General Discussion

General DiscussionIf one was to get better at playing Micro heroes, who is the best to ...

If one was to get better at playing Micro heroes, who is the best to start out with? in General Discussion

    I don't know if having past experience playing games such as SC2 affects ones micro-ing abilities, but Dota 2 is the first game of its kind that I played. I was very casual when it came to PC games, playing well known games like Call of Doto, Tomb Raider, Saints Row, Resident Evil etc. Anyway...

    My microing is not very great. The best example of my microing is just keeping Lycans wolves or Enigma's eidolons(sp?) alive. At times I notice that if i'm trying to move an Enigma eidolon to push a tower, Enigma himself goes, or another example of something like that, I won't know that I'm controlling Enigma too, then I get caught out. I've done a few smoke ganks with other heroes but they aren't the best executed.

    Disgregard my recent game as Chen lol :P There's nothing microing about that, I never got around to smoke ganking early even though I wanted to, and I was more focused on rushing a mek over anything, so I did what I saw in pro games and used a Wildwing(?) tornado to get gold that way. My MMR rank for team is a constant 3.5-3.6 I don't know if that means anything, but I played in "Normal" skill bracket a lot with a different group of friends before that disappeared.

    tl;dr - Which hero should I start out with? and to what heroes should I move on to after that?

    Сука Spirit



        Goblin Techie, you need to micro those mines.


          spirit breaker

          i left her

            It depends what do you want,
            Lycan and Enigma is easy but you dont give a fuck about the summons and just make it auto attack something.
            While Ench is a good hero because you can easily get a new one and its not that hard.

            Druid- I never knew how to use this hero till i saw Admiralbulldog, all you hve to do is hide ur hero and micro your bear also remember to buff yourself and the bear from your main skill


              Visage!!!! Aww man, when I play him... Press W to nuke >_< I use the familiars to just push towers, and not enough time scouting or making great plays of using them stun the enemy.

              I generally like playing big teamfight heroes. and thanks for the suggestions everyone

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                Goblin Techie !!!! Visage is for noob. His soul assumption deal so too much dps.. OP hero and "his familiar is bugged".quote Puppey



                  i left her

                    Also try tusk haha
                    You can micro your frozen sigil infront of the enemy so they cant run away

                    Oh Shit Waddup

                      I played SC2 at a pretty high level so im pretty decent at micro. It depends what type of impact you want to have on the game as to what heroes to micro.

                      Enigma and lycan will teach you the very basics like pushing, keeping them alive while you rosh/tanking damage from neutrals then rotating etc.

                      you wont actually be able to transfer micro skills from lycan to chen efficiently, you need to actually practice with the heroes you want to get better with, however visage is similiar in micro to a chen or enchantress but it is a bit different gameplay wise.

                      if you can learn visage and using his familiars to stun you will gain knowledge on how to use centaur stuns when you are playing chen/ enchant but again it is different.

                      if it isnt set as your default i recommend having tab set up as a button you can press to go the next unit you have selected at the current time.

                      tl;dr- practice with the hero you want to get good at and go from there. micro applies overall and skill transfers hero to hero but gameplay is different

                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                        I'll get started on a guide... Give me an hour and I'll post a rough draft. Then I'll edit it later on it make it look pretty.

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                          Thanks Jammin, and yeah I use the default settings. I've seen people from twitch/etc change keybinds for different heroes they play. I guess I've always liked to play big teamfight heroes, and generally support heroes for that matter, so I guess Visage is a good start maybe.


                            Visage is good if u can control multi units on the same time. Altot his last nerf make him so damn slow, he is still decent hero with his w and fam. Just rush medal in early game and u can contribute many things in teamfight.

                            Oh Shit Waddup

                              Visage is good because he is a fairly adaptable hero build wise. i like to vary from the recommended build, and would recommend either arcanes if you dont have any on the team, and phase boots if there are arcanes or mana regen from a cm, however arcanes tend to drop off in your need for them, but are good if you have mana hungry team mates early game.

                              still, the build i usually go for visage is brown boots -> medal -> mek if youre pos 5, phase if not > drums if noone else on team is getting and then an agha or a shivas, unless hex is needed.

                              i find the key to using the familiars in fights is to know when the fights are going to occur, and then hiding them in trees, waiting for an initiation on your team, and then send them in while theyre on the retreat or on the verge of counter initiating. otherwise you can just afk them in another lane and farm and push as you said you did before

                              <font face="wide latin">N...

