General Discussion

General Discussion[Guide] Tinker - Science in action!

[Guide] Tinker - Science in action! in General Discussion

    Pretty sure we lost to ourselves. Notice how our morph has 79 last hits and our Veno has over 200. You know those days when nobody wants to work together? This was one of those days.


      2 Missiles at the same target. 695 pure damage at level 6, seems balanced lol

      Quick maffs

        Look, i understand what you are saying, but the amount of damage that tinker does is ridiculous, he does 600 damage from ONE cast of rockets, that its more than 2 nukes from any hero, refresh hex is almost unfair to be against, and the snowball potential of the hero is ridiculous too, i am a 3,5 k player too and it is true that in our lvl its hard to see a good tinker player, but it happens.

        Snowball kind of game :

        Farming and rushing a hex: ( bad farm by me but whatever )

        Plus tinker can make hold a game alone if your team is losing: this game our team lost since minute 5 or something ( i played with 4 bad friends :P ) i am sure if i was playing any other hero we would had lost the game by 30 minutes or less, plus look at the Hero Damage, its insane.

        TL:DR Tinker is already OP in a pub game if played by someone with experience with the hero.

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          According to Dotabuff Plus (hahaha I paid $6 to see this info):

          My winrate against Tinker in the last year is: 66.67%

          Okay, so it's not 1 or 2 games like it appears, but mentally I don't fear Tinker, and the data shows it. I have a statistically significant advantage when facing Tinker. That's fine by me!

          Quick maffs

            ^I think i had 5 games in total against tinker, 3 games the enemy tinker got BoTs by 20 minutes or something, one game he rushed euls, and i only had one game where we actually lost to a tinker ( the guy got fed by a bloodseeker in lane ), but this is because i am still in the trash braket


              ^Dotabuff says this for you Dorkly:

              Winrate against Tinker: 71.43%
              Games played: 14

              Quick maffs

                rolf had no idea, i dont remenber those games but whatever.

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                  [*]Merlini talking about THE FLUX, how to use march properly

                  Quick maffs

                    Thx that helped


                      hey guys just a quick question. I've been learning to play tinker for a while (slowly improving the win%) but i find my biggest trouble is the early game and getting last hits, i very rarely get a 7min BoT unless i get a kill. What starting items do you guys normally go for ?, ive tried getting some stats but dont like it much as it delays bottle, tried just going straight up bottle first, that was ok at times but had trouble last hitting, now i just get a single mantle into bottle and spam lvl 1 lazer a ton to get creeps and as you can see from my other heroes played i know the mid mechanics. I'll march the 40s wave and go and grab the rune which is when the bottle first build works fairly well, however, when i play in games where the opponent supports guard the runes for their mid then i start to struggle. How often do you guys leave the lane to kill some NC's or stack


                        You need to get used to tinker's animation. His animation is a bit unusual but definetly not bad. His damage isn't low either. If you're having trouble to last hit consider starting with Null Talisman for a nice boost on damage


                          yeah his attack animation is a little funny, i find myself missing "free" last hits at times too but im sure that will come once i play him more. what items do you guys generally start with ? and how do you guys cope when the other team just camps runes, bottle crow ?


                            starting items are null / circlet / boots / whatever you want, I just don't like branches because magic wand isn't very good on Tinker.
                            and yeah just bottle crow if you're not getting runes.

                            Quick maffs

                              Yeah i agree that tinker attack animation is really unusual.


                                Nice !


                                  Nice guide you have there.

                                  In my opinion tinker cant have dagon and hex build together in a single build.


                                    Don't rely on tinker to carry your team is all I can say. When you reach late game and your carry is underfarmed or even your carry is non-existent, good luck.