General Discussion

General Discussionphase boots mom on sniper

phase boots mom on sniper in General Discussion

    hey, this is my fav build on sniper and imo the most (and from experience the only) effective build on him. I started my first 10 games or so with sniper feeding and being completely useless. then this build changed my feed to pwnage. seriously so much pwnage in these 2 items.

    Problem is, they are not built often. they are not even popular items on sniper. In the items tab on heroes, they are outside the 5 most commonly built items. In 5 million games phase and mom are built only 600k and 800k times respectively, which translates to below 20% of the games.

    I even see sniper as a new meta offlane hero because the dps provided by this 2 items combined with his headshot carries him well into lategame. In many of my sniper games my gpm isn't the highest but I'm always the biggest cannon on the team, slicing through the battlefield.

    I also never build sb. The few times i built it, it was either for fun or it was well into the late game after I got all my items( I use it as survival during the teamfight because teamfights are chaotic and heroes targeting me dont always have the dust)

    PS. Also, I'm honestly surprised the wr with mom and phase boots separately are only 50%
    PS2. I play at roughly 4500 mmr and I see it perfectly possible to play sniper the same way at higher mmrs

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      MoM doesn't stack with Desolator.


        I don't build desolator. I build maelstrom after mom.

        King of Low Prio

          I usually go phase boots MoM Mjollnir then whatever item I need (MKB butterfly etc.)

          have to go a glass cannon and use your teammates as meat shields


            ^exactly. In fact that upgrade to mjolnir isnt necessary most of the time. Other items just feel like accessories when you already have phase boots mom maelstrom

            King of Low Prio

              the active ability has won me fights and the attack speed is nothing to brush off


                i really like this build, just pop on phase->MoM->daedalus and you are set
                they are not popular because only few people pick sniper in tournament?
                and MoM is too risky to be used in a big scale game like tournament anyway

                in fact, not really unpopular:

                King of Low Prio

                  it is risky item BUT it is a risk to pick sniper in the first place. Too many people just go shadow blade and become a useless KS'n bot.


                    Power Treads + Hyperstone = 93 attack speed all the time

                    Sniper's second skill Headshot deals physical damage, this is why Desolator is soo good on him. Besides, Desolator increases damage from your teammates.

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                      ^I always thought headshot deals magical dmg.. nonetheless, desolator is never as good as mom. the reason for building phase boots and mom is for the movement speed as well as the attack speed. with desolator, how many times can you hit an enemy hero without lockdown?


                        Also yfay I don't think it is risky. Sniper's range pretty much offsets any chances you will be targetted.


                          even in tornament scale? we talking about mad organised team like fnatic/alliance/na'vi here

                          MoM is pretty unpopular item on tournament for a reason.

                          King of Low Prio

                            phase boots are built for mobility

                            King of Low Prio

                              anything below a tournament level match I would take MoM. The meta is quite different between ranked ladder and professional matches

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                                You have problems with chasing, because you don't know how to use your Q skill. Probably you just max your passives first. This is what makes you weak in mid game on the first place.


                                  Getting a MoM on any hero like sniper means you will die fast, especially if they have a nyx.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    mobility /= chasing


                                      Better skill build for mid sniper.


                                        What i answered is the question about how this build is unpopular even though it's a very good build.

                                        A build become popular if a professional team is using the build on tournament because the nature of players copying build from pro players

                                        Let's say Cook's build on invoker (brown boots -> force staff -> necro) later popularised by Dendi
                                        but why people build phase->eul? because grimorum is more popular than cook

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          just because someone builds a item and makes a video does not mean that that is THE build

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            you can see Dendi going shadow blade first item that doesnt mean that shadow blade is a great item to get on sniper.....


                                              MoM + Skadi could be fine btw.

                                              If you really value mobility and positioning on Sniper, why not to buy Blink Dagger? With new 950 attack range you can do funny things. Like shooting from trees or cliffs. Or not... IDK.

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                                                "You have problems with chasing, because you don't know how to use your Q skill. Probably you just max your passives first. This is what makes you weak in mid game on the first place."

                                                says someone with 6 games of sniper and a 1-5 record at it. you theorycraft too much and you think that his shrapnel stops any enemy hero from moving, like veno's gale but with 2000 range. truth is it doesn't. I build headshot and take aim first because it gives so much dps in practice.


                                                  Yes, I started playing 5 months ago and thought that Sniper is a hero "for beginners". Because he was in tutorial. But soon I realized that this hero requires too much map awareness, far beyond my skill level.


                                                    Soultrap is like Relentless Beta version nowdays. :D

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      at least relentless gave me numbers and charts to look at


                                                        well soul trap taught me smth. I think he should try out phase mom.


                                                          Headshot does physical damage, but the mini-stun is considered magical. Stacks with MKB for tons of procs.

                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!