General Discussion

General Discussion[Guide] 5-stack MMR speed farming.

[Guide] 5-stack MMR speed farming. in General Discussion

    This lineup will farm your team MMR in no time. The goal is to rush down Roshan before the waves spawn, your level 2 team then proceeds to five man all the lanes with the goal of downing towers for a huge goal advantage. Games tend to last from 15-25 minutes. You need not worry much about counter-picking because the plan is mostly concealed from briefly looking at the lineup.

    Must haves: Furion, Bristleback

    Recommended lineup: Furion, Bristleback, Tormented Soul, Alchemist, Aggressive support [THD, VS, VISAGE, ETC]

    Alternatives: Other than Furion and Bristleback, you can feel free to swap in heroes and out. The only thing to keep in mind is you generally want a balance between pushing power and early game clash power.

    Mid: Everyone
    Top Everyone
    Bottom: Everyone

    There is no fixed route on which lanes you should claim first. You have to be flexible and use your own knowledge to decide if you should proceed down to the T2 towers in the same lane or rotate to the others. The only exception is that you should always down the T1 tower at mid first to cause panic among your enemies.

    STEP 1: Everybody should have their intended items on quick buy. Furion should cast Summon Treants immediately in base before they smoke. They should then IMMEDIATELY smoke and rush to Roshan. Buying items should take no more than 2-4 seconds. As you can guess, Bristleback will level goo first as Alchemist will level Acid Spray. This is to allow them kill Roshan in the shortest time possible. Bristleback should then get the Aegis and max spray.

    STEP 2: All of you have a level advantage now before the creeps have spawn. The enemy is bewildered and in shock. Now all you have to do is to start 5-manning the lanes. Most teams react slowly to this out of shock. Even if they DO react quickly and proceed to 5-man defend, you have a level advantage and you have BRISTLEBACK. This guy will literally carry your entire team through the fights with his spray. Not to mention your ally heroes are generally early game oriented. Proceed to get all the T1 and T2 towers. You do this fast so the enemies have no time to react. REMEMBER TO CLAIM ROSHAN WHEN THE OPPORTUNITY PRESENTS ITSELF.

    STEP 3: All the T1 and T2 towers are down. Access your situation now, do you proceed to starve them? Do you have time to get that second/third Roshan? Is your team strong enough to get a barracks? You decide.

    Generally it is up to you. What is recommended though, is that the supports should get Manaboots, Urn and Mek. In whichever order or priority you have to decide on your own depending on the situation. Should Furion go Necrobook? Should Bristleback get Vanguard? Once again, it is for you to decide. Keep in mind that small items like Vlads and Drums will greatly boost your teams overall power. There is no need to build huge items like Abyssal Blade or Bloodstone.

    You have to immediately decide, do you try to kill them or do you back off? Can you kill Roshan even after getting caught? Generally from the lineup, people might view it as a slightly push oriented one but it wouldn't warrant a five man check on Roshan, especially in pubs. In other words, you will almost always outnumber the person face checking Roshan. If your attempt to early Roshan is foiled, do not fret. You can return to a normal 3-1-1 lineup. This team has multiple compositions for the laning phases with two offlaner possibilities, powerful offensive trilanes with BB or a lategame to fall back on with Furion and Alchemist.

    You can always transition back into Roshaning and pushing when the opportunity presents itself (Everyone has gained some levels in laning and etc). Obviously you do this concealedly with 2-3 heroes roshaning while the rest remain in lane. Once that Bristleback has gotten that Aegis, you can proceed to butcher them in your obscenely powerful 5-man pushes.

    A 15-25 min action packed game with your team leading right from the beginning. Enjoy the stomp. Enjoy the MMR.


    I am not saying this lineup is universal nor am I saying that the strategy will win you all your games. It should however, win you quite a large portion in a small amount of times.

    I would appreciate any feedback, criticism as well as ideas on how this could be better or when it should not be used.


      and how much mmr you are right now? 6k?

      Oh Shit Waddup

        we did one of these cheese strats one time as a joke, me and 4 friends, except we went a lot of variation focussed on early push. We went Leshrac, NP, KotL of the light, enigma and venomancer. got the rosh and all outer towers by 6 minutes, but struggled to break high ground. (They had a good pudge). The game ended up going for 60 minutes and we only ended up winning with 5 necro books and just throwing ourselves at rax to get megas. Provided us with alot of laughs.


          I like KotL of the light.


            @Flop, I only did this like five times before my stack broke off and everyone didn't play much anymore. We won all five. The average was a 4.2k MMR stack

            @Jammin, yeah the weakness about all in push strats is you ultimately can't proceed to T3, hence I included heroes like Bristleback and Alch to give a bunch of fighting power.


              if you want fighting power, lycan is the best.

              i usually did what u do, with different lineup, alchemist/lycan/np/venge/visage.

              Proud Boi

                How about you virgins spend your time getting laid instead?


                  lawl 1450 jug games ;D

                  Proud Boi

                    STOP FLAME D:

                    PC Principal

                      1. Go AP
                      2. Instapick furi, zeus, bs, spectre and exvoker aka global homeboys
                      3. Don't let enemy stomp you earlygame
                      4. Win

                      ^ I hate this shit.

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                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                        Aggressive support.... Jakiro... I stopped reading.


                          Bane is an aggressive support. But its retarded in 5v5 clashes.

                          THD comes off as a defensive or neutral support. I consider it aggressive when its a 5v5 lane. Please be flexible in your thinking, thank you~

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!