General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked such a failure

Ranked such a failure in General Discussion

    Not a failure on valves part but i need to see if alot of other people agree with me. In ranked you literally get the same people you hated before it was added. people too stubborn to do anything usually more than half your games. PERUVIANS (yes a few are good,but the majority will either spam well played, afk in base, last pick pudge etc. not all but we can agree that if so many people complain about them, alot of them are like that in-game). It seems that unranked would be better, yes you might think they will be worse but thats not the case. You will get chilled people, no afk we lose junkies, no intentional feeders (mostly in ranked, because people care about their mmr and butthurts pos's will drop theirs on purpose) people who will get a support if needed wards if needed. (there is no reason not to try, you wont get that mad if you lose and you will be gaining the same amount of skill playing ranked, because the playerbase was just split up by personality, not by skill. shitties and people like that and who want to lose on purpose tend to play ranked now which only fuels the topic even more) there is no i lost 200 mmr so i dont get a fuck fuck this game people.
    And again you cant really use the argument thats its more competitive, because it really isnt at all same baddies. Try regular matchmaking and tell me what you think, theres not way its worse than ranked.
    I just want to hear opinions on this.


      My suggestion would be to play inhouses, play regular matchmaking, because there are so many factors that contribute to losing your mmr. Do this until you get better then play ranked. After you get stuck again continue with regular. Otherwise youll get caught up in your number and seem to find no way out because of the ranked player base that is bad

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        I think you still have the option to play whatever you want, noone forces you to play ranked if you dont like it. Actually a lot of people stopped playing ranked couse they dont like tryhards and whines, and its okey. I came home drunk some days ago and decided to play a game, I queued for a normal, fed like hell and said sorry to my teammates in chat and they were like "ah dw, these games just happen", we tried to spam all our nukes when they broke base, killed one or two just for fun then let them finish, noone was mad. It was weird after mostly playing ranked and getting raged at all the time I die... :D But its the beauty of it too, you try harder. Dont look at mmr as a mumber, its a range of like 200-300 points. Also I like to stack and stacking in normal is way too easy, thats why im happy with ranked, more fair games if we are stack. I prefer solo normal though...

        King of Low Prio

          We all care alot


            ye unranked is definitely better, same skill players as stated in original post the reason why, but they are more chilled, forgiving, and have teamwork. Again unranked and ranked have been naturally separated through personality, but not skill unfortunately.

            King of Low Prio

              ranked is fine, nobody fault but your own for losing

              Sup m8

                Sampson is a wrong... It's usually your teams fault for losing.


                  yes sure.

                  its my fault that people buy pms on ranged
                  or retarded shits who level the passive more than 1 point in slark before maxing out others
                  Also people being afk in game and just returning every 4 minutes to kill a creep is my fault
                  peruvian commander is also my fault
                  + a retard picking pudge in your team is the best way of showing YOU are bad at this game

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                    pudge is a great hero, shame on you


                      regular matchmaking? since ranked came out, unranked puts me with 3k- players srsly
                      all the decent players are on ranked

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                        unranked games for me is like filled with 1k mmr opponents... i rather play vs bots


                          ༼ つỎ͖͈̞̩͎̻̫̫̜͉̠̫͕̭̭̫̫̹̗̹͈̼̠̖͍͚̥͈̮̼͕̠̤̯̻̥̬̗̼̳̤̳̬̪̹͚̞̼̠͕̼̠̦͚̫͔̯̹͉͉̘͎͕̼̣̝͙̱̟̹̩̟̳̦̭͉̮̖̭̣̣̞̙̗̜̺̭̻̥͚͙̝̦̲̱͉͖͉̰̦͎̫̣̼͎͍̠̮͓̹̹͉̤̰̗̙͕͇͔̱͕̭͈̳̗̭͔̘̖̺̮̜̠͖̘͓̳͕̟̠̱̫̤͓͔̘̰̲͙͍͇̙͎̣̼̗̖͙̯͉̠̟͈͍͕̪͓̝̩̦̖̹̼_Ỏ͖͈̞̩͎̻̫̫̜͉̠̫͕̭̭̫̫̹̗̹͈̼̠̖͍͚̥͈̮̼͕̠̤̯̻̥̬̗̼̳̤̳̬̪̹͚̞̼̠͕̼̠̦͚̫͔̯̹͉͉̘͎͕̼̣̝͙̱̟̹̩̟̳̦̭͉̮̖̭̣̣̞̙̗̜̺̭̻̥͚͙̝̦̲̱͉͖͉̰̦͎̫̣̼͎͍̠̮͓̹̹͉̤̰̗̙͕͇͔̱͕̭͈̳̗̭͔̘̖̺̮̜̠͖̘͓̳͕̟̠̱̫̤͓͔̘̰̲͙͍͇̙͎̣̼̗̖͙̯͉̠̟͈͍͕̪͓̝̩̦̖̹̼ ༽つ


                            There are basically two heroes ruining ranked for me. Pudge and invoker. Almost every single game someone that can't play either hero wants to play one of these heroes mid and usually fails costing his team the game.


                              i have pretty decent stats with pudge but i dont see him a lot in ranked cm mode

                              lots of vokers though... sometimes they still go quas/wex vs heroes like bs :c

                              Cherrer Pak

                                get a stack in rank if u dont wanna rage. If not , expect tryhards / retards (when things go wrong) . ps. its not a crime to tryhard.


                                  I added you the other day Alation. Feel free to play sometime. I think we spoke over steam? I think? Or you left a message one of the other.

                                  @ Dizzy

                                  That is pretty amazing having your text go outside your box for crying. I call hacks.



                                    Low Expectations
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                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        leagues & TSR would fix but but too much immature people know about it.


                                          TLDR But I have noticed there are a lot more stomps in ranked. its either a stomp win or a stomp loss, maybe 1 in 5 matches are ok. but mostly just noobs vs. decent players.



                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!