General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich hero should I try that I've never played?

Which hero should I try that I've never played? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Never played:
    Earth Spirit
    Magnus (says I have one game on this guy from a year ago, might as well be never)
    Ember spirit
    Shadow Fiend
    Terror Blade
    Storm Spirit

    Community votes and I will play a couple games on the top 3 suggestions my next matches! Will probably take me 3 or 4 days, I only do a game or two a night. And give reasons. Like "Pudge cus I want you to fail hard" is an acceptable reason. "Pudge period" is not.

    Also I have never played invoker but I refuse too.



      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Come on dude, just try Pudge already. I know it's not fun when you suck and just get flamed, but you gotta start somewhere. Maybe you could use a bot game first.


          If you like high mobility, Storm 'dangdang' Spirit.
          If you like splitpushing and farming 40minutes, Naga Siren.
          If you like intensive micro, Meepo/Tinker.


            I started ember like yesterday. 7-2. He is op. Lost 2 of the first 4 games. Set new hero damage per min récord today on him


              Pudge- very fun hero try him first already,one of the best feelings in dota 2 is when you hook someone and actually kill
              Earth spirit- a bit nerfed but still strong hero try him also
              Phoenix- is op hero not that much funny but try him after others hero is pretty much one of the strongest offlaners for pubs right now at early game
              Magnus- Also rp feeling is awesome if you catch 3+ ppl try him
              Morp- if you are not good carry player than dont pick yet
              Ta- Hero is good try
              Naga- hard hero maybe skip still
              Ember spirit - is very funny but need skills also,but once you understand how strong hero is and his mechanic you can pretty much stomp games at pubs hero is one of the best late aoe carrys in the game,but can also be played as a ganker mider
              Sf- Sf is fun but hard to play in pubs cus hero is very week before you buy bkb on him so probably if you are at some 4k- tier mmr dont pick him you gonna die way to much but practice him with bots see mechanic maybe you get comfortable and pick him in pubs than
              Meepo- if you love micro than try him hero is very hard to play if you are not good with microing multiple units better skip him
              Terror Blade - easy hero very strong and one of the strongest late carrys in the game,also one of the best pushers carry try him hero is strong and not hard to deal with
              Storm Spirit- hero fun as well try him , its not hard to play
              Tinker- very hard hero to play,need whole game to spamm all the time butons basicly every second botle/boots of travel/soul ring/dagger/dagons/Hex etc..very hard hero to play probably hardest out of all of these together with meepo better skip him and try him last after all of these



                play tb/phoenix/ember for ez wins

                play meepo/naga/tinker for an actual challenge


                  no . ember ez lose


                    just play tinker dude

                    Quick maffs

                      Tinker TA


                        Play with boobs boobs always win.


                          ^ my stats are relevant

                          Dire Wolf

                            Ok I will fire up tinker tonight. I forgot to check this shit last night before games. Looks like +2 for tinker is the closest thing to a winner.

                            @caveman, but what if they're man boobs?


                              Are you streaming or why should we vote ?


                                why not try them all? I highly suggest bot gaming at least to get a bit used on the mechanics tho


                                  Magnus- a little wombo combo isn't too bad
                                  Shadow Fiend- We all need some mid practice, right? why not try one of mids who are easier to gank, can help your mid awareness or whatever idk
                                  Tinker- Global presence


                                    ZIP ZAP WIN GAME


                                      the meeps!


                                        Umm no man boobs. Those are called moobs and they always lose. Boobs can be confused with back boobs which also translates to boobs. So if your chick is fat you may have her an extra set of cans on her back to play with too. Fat chicks need lovin' too.

                                        PLZ do bot gaming first otherwise you will make your team sad since you've never done tinker b4.


                                          tinker intensive micro xd.. the bullshit is stronk in this one


                                            Today, after some bot games, I had my first game as Earth Spirit. I insta-picked it and sucked, of course!
                                            But my team was a stack of 4... what kind of stack picks riki/void/sf/clock? They were not random...


                                              shadow fiend. learn to raise... dominate.

                                              Low Expectations

                                                I dont think you actually require any skill to play ember
                                                Tinker is one of the most fun heros to play
                                                Pudge only after vodka
                                                Morphling IMO is just a bad hero. He needs at least 30 min to get any usefullness and at any point of the game any other carry can do his job equally goo better than him with the same amount of farm. Also difficult to play.


                                                  from that list and in order: phoenix, tinker, magnus, tb, pudge.

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                    Did you play yet wookie what is your damn pick? I am waiting to hear back from you :P


                                                      Why is it that big of a deal? I made sure to win at least one game with every hero myself and I didn't need motivation from the forum. (Riki took 9 games)

                                                      Plus, have you played Chen seriously? If not go play him. Just afk jungle and send your Wildwing to tornado their offlane and spam your ult when needed.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I played an awful tinker game but it's not posting to dotabuff for some reason. I was vs lone druid mid which blows, I didn't realize rearm would refresh my boots until like 30 minutes in lol.

                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                          How would I not expect sano to suggest tinker.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Here's the game.

                                                            Pretty awful. Vs lone druid mid, I had trouble last hitting and harassing cus of the damn bear. He is a really strong mid, Idk why he's not used there more often. So I got boots of travel quite late. Tried to gank bottom with magnus with a haste rune early but rubick was there and stole magnus ult and ult'd us, failed gank.

                                                            Tinker is definitely an adjustment to play, long nuke cooldowns, rearm costs a ton of mana. I think if I just focus on doing rat doto with him I'll do better.

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              " I didn't realize rearm would refresh my boots until like 30 minutes in lol."


                                                              Well that its something

                                                              btw get Blink instead of forcestaff first

                                                              and dont get necro 3

                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I'm giving up this experiment, going to pick heroes when they're a good fit, not just for the hell of it. Need some wins, trying to always mid tinker or pudge is bad lol.


                                                                  yea but if you didn't know rearm refresher BoTs then you really need to read a bit about dota heroes

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!