General Discussion

General DiscussionA Quick Question on Rubick?

A Quick Question on Rubick? in General Discussion

    Most of my Rubick games go like this:

    Just want to know which is better Force or Blink or are both a good idea?


      if you had nice early-game you can go for blink, otherwise force staff first for an escape tool for you and your allies would be better.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        You should buy both but generally blink first is better because it's like a Batrider getting blink, almost always gives you 1 kill after you buy it. Also it grants superior positioning compared to Force Staff. But sometimes force staff is better, against insta gap closers like Pudge etc.


          Blink gives you an overall versatility on the hero, helps you get in and out of fights, and also supports your ultimate by making it easier to steal difficult spells.

          For example you can blink in avoiding spikes from Tide and then steal his ultimate while you cast telekinesis on him.
          Also, it looks like you get overall a good farm on the hero, make always sure to keep the wards on cooldown and support the team with smokes/dusts when needed before proceeding to buy other luxurious stuff.

          that being said, i like using force-staff too, it helps also on your teammates to keep them out of difficult situation.
          Last but not least, Rubick is a hero that requires a lot of awareness and good positioning in general.

          Especially at the beginning (but happens also after much more games) you might end up dying frequently, again here the key is awareness and positioning, sometimes you might want to stay back just to start fighting when someone already blew his big spell

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            Thanks allot for the feedback, much appreciated. I think I will go blink first then forces staff.
            I have noticed that after you steal some strong spells they start to pick you off first in a team battle, the 2 positioning items will help allot.


              As @sam told, going blink first , then force is way better then going force then blink. Especialy if you got some good enemy heroes from which you can steal some spels ( es, magnus, enigma, you get the point ). But rushing blink vs pudge, qop, morf, mirana, riki, magina ( heroes who can come near you in split seconds ) is a bad choice.


                ^ Well, against Antimage you can just steal his blink.

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                Low Expectations

                  Just dont be the support who never buys wards because he has to get his blink dagger