General Discussion

General Discussion4k MMR or actually 1.2k ?

4k MMR or actually 1.2k ? in General Discussion

    So I was playing another game on solo queue (the usual) and I decided to play Storm because I haven't played him in a while and was matched against SF and laning was pretty good! And after that we started team fighting when suddenly I notice something.. THAT THE NATURE'S PROPHET AND SVEN HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Zero items , zero farm for almost 20 minutes ... How are these people so fucking bad , they finished the game with 20 deaths total just them ! They gave the other team 70% of their kills ... and this is every game and I have to carry these shitty players to higher MMR. Will they ever fix this?

    Match :

    Oh and just noticed that Doom and Mirana are like 52+% win rate and I get the russian Nyx Assassin with 49-% or less winrate what the fuck ?

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      Play support next games, how sven can farm with no supports, sk is not if they properly agro.

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        I have tried playing support and it's even worse because those people can't farm shit... And it's even more painful because I can do even less against the other team

        The Sven didn't die early on and could free farm against the Mirana and was getting help by the SK who was roaming

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          Playing suport = wins game


            Shit up I had last game 0-11-1 CK after 22 min lvl 6,suiciding all the time on purpose doin nothing.


              50% winrate, it's surprise u tell me you have 4k mmr


                ^ got 4k stacking just check how much he stacked last month!
                its no surprise he's bad
                u should feel at home playing with 3k naps

                wont support because people cant farm?
                mby learn to play support first and pls tell us how much farm a carry should have in 10 min


                  Anonymous , Anonymous everywhere


                    I'm curious to know which role people think is harder/better.

                    I prefer carry, well because, A. I like massive damage output and B. CS/Deny is where I excel the most, so that's a good quality to have as a carry. Nothing bothers me more than someone who keeps missing easy creeps and then blames it on me when I decide, "He's missed about XX # of creeps which means he's not going to be useful, so I'm going to CS the ones he misses at the very least".

                    Both roles are equal in my opinion, but support is much more reliant on a carry being able to make USE out of a support's role.
                    i.e. Support's gold goes toward basic necessities/wards/smoke/etc... Pretty much everything consumable. Valuable, only if used properly.

                    So you're in a position where you're trying to let your ally farm (who's failing miserably), while you're not farming much, yet still buying wards/smoke/etc.

                    Bad carry = consumable gold wasted

                    Whereas bad support = gold still kept.

                    I just see playing support role as a much bigger risk in public games, and it requires a lot of thick-skin and positivity.

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      you was against a mosnter lineup. So were you mid storm with 0 ganks? just asking.


                        Playing supports in public matches stinks a lot with all the little kids only playing carries and failing miserably.
                        You just can't support some players enough.


                          kudos to you for noticing your team were feeding AFTER you start to teamfight. Man I guess that's like 10-15mins in? Point is, you probably aren't that good either and you are a burden in some of your games i'm sure.


                            I don't think I "suck" as you guys told me , because I've stacked with people with 5k+ MMR and they never had to carry me ... Anyway I have picked support and as a person above me said it takes a lot of nerves to do it . I had a team a month ago and I was the carry and carry is the role I like to play and I am good at. But I don't like playing it in pubs because it's hugely dependant on the support.
                            -Someone asked if I got a lot of ganks on mid , yes I did. I think I mentioned it and I won the mid easily but the problem is that the jungle suicided in ridiculous ways.
                            -Also I said I didn't notice how much they were feeding until we started team fighting , by that I meant I didn't notice how much (hadn't checked the scores yet) and by the 15 minute mark they were 0/6 and 1/6.
                            -I play support from time to time and win just as much as I play mid. The problem is that when I try to play support and lose the game I don't want to play dota that day any more. Because the person I was baby sitting misses like 30 creeps in 10 minutes and I want to pull my hair out because he's either retarded or just stubborn and thinks everyone sucks as a carry and no one should do it but himself.

                            P.S. I wasn't sitting and afk farming on mid , I helped the carry top with a gank when I got a rune and helped the offlane nyx when I got a different rune on bottom. Sometimes I don't know if there's a point in helping them when they fail miserably either way and I could've gotten a lot more last hits on mid and be more useful than roaming the entire map for one or two kills.

                            P.P.S. I didn't quite get one guy who said someone was stacking a lot (I'm not sure if he was talking to me). But in party matchmaking I mostly stack with my girlfriendor with my friends whose MMR is a lot lower than mine but this match was in solo queue . Basicly since I got my MMR it hasn't moved a lot , just stayed at the same place so if I "sucked" it would get lower.

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                              I've started playing non ranked again lately and it is much better than ranked. Every game I've had a team that cooperates, ganks, wards and has good map awareness. Some of them were even Russian, world gone mad.


                                playing support really does win games... i hate playing support personally.. it seems to be better for me to do so mind you though... i wish i didnt derp out with dazzle and enigma... (seriously fuck those heros.) or my w\l would be more presentable... but i just tend to win games when i take disruptor or jakiro.... (however, when im mid i seem to be able to make the same impact some times... but not always.. just recently i was razor went down to gank for bottom before they had even died... got a double kill and they then proceeded to just feed hard and feed fast and it just snow balled out of control..)


                                Opinon of a measly 3300 MMR player there might be some merit to support picking even if you hate it such as i... find supports who can make some sweet plays and learn to like them... like i have disruptor and jakiro... many a times i have stopped a magnus rp and tide ult with icepath or got that last second glimpse... those are good feelings...


                                  Enemies' team had two RUSSIANS minimum. And your team had YOU. Isn't it auto-win for your team?


                                    Keep bashing thread starter


                                      All I've gotten so far is people calling me a scrub , I love the internet.

                                      If someone could give me a suggestion what they do and how they win games, I mean pickwise. Because I've tried playing what I can best , I tried waiting for everyone to pick and counter-picking , I tried going whatever role we need the most and all I've gotten is -350 MMR in solo queue. Like I've lost every single match the last 12 games in a row (in solo queue).

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