General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to Axe a Question!

I want to Axe a Question! in General Discussion

    I played my first game as Axe yesterday and it was awesome, nothing can compare to getting a double chop!

    It seems when I play him I have to type in caps and refer to myself in the third person.
    What is the best way to play axe? What items, there are a whole bunch of guides all of them suggest different items.

    Also are there any good guides, video clips you would recommend. I searched axe guides on you tube and a whole bunch of purge guides came up, he midded axe. Is that a good idea also are Purge's guides good?



      Also are there any good guides - There might be a few but most people are busy making ember/invoker/pudge guides.
      Is that a good idea also are Purge's guides good? - Not always, purge gives good insight to players who don't know any better. His guides provide a basis for you to try out your own stuff without wandering too far from the current meta. Mid axe is not a thing and is like a pocket strat that should almost never be played unless you are against a melee mid.

      He is ok mid vs BS/NS/Pudge (maybe) .....and stop trying to get easier wins on south Africa.

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        Axe is currently very strong. I play him with items that give mana, magic wand, urn of shadows, arcane boots.
        Vanguard is very nice but you can sometimes skip it.
        Axe works with any boots...
        Urn of Shadows is nice to add up to battle hunger.
        Blink I would call a MUST, its works so well on axe.
        Blademail is nice, but situational.
        Scepter is great, also 6 second cooldown, don't worry if you miss.
        Assault cuirras is epic since Helix is physical, but Shiva should be a priority if you have a carry going for AC.

        Consider BKB in some games...

        I max battle hunger after lvl 2, when I get lvl 1 helix and call. After that I max Call, and in the end helix. Now I could be wrong here but it how I like to play axe.
        Its funny watching people die as they run back to their base, only shit thing is you don't get urn charges if they die far away from you.

        I am not a Axe player, I haven't seen any guides or anything, this is all me. :p .....and stop trying to get easier wins on south Africa.


          Fun hero. I see a lot of different builds for Axe. Blink is core.

          Some people go int items like Shiva's, Bloodstone and Aghs. Other swear by rushing heart and blademail. I kind of like the first build.

          Blademail doesn't make a lot of sense to me since you WANT people to attack you, and when you force them to attack you you have +40 armor.

          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

            blink & sceptor are core items~!


              @ BC (=^_^=) Havoc Badger, Thanks allot for the advice! Also I am allowed to play on South Africa servers, I live here. Also it is sooo fun. :) got a triple kill that game with culling blade.

              I love getting kills with Aids, they run away and die.

              Thanks to all of you for the advice and tips.

              One last question, I seem to run out of manna quite frequently what items are the best early game for manna regen?


                [A]xe brand deodorant now sponsoring Alliance - prepare for more akke Axe :D

                anyway Axe doesn't really get mana regen items early, maybe a stick but that's about it. If you're offlane Axe you should be prioritizing earlier levels of Call/Helix, and if you're semi-jungle you won't be using Hunger so often that your mana needs refilling.

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                  axe is a very situational mid, and when the enemy picked TA. We realized the opponent was doing anti armor. So we picked up axe and he chewed up TA's refraction and wiped the armor strat away.