General Discussion

General DiscussionDotA detox

DotA detox in General Discussion
Quick maffs



      ~ You are a part of us now ~ huehuehue


        ^ For now until my studies start


          Lmao Sampson you are pathetic as hell, your arguments that water can be toxic and boxing 100% of the time leads to brain damage are just retarded as shit, they take things to a point of extremes like this I'm gonna go ahead and debunk your bitchy little video too so you can stop acting like you've found something with any serious value when clearly given by the music alone it's a retarded video.

          10. Improved Dexterity - firstly I completely don't believe those numbers, back them up, no fucking way is any surgeon making 37% more 'errors' what the fuck do you call an error in surgery anyway? death? misplacing a tool? come on be realistic if there is a marked difference like that between errors at the surgery table then someone is getting fired soon. Secondly I'd expect that to be an obvious improvement (but by a small margin) if you're playing something like video games casually, but since we're talking about addictions and extremes I'd like to see the test re-done for 10 hour a day doto players then try to me they're more dexterous than the average athlete.

          9. Education - Video games are the realm of intelligent people, or geeks. There's about as much validity in this argument as saying models on average are more attractive than gamers. Fucking genius.

          8. Physiotherapy - This is referring to motor based games such as the Wii, not doto.

          7. Stress relief - Don't make me laugh with regards to mobas... sure SOME games probably do relieve stress, the same games that help with physiotherapy I bet. Any MMORPG and MOBA builds stress, let's be honest, if you try to win a game of doto at any point within it's 25-50 minute average game length you will be stressed. The example given here to 'back up' the claim is bejeweled, hardly a gamers game now is it.

          6. Multitasking - Again this kind of relates to the fact that the average intelligence of a gamer will be higher than the average person just off the fact that gamers are geekier. Let's be honest, if you were a gorgeous dude who got all the girls and was really good at sport or whatever, you wouldn't want to spend 10 hours a day on doto. Plus I'm not really sure what the idea of multi-tasking is here as in the images on the video every person is NOT multitasking, instead just looking at a screen and seems somewhat warped. Maybe it means gamers can chase gold and get exp at the same time, wouldn't really class that as multitasking.

          5. Improved eyesight - 10+ hours a day at a computer screen does not improve your eyesight. The study here says 2 keys things - 1. they played 2 hours a day 2. not all games helped. This argument therefore is far less powerful than you would like to admit Spamson.

          4. Relationships - 76% of couples who game together say it has a positive impact on their relationship. I'm sure the real stat is something like 90% of couples who share hobbies say it has a positive impact on their relationship. And let's be honest, on average, gamers have less relationship and struggle more in a social context. Perhaps they are better at keeping relationships because they value the other person more, but they're certainly no way more adept at getting them. So let's look at the whole picture here.

          3. Pain relief - Patients pain ratings for burns decreased by 50% while gaming. No shit. Your attention to pain decreases whenever you're not thinking of that pain. I'm sure it would decrease even more if you were being chase by a tiger, you ain't got time to think about it. By that logic being chased by tigers is good for you.

          2. Increased IQ - This is the same point as education worded differently.

          1. Faster Responses - 'the ability to shoot a zombie quickly translates to the real world' - what? the example used is that reaction times are comparable to jet fighter pilots... Ok. Perhaps you can move a mouse quicker, or a joystick quicker, but can you run quicker? no. Will you react to a baseball being thrown at you quicker? no. This is bs because it's one dimensional.

          Your attitude of I'm always right and I'm right because I'm right is just pathetic too. I'm not afraid to admit that there are some benefits to gaming. If you game 1 hour a day. But let's be honest this has become more than that. I'm 100% sure that there are more beneficial things to do in that one hour. Plus the logic of your arguments read something like this -

          If I do Ecstasy I become more social and dance more. Ecstasy is good for me.
          Water is good for people, apparently, but if you drink 20 liters of it without stopping you might die.
          Conclusion - Ecstasy is better for me than water.

