General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get into focus before a DotA 2 match?

How to get into focus before a DotA 2 match? in General Discussion

    I have always been semi-zoned out while playing, and I know for a fact it affects my decision making and accuracy. Does anybody have any tricks or something that helps with focus and concentration?


      I listen to this or this before the game, when it is something serious. Also - a nice cup of tea is never unwelcome. Re-hydrating the mind and a small break after every game is good)


          Bfore must-win tournament matches:
          The warm up:
          1v1 against an unfair bot for a few mins

          The tune:

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            masturbate furiously and beat your chest like Matthew McConaughey?

            On a serious note. the most important thing is to be calm, relaxed and in a good mood. re-queuing in a rage after a loss is a bad idea.

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              I "zone out" like you when I listen to music while playing. When I want to get serious I just off the music and turn on the ingame music.


                But I'm hardly that affected by being distracted and not concentrating on the game.

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                  I Personaly go on practice mode for 10 mins and spamm spells in wtf mode listening to some Good D&B music:)


                    masturbate before playing. im dead serious

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                      Darkness, you use the same routine on LAN events? :D


                        Yea, last time i came as rtz walked in the stoll because he didnt know it was occupied. Thats why he is sad

                        Woof Woof

                          what i used to do in fps days [ works in dota 2 also ]
                          1] lie on the floor and close your eyes( cut yourself from any noise possible - close doors etc ) - lie there for like 5/10minutes and breath deeply after 5/10minutes wake up and move really slowly almost like retarded person most important part here are your eyes and how u use them( dont skip area like when u go through headers for example on reddit like this - - - but instead go full way which is like this --------------------- ) very important part here is to move your eyes way more with minimal head movements and area skipping You should feel like your eyes move softly do one circle through your room with your body and eyes [ very important part here is not listeing to any music when u want to be at peak of your performance even thou u are going to zone out music due to very deep focus your head still register it and waste enrergy on it]

                          2 ] wooden technique - no body chill/focus required - you do same thing here when it comes to how u use your eyes start local game and move your eyes reallly slowly through screen like retarded person move around with your char really slowly, last hit some creeps etc but focus on being slow it should take around 5/10minutes until u vanish from reality fully into the game then u should to few sets of fast moves like jumping with camera from corner to corner checking stash etc give it like 2/3mins and then drop it and look for game

                          3 ] reading a book where u mainly focus on letters for 15/20minutes

                          #last thing u should be doing is getting emotional so if you are going to use any kind of music make sure its some slow paced stuff with minimal amount of words

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                            I can't listen to Gurren Lagan music without thinking of Yoko and then I get distracted xD
                            The other song is nice though

                            @Everyone else
                            Thanks for the advice!

                            Sol Devguy

                              Need to clarify conditions when it happens. Personally i have several reasons for it. I'm too excited, bored or just can't concentrate while music playing.

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