General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease Help

Please Help in General Discussion

    I've lost 18 out of my last 25 games. Could anyone here please take the time to go through it a bit and tell me what I should work on?

    Sup m8

      Don't play hard carries or semi carries as much, try supports. It doesn't look like you support much. Also don't go Mom and crit on lich....


        I used to play support a lot, but recently whenever I support we end up losing anyway because the carry fucks up.


          Everyone knows supports win games anyone can right click heroes and creeps


            hm? judging from the games of your lycan , i think you should have gone for more of a split push oriented items instead of bkb on lycan, they dont have a lockdown on your ulti except for ravage and you'll buy your team space to farm even when you died split pushing.

            for tb, have you tried getting drums instead of rushing a manta? it gives you more teamfighting ability in the earlier stage and only cost 1.8k. it pretty much enables you to farm up stats item in small parts. imagine having drums and yasha for 3.9k gold, you get the same stats for manta which is 5k and you dont really need to have the illusions so early on


              @کے Road to 2k Easy to say, but when you have carries who dive past rax for kills, supporting isn't rewarding anymore.

              @小虫子吃大鸟和熟食沙拉 Will do. Thanks.



                IDK why you built a mek on bristleback. Your item choices on the last 25 guys are kind of out of the ordinary. Theres a lot to go over but you if you are trying to do new characters that isn't in your to 6 you usually play, and you are building stuff out of the norm like that, I would highly suggest you hit the tab for proper builds in game for the highest vote would probably help.

                You dont play:

                Bristleback @ 40% with 10 times

                Terror blade @ 66% with 8 plays (not bad builds on this but more last hits needed at the time the game has ended since you aren't completely 6 slotted at the 35~45 min mark on the 3 losses I saw.

                Lycan: Needs to do split pushing or man fight build pick one or the other.

                Overall: I see you die a lot. Play safe. Even though your kills are over your deaths on some of your losses, stay alive. I know it sucks going back to base to heal, but its necessary so you aren't giving the other team a gold/xp advantage.


                  u talking in general or ranked/normal only?


                    bristleback mek is super standard wat.

                    King of Low Prio

                      well the trick I found to improve my winrate is to play drow over and over and make sure you buy mask of madness


                        @n7k1 Ranked. Don't know why, but normal games have lesser retards than ranked this week. Players aren't good, but they're more fun to play with.

                        Gone back to playing support, but shit's still the same:
                        Tried solo mid, but our Doom couldn't ulti an ES to save his life. Only NP was decent in this game:
                        This one was the best - solo mid Storm got creamed by an Invoker because he kept diving towers:

                        Short of a full stack, nothing seems to work.


                          luck of the draw


                            queue more with me.. just kidding

                            Low Expectations

                              If you think you are above the level of your mmr range you should last pick and pick the hero your team needs that way you will significantly improve your chance to win no matter how bad/good your carry is. Also I think that semi carries are the safest choice if you want to have huge impact since you have huge impact for the whole game AND can take over the carry role if your carry is shit. So heros like Mirana/Windranger/Razor

                              Dire Wolf

                                I disagreed with muted. Last picking might pigeonhole you into being a ward bitch and not being able to have much impact. Most impactful position is mid by far. If you pick a semi carry or carry and dominate mid you give your team a really good shot to win. Go with mirana, razor, viper, qop, storm, silencer etc. All those guys have good utility and can carry. Going with a mid like puck is fine, really good utility, but you won't carry late so if your carries don't turn early game into a gold advantage you'll still lose. Going with a mid like OD is fine but he doesn't really gank or have utility so if your team loses lanes it's still hard to win. Going with a razor or viper lets you farm and carry late as well as impact team fights early and gank.


                                  God, sad to see man..
                                  A few days ago i still remember you had 50%++ winrate..
                                  I had the same thing too, i tried position 1 last week, and just realised i lost almost 300 MMR


                                    Mek is a great item on Bristleback. What are you even talking about? It is great in many situations, and competitive players rush a mek pretty often also.

                                    From a cursory glance builds aren't the problem, it could just be one of those bad weeks where you lose more as a unfortunate product of random factors. Stay positive, you'll eventually get back to where you should be.

                                    I tried that, dropped 400 mmr in 2 weeks because I would inevitably end up on support. First picked carry and climbed back past my old rating.

                                    Blue in 22/25 of my recent solo queue matches.

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                                      @ Zenoth


                                      Doesn't look like a bad pickup I guess according to the stats, but a hood into a pipe seems like a better option. Seems like a sub par item to grab for a tank like bristle when the same cost going vanguard or hood of defiance would yield better results... It feels like a mek would be one of those items he grabs because the rest of the team isn't getting it. IDK just better stuff out there for bristle to be a big ol meaty meat tank.

                                      And on top of that... IDK why blademail is a frequently purchased item for bristleback if his "E" passive does quill spray if damaged over 250. When you activate the armor it doesn't proc his spray. But yet it's purchased constantly.

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                                        @Forever Muted If I'm being queued with idiots, it stands to say that my MMR is rated higher than it should be. I cannot be expected to one-man-show every game. I wonder if Valve would entertain me if I asked them to knock me down to 3000 to see if I get better mates.

                                        @-hg- Cpt. Caveman That Bristle game you're referring to was a draft game, and it was a misdraft. I picked Bristle without banning out Sladar/SP, and they went for Sladar+VS+SP armor reduction. My main problem is with AP ranked games. In SEA, you don't get even matches outside of AP because of the limited player pool.


                                          Hmmm too bad about the low player pool in CM/CD. AP is not that great because of the awkward silence as everyone is waiting to pick, then the timer is about to run out then the mad dash of picking people, no coordination in such a short amount of time beforehand. Its just a sloppy way to play I feel like.

                                          Too bad your ping wouldn't be better playing on something else other than SEA.


                                            @-hg- Cpt. Caveman It used to be, but once they changed the routing I've not been able to play elsewhere. I've tried USE/W and Australia before. The player pool there is generally less skilled, but people cooperate and most of them have common sense. Definitely more mature despite the drop in skill.


                                              About that lycan I think there was nothing wrong with picking up bkb. It's one of the most important items of the hero and in that game very useful. Maybe they didn't have much lockdown to your ulti but you would have melted during teamfight without bkb. Looks like the game was over well before you got out of jungle when looking at the results. Maybe you could have helped the lanes when you got lvl 6 or help your mid with giving him xp/last hit from roshan but other than that I think when you decide to take a jungler you take the risk that lanes are much weaker without another support. Looking at your tower damage it was quite low maybe working on getting the t1 towers as soon as you're done with jungle. Maybe you were safelane lycan or you were already destroyed at the point when you came online I don't really know without watching replay.

                                              All the other games I can't say much other than just watch the replays afterwards and practice your last hitting if you play carry. Map awareness and decision making are also really important even though I assume you already know that. It might just be bad luck because 25 games is not really big sample size.


                                                play some phoenix bro



                                                  Fuck this. I was 4-0 up and had Meka ready in under 8 minutes. PotM and Morphling kept farming and refused to push, we lost to split. I'm done with solo ranked.


                                                    Moved back to unranked, and surprise, the player pool is MUCH more competent.


                                                      Mek is so good on bristle just cause you can get it around 15 mins in rather than a support getting 25 mins in. Means you can fight succesfully alot earlier on


                                                        From +18 to -6 in a week, and now back on even terms.

                                                        I've started playing mid, and that's helped quite a bit.

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!