid. The change could be quite decent to kill of all the necros, etc and delay a big push. It probably will not make a big difference in most cases though.


                                                      Even if he killed all the necros he might kill himself lol

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        "im wondering how it'd fair against an army of PLs"


                                                        Lich PL and illusion heroes counter


                                                          have mega creeps against you? np, just spam that ulti.


                                                            seriously though if you use it on enemy ancients how do they farm it


                                                              lich best turtle hero versus mega creep :D


                                                                lich confirmed new techies, just put 2-3 ults on the enemys ancients and then trap set

                                                                Sugar Show

                                                                  Meepo has unistalled dota.


                                                                    that Baserape? :O

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      They should at least fix it so it doesn't bounce on ancients.


                                                                        Anywy, how many attack speed get reduced when we attack unit with frost armor?


                                                                          yeah thats a good point yiran

                                                                          lich = new anti ancient meta - no more luna/gyro/tinker/etc


                                                                            I'm assuming it won't be long before they fix it so you can't cast it on ancients.


                                                                              Blademails and necros should be fun against "ancients trap" :D

                                                                              Or just clear the ancients with BKB active.

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                                                                                I can't remember the last time I saw a Lich hit all of his chain frost bounces, so I'm guessing aghs will still be garbage on him.


                                                                                  If they made it so that you can't cast on ancients then you could just cast it on Mud Golems. But yeah infinite is quite weird. They could just set it at some very high value like 1000 and I doubt anyone would care.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Why can you cast it on ancients anyway? They are magic immune. I know lich ult will bounce off immune targets but it shouldn't be able to target them for initial cast, this has to be a bug.


                                                                                      That's pretty much how every ulti works. They affect magic immune targets for every effect except the damage unless it's HP-removal type damage. That's how it worked in WC3 and was kept in the transition to Dota2 as far as I know.

                                                                                      Of course, damage only ultis (like Lion's or Lina's) cannot be casted on magic immune units to prevent a complete waste of mana. Problem is, Lich's ulti deals a mini-stun to the initial target, so it can be casted on them. But yeah, they'll probably fix it.


                                                                                        Who cares about the lich ulti thing? Sure it should be fixed, but it wont make a difference.

                                                                                        Your really think a lich, after getting aghs, casting ulti 3-4 times on ancients, so that he can suprise kill a single idiot target, is a good use of 3-4 ulties?

                                                                                        Rather the lich do that than use it during a team fight against my team. the "ancient trap" is extremely predictable, easily countered by ya know.. actually utilizing ancients for farm before a lich can ulti them 3-4 times, and is a remarkable waste of an ultimate.

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                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          Good replies, if it goes 10 bounces it's a team wipe anyway right? However bkb used to be a good lich counter. Bkb up and stay in the fight, hopefully ult hits you a couple times for no dmg. Now this won't happen. You'll need to pop bkb to run away and survive. I just don't think this buff is needed for an already strong hero even if it's not as big of a deal as people are saying.

                                                                                          Polkadot Piranha

                                                                                            I could tend to agree that he didn't need a buff, but given that I think Aghanim's was a vastly inferior choice to anything else he could have gone, I consider the surprising buff the armour working on buildings.


                                                                                              People who think the no bounce limit on chain frost is OP need to use LOGIC. How often does lich get his max number of bounces when he casts it on the enemy team? Unlikely. Usually you'll get like 5-7 bounces if you are LUCKY.

                                                                                              People complain about this aghanims buff just like when doom got his aghs buff (doom no longer ticks down when nearby) and they said it was OP. Well guess what, doom can't chase you for long before an ally comes to help. Not OP. Same thing with lich ult, chain frost won't bounce long before you fucking delta split.

                                                                                              The only thing aghs is good for is clearing mega creeps. whoop dee fucking doo

                                                                                              About the ancients exploit: if the enemy team doesn't farm those ancients by the time you ult it 3-4 times, they deserve to die anyways for being extremely scrubby. I see this working in 2k potato bracket.

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