General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero to play?

What hero to play? in General Discussion

    What hero should i start to play in order to win games actually? I'm dropping from 4400 and i barely stop loss streaks. Basically i get at least 1 newbie every game.
    lycan, invo, slark, tb ? And what type of play?


      depends on what strength do u have as a player.
      If u have good mechanic + map awareness : invoker
      If u have good micro + farm : tb
      If u can manage againts trilane or duolane as a offlane : slark
      If u want to win or climb from 4k-5k : Lycan. Looolololololol.


        Slark and slardar are easy and imba in pubs. Also maybe I'm wrong here but you have a low winrate for your KDA- if you give up and wait in the well while you are loosing there is no way to come back... Its ok to die, WR is more important than KDA- or your just unlucky


          That is exactly what i can't figure out. I play good, join teamfights, get kills. Yet, i CANT win fucking game. (look at pugna game -> game thrower Bara)


            Kills = nothing
            throne = everything

            King of Low Prio

              when I want to win a match I pick NP because I can either wreck heroes if we get ahead early or win by being a king rat


                Slark ez win


                  Yeah nothing helps. I can't believe this fucking system literally forces me to lose 7 games in a row. Bullshit Vulva. This game is free to play for a reason, i feel sorry for the kids buying hatz.

                  King of Low Prio


                    you had the lowest gpm except for the 5 support role (and he was pretty damn close)

                    this isnt valve forcing you to lose its ur own damn fault


                      sadly the ones who win the most are the stackers....
                      and if u dont excel at anything ur just gonna keep losing...
                      i rly cant see u as a pubstar of above 4k so enhoy it while it lasts


                        Oh good u found the game where i wasnt playing well. that's one in a 5 games.
                        How about other fucking games where my retarded teammates throw won games?

                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                          Rubick/AM or Clinkz looks like your best choices out of the characters you have in your arsenal to start making game changes for win/loss % for hard carries.


                            Yeah that's what i'm gonna do - or delete this time wasting game- :D
                            tnx bb


                              NP BraToS keep up the good fight and don't listen to the haters out there. I've increased my stats by 700 the past month on solo MMR with some insight from more helpful folks here.

                              Sampson is helpful but don't blame it all on the MM system. I would take a close look at your invoker game. I watched a bit and saw a few last hits early that could've been made. He's just a bit more abrasive and real about it. Probably put up your invoker for a bit and try out some other characters that you have a good w/l % on and practice on unfair bots or unranked find a match.

                              Don't listen to Benao start excelling in one of those 3 i picked for you rubick/am/cinkz you have a good win % with them and can start excelling in those.


                                Captain caveman like an angel from heaven :3


                                  @-hg- Cpt. Caveman
                                  Thanks man, i know my Invo sucks sometimes. I play it because of EMP only. I know Sampson is helpful, it's alright.
                                  Anyway, i'm gonna try that shit or get rid of this game. ty :P


                                    hmm aghanim before lv 20 is good?

                                    Proud Boi

                                      Juggernaut obviously.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!