General Discussion

General Discussion'voker blanch

'voker blanch in General Discussion

    19:34 Viceroy: ice wall really needs a bugg
    19:34 Viceroy: buff
    19:34 Viceroy: its such dogshit
    19:35 Viceroy: first off it stinks as a slow
    19:35 Viceroy: secondly it has a 100 cast range, every other voker spell can be used from upwards of 1000
    19:36 Viceroy: which is exactly what you want to be doing especially without exort points
    19:37 Viceroy: Give ice wall a buff, quas becomes competitive
    19:37 Viceroy: either make it do actual damage instead of the piddly 5 dps it has
    19:38 Viceroy: give it a cast range at the very least of 500
    19:38 Viceroy: make it useful past level 4 q which slows to minimum speed
    19:40 Viceroy: also, make cold snap buff last 20 seconds, but it expires once x stuns are used up
    19:41 Viceroy: in use it is a buff but only because it makes the skill more useable which is what ALL skills should be
    19:42 Viceroy: I think exort is arguably fine where it is, good candidate for either 1st or 2nd dump if your team needs more damage instead of more disable (q)
    19:43 Viceroy: Wex might need a nerf, in the form of scrubbing down EMP by a tad... just adjust the numbers a little and I think it will be fine.
    19:44 Viceroy: I don't think you should be able to destroy 400 mana in an aoe at level 7
    19:44 Viceroy: its too easy to completely destroy so many heroes
    19:45 Viceroy: Make it do no or less damage, reducing the damage of wex builds (and making e more appealing), and make it burn 25 less mana per level, 50 instead of 75
    19:49 Viceroy: Or, make it burn quadratically more mana with more points in w. So at level 4 w,, you burn 350, but at level 7 you burn 700
    19:49 Viceroy: The thing is even if you adjust the numbers on EMP its still such a cheesy skill
    19:50 Viceroy: Either you or an ally stuns then you drop emp on top of them and bam, mana pool obliderated on many heroes, and crippled for the rest.
    19:51 Viceroy: If you make the numbers lower all you do is make the skill unusable
    19:51 Viceroy: It has like a 900 cast range so there is so little risk in using it
    19:52 Viceroy: Make the cooldown longer maybe?
    19:52 Viceroy: It's still so easy to throw a nado then an emp, so no matter what you do
    19:53 Viceroy: Like if you burn enough mana for cent to be unable to stomp and ult, that's too powerful, but not enough, and it's useless
    19:53 Viceroy: It needs to be harder to be used somehow
    19:54 Viceroy: Also, make it so you can invoke and change instances while ghost walked
    19:54 Viceroy: either from level 1 or with enough points in quas
    19:55 Viceroy: and then bam, invoker is a viable ganker with quas build
    19:55 Viceroy: pusher with e build and turtler with w build


      i only read like first 6 rows and got bored if u honestly think icewall is shit ur crazy :D just saying and anymore buffs on invoker and he def be OP


        FUCK YOU




          oh,and btw at level 7,you are looking at a 700 pure damage nuke.


            Icewall is VERY STRONG what are you talking about? It's an AoE slow (big slow FYI) that does DoT which means it procs Cold Snap, AND it cannot be purged by BKB. Blink Icewall on a Lifestealer or enemy with BKB is BRUTAL.


              ^ for the record, BKB purges Ice Wall after approximately 1.75 seconds.


                Voker is Fine

                Ples Mercy



                    Who the hell is Viceroy

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