General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh skill doto

High skill doto in General Discussion

    So i'm currently at 4400 and this is who i get in my game:

    Drow with BASHER
    Tinker with yasha
    Zeus farming woods since min 1

    Impressive rating system.

    Quick maffs

      When you range bash someone is one of the best fellings in this game


        Manta on tinker is common but unsure about the way he is doing it. Abyssal on Drow might also be a thing, who knows.

        King of Low Prio

          yup because the rating system can stop people from buying troll items...............


            It should stop them from winning games and reach ~4400 points or more.


              basher on ranged heroes is a stomp item

              tinker was prolly trolling


                In this case it was normal item for Drow to buy, since he maxed passive first and didnt skill slow at all. Clearly a noob
                And tinker probably got mad cuz he got raped by cold snap.
                Anyway it's stupid to see these kind of players in "more competitive games" above 4400


                  build without frost arrows isn't weird at all

                  King of Low Prio


                    I build horrible items, pick awful heroes and throw games but what happens is I hit a point where my skill can overcome my trollish nature. I could build battlefury on BH every game in the 3k MM and still win a good portion of my games



                      I'm not talking about good players that buy troll items cuz they are bored or whatever. Those players in my game were clearly noobs, their skill was way below their MMR points if i put it that way. If i didn't go for invoker, i'd probably lose cuz some newbie would throw mid.
                      I won't discuss about this anymore, i just wanted to show how bad players you can get with 4400 mmr. :)


                        i feel you man... but u prob suck too


                          prob not as much as u


                            try to get to my level first trash


                              abyssal on drow is good

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!