General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst Match EVER!

Worst Match EVER! in General Discussion

    This is the first time this has happened to me on DotA. I am not the best player, but I do my best! This guy said he wanted to play invoker support and then said if he didn't get mid he would feed. Which he did 25 times, things like just letting creeps kill him or letting slark kill him over and over! He then let the couriers get killed! Now this match is on my record forever!

    Does this happen often on pub matches?

    The idiot was playing as invoker.

    Here is the id:

    one and half gun


      King of Low Prio

        just stop playing when people start doing those kind of stuff. Go jungle or whatever eventually the other team gets bored and they push mid and end the game. Report him and move on it only becomes a big deal when you try and play around his feeding.

        It is only a problem for people who abuse their reports (use on people who who they deem 'bad' and lack reports)




            This is standard Dota. It's like CS was 10 years ago or so. Just loads of spoilt little kids that want their way.

            Dire Wolf

              Never happened on my team. Happened one time on the other team though. Riki spent all his money on couriers and fed them all game. It was quite hilarious on our end. Void must have killed a dozen couriers, he had 900 gpm in a 25 min game.



       - could be an easy win. I started dodging any game with any sign of Russia on my team.

                King of Low Prio

                  Luxon you are worse scum then the Russians you choose to hate


                    @luxon how can u dodge games now that even during loading screen u get lpq?


                      I started dodging then but not now. though I don't hate russians. I just often see them ruining my games.


                        happens occasionally, just keep playing. everyone has a small handful of games like that in their profile...

                        also sange and yasha is a bad item on ember spirit

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                        King of Low Prio

                          @ Luxon


                          are you russian?

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                              This was the first time that a player intentionally fed, I have played with people who are not good at the game. I don't mind that, that's life! But why intentionally feed? Because he couldn't have mid, so what that happens to me all the time!

                              @ [ESP*] Wink
                              I was following a guide who said sange and yasha was a core item, still very new to Ember Spirit!


                                @ Luxon
                                The feeder was English! I have no problem with Russians! The only difficulty is the language! They are not bad players, I have played with as many poor players who speak English as those who don't!

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Dizzy if you get this kind of behavior 2 times a day constantly you are probably the problem.

                                  Manny Mammoth

                                    if you disconnect using console on the loading screen before everyone finishes loading you dont get any low prio


                                      oh shit, not forever!


                                        Hrm dizzy deleted comments are a common theme here. Must be the problem!
