General Discussion

General DiscussionVandal strikes again!

Vandal strikes again! in General Discussion

    he was actually screaming on the mic LOL

    thinks hes good, but hes the lowest mmr in the game by 200 :( everyone 4.8-5.3k hes 4.6k. and he wonders why he feeds & sucks

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      much feed


        I encourage everyone to watch the demo of just my entire team abandoning top/jungle. I basically told my team very early on that I'm going to keep going top and keep dying. "Nyx will ult gank me in the next 40 seconds. You can choose to win the game or let them win it."


          'I know they are about to gank me top, but I am going to proceed to go there anyways because I'm bad instead of switching lanes and farming elsewhere.'

          Don't forget about this guys jungle sniper game. 4.6k player in action boys

          oh yea i forget to mention no spell shield this game LMAO

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            I don't let my team get away with being bad. That's the thing - there were no safe lanes. They weren't 5 man ganking top. They had 2 people there, which were lethal to me but just free food if anyone on my team responded. I'm not going to let 2 heroes shut down our entire jungle/safe lane of farm. I'm going to go there repeatedly until my team kicks it into high gear.

            It's like I said, had I known I'd be completely abandoned the entire game, I would have invested in bottle crowing instead of team-centric items like dust and mana boots.

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              why would you go top knowing you will die?...


                @Wink, because I shouldn't die. They're overextending, and if anyone on my team comes, they will die, I will get xp/gold from them dying, and the lane will open up for me to farm.

                The way I phrase it to retards is that they are playing 100% predictably, and by they, I mean the 1 or 2 heroes that repeatedly overextend by themselves. It's as if we have map hack and have no fog of war. It boggles my mind that people prefer to let him overextend, let him shut down vast amounts of farm from our team, and let him get farm himself in unsafe areas of the map. That's just throwing.

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                  so, you go into a pub, you know your team isnt listening to you, your whole team is doing a different strategy than you, and you refuse to do anything except for feed, and then you blame team?


                    also drums+arcanes isnt a farming build at all


                      @wink1 yup. The reason is simple - we were going to lose if they didn't secure the farm. So I'm going to play like they will secure it for the small chance that they kick into high gear and win the game.

                      @wink2 arcane is a great build for anything on ember. He needs mana.

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                          No, not at all. It was their fault that game that I was just in. Sometimes games are just steamrolls. E.g. that last ES game was just a crush. Our mid lost hard, and we just didn't make anything happen. Got totally crushed. I don't really blame the team for entire team crushes like that, sometimes people just lose lanes. I blame a team when they are intentionally throwing a game, because "fuck that guy" mentality. In that game you were in rambo, you all intentionally avoided protecting our team farm. You guys literally told me, "We don't like you, can't you see it already?" or something like that.

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                            it's ok vandal you went 0/11 but it wasn't your fault, it was your team's fault, you played amazingly well gj man keep it up


                              ty very much

                              Quick maffs

                                "it's ok vandal you went 0/11 but it wasn't your fault, it was your team's fault, you played amazingly well gj man keep it up"


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