General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp With Quas/Wex Invoker?

Help With Quas/Wex Invoker? in General Discussion
Scorpion Smoker

    So I'm a relatively new player (about 330 games) and have recently set on the daunting task of mastering Invoker. After several bot games, I've gotten my 4-0-4-1/Quas/Exort Invoker play to an acceptable level, but I'm still struggling with Quas/Wex Invoker. Not mechanically; the Tornado/EMP combo is a lot easier to aim and pull off successfully than Tornado/Meteor/Deafening Blast, but I'm having trouble with just about everything else. Explained below.

    Mindset/General stuff: I feel really awkward when I play Quas/Wex Invoker, like it would have been so much better if I had gone Quas/Exort. For one, I can't lane with Forge Spirits, which makes me feel much weaker in the laning stage. I still have Cold Snap, but without Forge Spirits, it's less effective and, once again, harder to solo kill. Not only that, but I can't help out my teammates in other lanes at all, because Sunstrike will be useless and not even worth invoking at that point. Outside of teamfights, I generally just feel like having a Tornado/EMP ready is worse than a Cold Snap/Forge Spirits, or a Meteor/Cold Snap, or Tornado/Meteor, etc. I pretty much feel like a "walking ult" hero, like Tidehunter. Amazing in teamfights, but only "okay" in every other situation.

    Skill combos: I know the standard combo, Tornado/EMP, is basically a teamfight autowin, but what about after that? Deafening Blast? Ice Wall? Cold Snap is a given, but I don't know what else to do. Also, what do I use outside of teamfights besides Cold Snap? I don't have any Meteors or Sunstrikes for solo killing.

    Items: I've seen Grimorum's guide, but I'm skeptical about rushing a Refresher Orb. I feel like I should compensate for my low damage output with items in some way. Should I? Is that even a problem? For that matter, since I'm not pulling off SICK TORNAD0METEORBLASTICEWALLCOLDSNAPFORGESPIRITALACRITY combos, is the infamous Aghanim's even worth it? If I'm all about Tornado/EMP, I won't be casting something new every two seconds and juggling spells. I've also been considering the notion of getting a Blink Dagger, throwing damage completely out the window, and setting up a great 3/4/5 man Tornado/EMP or positioning a perfect Ice Wall with it, but once again, I really don't know.

    Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance for taking the time to read/respond!


      Unlike Quas/Exort build, which is most likely going to farm mid, Quas/Wex doesn't aim on winning the lane, since he's anyways most likely going to lose it due to the low damage output, so you use it to gank.
      If you ask me, Tornado+Emp is A LOT more useful than Cold Snap/Forge, when ganking. Not only that it completely destroys the enemy hero mana, it also pulls out quite some damage.

      After tornado emp you could follow up with a defeaning blast since it helps your teammates even more with the disable you have. However, if you pull off like a really good tornado you could also ice wall if you're sure it's gonna slow the most of the enemy heroes, it's not bad either.

      Yes, the damage output is low so you can get a Orchid Malevolence (I usually get it after a urn and drums). It is amazing since it also solves mana pool problems and regeneration. Blink is always cool but I, for one, don't really feel the use of it since you have such a high MS early->mid. Mb during late game if you get there, a blink could help pulling off a nice tornado/meteor/blast combo.

      I find aghanim's really useful, but only after I get some points into exort. Sometimes I get a hex before aghanim since it's such a good item.

      I'm not the best invoker or anything but I guess this could help a bit:P

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        plz no
        dont play this retarded invoker build
        its so ridiculous, every time i play competitive games, my team is like "WINK GO QW INVOKER"
        its so fucking boring and overpowered
        i hope it gets nerfed so i can play QE more often in tournaments and inhouses :/


          Day Stalker Build is my favorite atm:

          Rushing refresher with wex has extreme benefits as well as extreme deficits.


            QW invoker is more of a gay stalker. I hate this build, boring to play and OP.

            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

              QW invoker is a very good build on invoker... but with this builds its easy to lose your lane because you won't have enough damage to micro creep and you cant solo kill just like tthat..
              the only way to win lane is to harass the enemy and if possible try to lure him to your tower then you just snap him and hit hit hit then tornado :D

              Exort invoker is for retards who don't care about the game. they just want farm and will go midas try to get their agha then start to team fight....

              if you know how to play QW invoker you can make as much kill as Exort invoker... learn to control the damn mid and gank fucking lanes when needed... or just stop playing invoker :@


                QW too boring... i hope they nerf it soon.


                  "Exort invoker is for retards who don't care about the game."

                  stupidest thing i've read today so far, congrats

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