General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does people flame Exort Quas invokers?

Why does people flame Exort Quas invokers? in General Discussion

    Missed Sunstrike on stunned targets? we had no stuns.
    It's pretty stupid to waste a lvl 1 invoke to create spirits when you're constantly getting sunstrike kills and have to have snap ready against slark.

    And im pretty sure i saved dark seer with euls when pa was hunting him, i guess you didn't notice that either.

    So im Delusional now? you're just... sad, honestly, i never claimed to be one of the best invokers, i never even said i was good. i was simply stating that i've had more success with exort than wex.

    You're just butthurt cuz i sniped the enemy bounter hunter in invis.

    Do I have to remind you that you were the one jumping onto me? and not the other way around.
    I don't even have any need to prove anything to you.

    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

      i got a fucking 0 % winrate on quas wex invoker !!!

      King of Low Prio

        'we had no stuns.'

        Mirana on team

        how far can the delusions go............



          ????? where is my mirana?

          some random trashcan

            well sampson the guy is able to play a reasonable invoker (based on winrate) in the same bracket as you..

            Quick maffs

              Well lets point out that sampson started with this shit

              "I love when people try and manipulate stats to suit their agenda


              But the guy actually played 70 games with is more than enough to prove a point

              So, Sampson = Wrong

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Since I learned Samspon is a nigga I'm afraid of saying anything :( But Empire always uses QE and they rape with it. QE has better laning presence than QW but is easier to gank. Also has way more damage but far less disables. So it depends on the game.

                King of Low Prio

                  he was talking about saving people with euls in which he said specifically he saved BH with euls which was high last match NOT the match he linked

                  no 70 matches stacking in unranked is not proving anything because they do it specifically to boost their win rate. Which is why you see a huge bump in win rate when you cut off the competition

                  King of Low Prio

                    @ Sam #2

                    nobody is saying Q E is bad what I am saying is most Q E players in pub are arrogant and delusional which led to him being muted.

                    Quick maffs

                      Well if you stack with good people yeah....

                      I DARE you to get 70 % winrate with any hero playing with my friends

                      Plus if you look at the guy winrate with friends is quite low

                      "nobody is saying Q E is bad what I am saying is most Q E players in pub are arrogant and delusional which led to him being muted."

                      Ok that its bullshit, grim for example adapts his build to the game and to the enemy picks, i guess when he goes for exort he is arrogant, oh well.

                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                        Hmm, most of my ranked games are played as invoker also.
                        IN this patch. so its not 70 games solely unranked.
                        And you're right, i did state that i saved BH in my latest match, but i also asked you to watch another replay where it happend numerous times instead of just once. I guess that was some misscommunication between us.

                        And stacking? Im usually just going duo, very rarely im 5 man stacking , or even 4 man stacking.

                        so 70 games is more than enough.

                        Quick maffs

                          His ranked stats this patch

                          Invoker 75 % winrate 4.36 kda 20 games

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            I didn't say that to you. Just wanted to mention the first sentence.


                              Feels like the entire purpose of the thread got derailed by Sampson here.

                              ICE SKULL

                                can you do an autism test and show us the results, thanks

                                i have a theory that people who still insist exort quas is better than quas wex or for that matter, still pick invoker, is autistic

                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                game is bad

                                  The worst ones are 1 quas 1 wex 7 exort, because that just means they're going the sunstrike KS build.


                                    dat voker hate. it's beautiful


                                      if ur doin it for the right reasons then sure, i.e. viper/bs/od - good luck out csing these boys while harassing them and surviving
                                      im a fairly decent viper imo and i was surprised that a voker beat me mid.. just kept spamming coldsnap + alacrity + spirit at good times and zoned me out.

                                      but honestly the dmg difference in comparison the speed, i'd have to vote for speed

                                      u can have a lot more presence with q/w and shut down majority of the enemy's mana pools
                                      lvl 5 + phase boots is quite enough dmg even without exort (;


                                        There is nothing in particular that is so terrible with Quas/Exort builds as a lot of the good invokers will do it but the quas/wex build has become increasingly popular due to the currently game favoring the mid/early game fights. An exort invoker doesn't lend itself to an early game but this is not the case 100% of the time and there maybe times where exort will be the favored build due to already having team fight but lacking in damage.

                                        As a lot of people have mentioned above sacrificing damage for movement, mobility, and team fight makes players more relaxed as they know that if shit goes down they aren't just going to get a sunstrike, a "what could I do", and a "Well Played" from the chat wheel.