General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 account flagged as disruptive for 867 hours???

Dota 2 account flagged as disruptive for 867 hours??? in General Discussion

    Is this for real? I went to play a game with my cousin who is 2.7k mmr and i told guys they were noobs once or twice because they really fed like crazy (no other insults whatsoever) and i got revoked for A FUCKIN MONTH? I did not get reported for few months so i dont get how is this possible. Can i write to someone or do something about it? I think thats not only stupid - it's cruel.

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        I didn't even know this was possible


          me niether u can get 30 day ban for hacking (running 3rd party programs) i do not believe u can get 30 day ban for abusive behaviour or else 90% of dota would be banned :D


            Me neither. How can you get so long revoke being reported by (max) 3 players?


              u cant :)


                Well, guess what - I JUST GOT. I didnt write or say pretty much anything out of the teamchat, so i dont have a clue what the fuck is this.

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                  Stop cheating :P


                    maybe an admin or someone within valve. I hear people get banned by devs or whatever for intentional losing/feeding that is obvious. Not sure but seems to be the only way to get over 5 games of low prio, or 168 hours of mute at once.


                      Cheating?? You serious lol? I like Dota way to much to even think about it. And i have way too much commends to be an abusive person, so i dont have a clue what is with people or this report system.

                      If anyone knows who can i contact to solve this just tell me pls, would be much aprecciated.

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                        Make a steam support ticket and wait 3 weeks for a reply then wait another 1 week for solution and then ur unbanned :)


                          Very comforting, ty :D

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                          Ples Mercy

                            well i get muted every week for 1 week. basicly i get muted for 1 week, then i have a day to rage on every russian shittier player and then i get muted again. So every week i have 1 day to flame people.


                              muted for 168h for first time, this is bullshit, pile of crap in a few moments all cunts will come here and say u deserve it

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                              Ples Mercy

                                you deserve it fagget


                                  ROFL. Well, at least i learned something. Either be quiet and behave nice, or leave it all out and be like Blunt. Being muted for 36 god damn days is a bit too much for someone who only told his team they were noobs.


                                    And no atum, i didnt deserve this by any means. That wasnt worth even a hour.

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                                      im the biggest troll and ive never once been muted/banned/low priority LOL! even on my main with like 2k games >.<

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        bro i was talking to atum.

                                        Also, you got a month for being an asshole to new players. Volvo staff saw that and gave u a harder punishment, since new players are important to the game. You deserve your month as much as i deserve my 3 month mutestreak.


                                          Lol Dizzy, lucky you. Maybe they just didnt realize you were trolling them or they were out of reports already. I guess i should go and change my nick, not lucky at all.

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                                          Ples Mercy

                                            dats wut u get. dun provoke almighty scrubs.


                                              "Also, you got a month for being an asshole to new players."

                                              Players with 1000+ games are not new players. They're just noobs, or else they wouldnt have 2k rating.

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                                              Ples Mercy

                                                well then you got a month for telling a volvo staff that he sux. I don't care, you deserve it. NOW SUFFER THE WRATH OF THE MUTEGOD



                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                    i had an invoker, going for quas exort and kept using tornado and EMP with 1 lvl in wex. I couldnt call him a fucking retarded pile of shittier player.

                                                    I didnt feel sad though, i pinged him and spammed well played, he got the message.


                                                      It's actually very possible that a guy in my team was someone from Valve, cause i got muted instantly and for that unhuman duration. Fuck abusing admins, what he did was abuse of the position and he should be dissmised from the job. It's like if i worked in a bank and someone told me i work too slow. Should that person be banned from the bank or not get any money for a month? Every normal person would agree that thats abuse of the position that person has.

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                                                        pic or didnt happen

                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                          don't be sad, i am muted for like 3 months, go with it, you get used to it. Also you get very creative telling people messages.

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                                                            when im muted i add ppl from my team just to flame them #true

                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              stronk flam0r


                                                                they never add me back tho :(((((


                                                                  HAHHH why does everything blunt said sound soo fucking familiar.. llololo

                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                    idk mb u psychic?

                                                                    Lester, Moe

                                                                      Well played!
                                                                      Well played!
                                                                      Well played!
                                                                      Well played!
                                                                      Well played!
                                                                      Well played!
                                                                      Well played!


                                                                        THANK GOD, it was only a bug or someone somehow reduced it to a really small number. I went to play a test bot match with real people and now it says 22 hours. That's more apropriate, i was really desparate while i was trying like 20 times if it says right my last game.

                                                                        JC - Affirmative! :)

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                                                                          muted fellows please show some support to my just-created thread in dev.dota


                                                                          Lester, Moe

                                                                            yeah i didnt really think it was possible to get that long of a mute since once i got muted and it said -360 hours than it went to normal

                                                                            being muted aint fun cuz after saying Well played! a lot you start to go a little crazy


                                                                              hope your game dies to Blizzard All-Stars you goddam apes.


                                                                                If someone is real asshole who does not shut up or saying garbage to whole team undeserved - in that case i aprove revokes. Also in cases of intentional abusers or feeders. I think they should be banned or put in LPQ for even longer time. But in case of text "abuses" people are really quickly butthurt and mutes for a week are a little bit too much. Anyway, i can bear one day with spamming "Well played" :)

                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                  hahahaha so funny blunt


                                                                                    Did someone say disruptive?


                                                                                      No pilot included sadly :)


                                                                                        well im also in that group that gets 168 hours mute ban every week.... fuck them rly like i cant fucking tell them they fucking suck after repeatedly failing. stupid motherfucking morons, u win them the game and they stilll whine and shit


                                                                                          how do u win games when muted holy fuck it's so hard

                                                                                          Retard Security Detail

                                                                                            I find being muted while on a shit team easier to deal with. You want to spam chat and shit all over them but you cant, so you just say "relax, your doing fine" and move on. Oddly thou i haven't been muted in some time, and I have not been nicer to trashy peruvians etc.


                                                                                              Well 1st time 24hours,2nd time 48 hours,3rd time 168 hours. If the time passed by and the timer reset, you will just get 24 hours mute as like it happened for the first time.

                                                                                              I know this because I always ask teammate uninstall dota, fuck russian noob, go leave game etc whole game. So thats how the valve systems work/

                                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                                You are all dicks

                                                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                                                  And you're a vagina.


                                                                                                    "I find being muted while on a shit team easier to deal with." - agree on that one. Sometimes it's better you cant write, cause you focus on your own play more.


                                                                                                      calm your tits, its a display bug. you got a normal mute ban (24/48/168 hours), its just showing the wrong number. Ive seen people with 12435869402 hours mute

                                                                                                      Darth Cowboy

                                                                                                        If I get banned again for talking crap, I will not spend another dime on this game. I have been buying on sale hero sets everyday for a while, now I get banned. I will continue to spend money, however, if dota doesnt like me talking shit and giving them my money? Ill play another game and spend 3 or 4 hundred dollars a year on it.

                                                                                                        That is what the "ignore" and "mute" buttons are for. I am banned for 24 hours. I am not buying any more sets if i get banned.

                                                                                                        If I can't comunitcate to people I wont play, If I dont play, I dont spend money.

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                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!