          Lethal levels of water > not lethal levels of ecstasy. I'm right because I'm right (and of course in that example it is true).

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            Sampon, Dorkly and Guiry, I don't think you have to argue until that extend. We can just think that anything that too much is not good for us. Playing games is good, but if until you can't stop and control yourself that becomes bad.

            Until now i only know that playing hard games can makes you stronger in life. Because in hard game, you learn to endure constant failure and keep trying until you succeed and i think that's a good mentality.

            King of Low Prio

              LOL @ Guiri

              'I am going to debunk you with my OPINIONS'

              sorry son that is not how it works


                Do you realise how hypocritical you are? All you've thrown as your arguments are 'opinions' and you act like you preach the word of god? I've actually quoted two references. What have you done? shown a home made video. GGWP.

                Playing a hard game does not teach you to endure failure. Get out of the first world if you want to learn life lessons like failure.


                  “Important research has already been conducted for decades on the negative effects of gaming, including addiction, depression and aggression, and we are certainly not suggesting that this should be ignored,” said lead author Isabela Granic, PhD, of Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands. “However, to understand the impact of video games on children’s and adolescents’ development, a more balanced perspective is needed.”

                  Your own article argues against the point I assume you're trying to make.

                  Additionally, the entire article is a hypothetical based one. Not one single finding is reached. Only sentences such as 'Playing video games MAY also help children develop problem-solving skills,' are present which suggests no actual research has been concluded that found empirical evidence in favor (categorically speaking) of video games for any substantial period of time.

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                    I won't learn failure in the first world you are talking about, lol.
                    It cost so much money and time


                      Again you've misjudged the context, I'll assume English isn't your first language. I said GET OUT of the first world not stay there. Trying to seriously say that hard video games teach you life skills such as perseverance is utter bollocks.


                        To be honest, I don't get what you mean by first world.

                        King of Low Prio

                          'Important research has also been done on the hazards of fluorescent lights' does not mean NEVER USE FLUORESCENT LIGHTS it means that they have done research into it.


                            Please, find where I said never play games ever in your life. I actually agreed with you that one or two hours gaming per day can be beneficial but you were probably too busy trying to prove yourself right that you missed that point.

                            You're the only one who's used extremes here.

                            @ Yfay, first world refers to the developed and 'rich' world. Normally if you're living in the first world you can go through life underachieving your way into anything you want, I've certainly done it in the past. Serious life lessons aren't exactly around every corner.

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                            Dire Wolf

                              Dota isn't really that hard to drop. I think dropping all video games would be difficult because I'd get bored. But I quit dota all the time to go back to single player rpgs and strategy games like civ. Like I ran through all the deadspace games a few months ago, loved em. You realize that dota is extremely stressful, just not being able to pause anything is stressful. In a single player you take a break whenever you want, go eat a sandwich, whatever, and you cannot lose, you're just playing for fun. I often get off of dota just feeling angry lol.


                                @guiri sampson is a troll dont waste your time arguing with him

                                Woof Woof

                                  lol at improving yourself - most self improvement material is mainly scam and 99% of that industry is no different from gaming where they sell fairy tales and 'good feels'

                                  Woof Woof

                                    here for example you have self help guru responsible for death of 3 people lets not forget to mention that other self help gurus stood behind this murderer

                                    i see no reason why someone whos ahead in x field would waste his deep/beter knowledge to help others and make things way harder for himself in long run F
                                    Which field here doesnt even matter most stuff is fuckin scam starting from financial books like rich trash asian and poor trash asian ending on garbage like motivation and seduction filled with shady people and brainwashing marketing

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                                      God I 100% completely with you that the whole 'self-improvement' industry is bullshit. But you can find it within yourself without the help of others.

                                      and atum, I plan on dropping this now, given that Spamson can't seem to even acknowledge an argument. I don't mind arguing but he's just too one dimensional.