General Discussion

General DiscussionWow, did anyone try to play dota during day?

Wow, did anyone try to play dota during day? in General Discussion
Dwight Twilley

    Its like 4500 is now 3k, and its very likely that kids are playing.
    Or there isn't just enough players so i soloq into hell, i cant remember last time i tasted horror like this.


      Yeah, during the day many players are at work / school.


        Do not play during the middle of the day, all the normal/good players are at work/school.

        Woof Woof

          Wink is pretty much right thats also a reason why you shouldnt play late at night in your time zone only drunks and retards are online at that time #ofc u que on server with different timezone playerbase

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            Dwight Twilley

              such plot twist,
              just started playing very shitty,


                ya. I feel the same. lower winrate when play during day. my thought is
                all the pros only play during the day and they beat the shit of us lol


                  Typical solo queue game at 13:00:

                  DK wasn't saying anything, I called solo offlane he came after me, lanaya solo-ed safe lane. Ursa is excused because he said he was drunk. Puck was good though. Of course we've lost both side lanes and I had to do the whole support job with a melee hero (dusts for everyone / wards / mek / sentries).

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                    ye everyday


                      I feel like 6-10 pm is ideal. During the day hardly anyone plays and too late at night or early in the morning the foreign timezone players come out. Sometimes pro players are streaming at that time too.


                        Yes agreed 6-10pm is ideal for useast/west. Since I stay up till 3:00AM on weekends, to go along with the "drunk/high"point god among peasants mentioned, I go to Australia servers since that is their 4-7pm when it is past midnight central time.

                        Yes a lot of inebriated folks (me included every night!) Get my tard on yeehaw!


                          look at this fucking peruvian team i just got

                          100% sure of forced 50 % now, srsly i dont deserve this fucking shit.


                            >Randoms PA
                            Nobody picks support (in the entire game).
                            Auto-attacks by almost everyone.
                            Horrendous builds.
                            People can't control their hero.

                            This game was so weird. It felt like I just started playing Dota again. It was so unpredictable. o.O

                            >Too lazy to repick

                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!