General Discussion

General DiscussionIs someone willing to analyse my Abaddon game?

Is someone willing to analyse my Abaddon game? in General Discussion

    I'm looking to improve on my abaddon KDA and winrate because i find he's a fun hero to play, and I am interested in someone analysing my most recent game to see where i could improve

    I was playing hard support abaddon, what could i do to improve?


      Support your team by telling them not to buy vanguard
      Dont but a 2nd AC, replace with shivas because it has a small nuke
      Buy a HHalberd instead of ac, they have loads of rightclick
      Support dota by suggesting LoL to viper,invoker,naix
      Tell kunka to go back to farmville

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        naix skadi invoker veil -.,-
        what u did is fine, the important thing of aba is positioning and know the right time to use aphotic shield. just that.


          i didnt notice we had an AC up on the team, had i already i would have probably gone for the halberd, my entire team was russian and i was kinda forced to just run around after them


            LOL dat naix

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              Looks like you were forced into slot 4 or 5 support.

              For language barriers what has been working for me on telling the team what I'll build is alt+click the item in the shop and says "ill build AC" so it should tell them in their language what you are buying. That has helped me immensely on language barrier issues (had 3 games in a row with hispanic/latino? Spanish speaking folks idk which they were!)

              I think you did fine from what I watched some mishaps early/mid on the atrophic shield when I would have casted it on them. Other than that I mean a lot of these things come down on communication on who's buying what for the team and item builds.

              P.S. Your NAIX was not that great on your team. Barf what a turd item build and farmer.


                i wasnt actually forced into the 4/5 slot, i picked abaddon like third in the team, i did do the alt click thing with items like mek but by the end of the game (when i could actually afford the AC) i didn't bother because we were winning so hard

                also yeah i realised i messed up a few shields on people, but i was mainly forced into following people around, no one announced really when they were going to push, when they were going to stay and fight and stuff so overall i think that only needs a little work

                i realised the naix was not great XD, spectre was also a douche after i accidentally stole a kill at the end of the game with mist coil, after all the supporting i did during the game he just went "omg. reported." in the most serious tone possible. i hate solo queue sometimes

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                  then dont ask shit


                    why skadi is so popular nowdays?
                    or people doesnt know which stats is important for your hero?
                    so they pick mediocre stats item?
                    do you know that this is very overpriced item effectiveness / cost?
                    is it because the buff in 6.79 patch?


                      I didn't get the skadi, the lifestealer did, I was abaddon


                        yeah i know :p
                        but for your question pretty much already answered by the others, just shivas instead of cuirass


                          Hmm yeah that seems like a nice idea, thanks! :P

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