                                starcraft 2 player?
                                i remember reading artricles of players shifting to dota 2 from starcraft 2 will master chen and let dota 2 players know that APM is needed

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                                  from easiest to hardest:

                                  Easy->medium tier:

                                  Warlock's ulti during teamfight
                                  Shadow shaman during teamfight
                                  Lycan's wolf
                                  Lone druid's bear
                                  Phantom lancer's illusion
                                  Enchantress minion
                                  Morphling's illusion
                                  Enigma's minion
                                  Nature prophet's treant
                                  Naga siren illusion

                                  Easy->medium tier, but combining with the need to have a good last hitting skill can be also hard hero overall

                                  Morphling's illusion
                                  Exort invoker
                                  Ember spirit fire remnant
                                  Terror blade illusion

                                  Medium Tier:

                                  Venomancer ward (controlling up to 4-5 wards across the map to gain only slight advantage)
                                  Broodmother's spiderlings
                                  Brewmaster's primal spirits
                                  Templar's assassin psionic trap
                                  Earth spirit stone remnant
                                  Tinker (his march and his need to constantly using skills require more clicking than microing minion itself)
                                  Beastmaster minion

                                  Hard tier:

                                  Visage and Chen (high tier support that require you to control 2++ unit to cast spells at the same time)
                                  Meepo, require you to move as slick as michael jackson

                                  Woof Woof

                                    meepo u will have to develop really strong ingame focus to keep many units alive and work on highest amount of microing required in dota2 there isnt any other hero that requires more micro atm
                                    from there it should be easy because at most u got 3units to control with chen/enchantres + creep deaths wont triger death of your hero

                                    start from meepo hes the hardest dead srs - when u 'master him to decent degree playing other heroes that require some microing will be wayyy easier if u go other way and start from microing one unit like ld things will only get harder and harder as u pick more difficult heroes

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                                    TikTok Uncle

                                      Meepo teaches you dota

                                      FZ 1 N

                                        I love to play heroes requiring some microing and so far Meepo is my favorite, followed by Visage with Aghs but yeah it's kinda buggy as familiars biding are being reset :/

                                        I would suggest you to go and try Meepo. Go setup proper control groups and keep practicing. Look up at some videos on youtube (mostly n0tail but there are other good Meepo players to check out).

                                        One thing I find to be essential for Meepo players is "minimap awareness" (especially if you are going to splish push), I catch myself looking at the minimap most of the time while playing Meepo.

                                        Playing Meepo is pure fun (imo), once you get the blink poof combo and split pushing/farming you'll feel it. :)

                                        Good luck if you are going for the Meepo!


                                          In order of most to least difficulty


                                          An honourable mention is Nature's Prophet because the way some people play him is to spam treants and block all enemy camps constantly with them, which would make him much more micro intensive than visage and enchantress, but most of the time you don't need to do this.


                                            Once I learned meepo I could play every hero better, and I could play more than one hero at once.

                                            So yeah, start with meepo.

                                            Invoker is next up, close tie with Chen/Enchant.

                                            Bloody Hell

                                              The easiest heroes to practice.
                                              Lone, Nature, Enigma, Brew master ultimate.

                                              Mid level.
                                              Lycan,, broodmother,

                                              Hight skill lvl

                                              Chen, enchantress, visage.meepo

                                              and meepo is the easiest

                                              PS. not be mistaken by think that you can master mid lvl easy. It is very hard to achive to play those heroes propertly

                                              for the begining you can play death prophet and control necro book

                                              Retard Security Detail

                                                Meepo, their abilities all clone to each other except items like mek etc. So you don't have to focus so much on which one you have at first until you get comfortable. He also has more advanced tactics as you progress with spit farm/pushing, blink/poof intiation. In the beginning just play them as a single unit all together, tab cycle net etc.

                                                FZ 1 N

                                                  @Belera - I kinda disagree as Meepo might be considered easier but is most unforgiving, one little mistake and you are dead which is not the case with visage, neither chen nor ench. :)


                                                    @People saying Meepo is easy

                                                    Running around spamming poof and net is easy, actually playing the hero properly isn't.


                                                      go ability draft:
                                                      chen thingy + ench w + spirit bear + visage familiars

                                                      TIME TO LEARN


                                                        Try Lone Druid with Blink+Ethereal Blade+Dagon on hero and another Dagon on bear (or you can give Blink to bear, like: blink, BAM!, summon back). Good micro practice and lots of fun.

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                                                        Bloody Hell

                                                          man, сompared with the correct game with visage or enchantress or bloody hell chen. Meepo is not so difficult. It is realy hard to master that hero. but chen or visage is much more practice needed. Ofc if you loose some creeps on chen it is not end of the world like meepo clone death.


                                                            Man up and meepo, if you can micro meepo you pretty much micro other units. Your improvement in micro will be evident in your ability to keep clones alive on low hp.

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!