General Discussion

General DiscussionSo who can out carry terrorblade?

So who can out carry terrorblade? in General Discussion

    As far as I can see he is now one of the hardest carry in dota 2. I don't see many other heroes out carrying him in team fights or solo fight.

    So his a late game monster but is also a monster early game with his demon form.

    waku waku



        Mortred. Or Void.

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          Terrorblade is stronger hard 1v1 full sloted carry in the game. Just Void can kill him cus of Chrono.


            Terrorblade can simply split push against heroes like void that rely on big ultimates to win.

            Medusa does decently against TB if it goes late enough.

            Lorenzo VI

              TB is not great in a team fight, 1 on 1 he reigns supreme with only void being able to kill him in chrono, but throw in just a couple of stuns and his poor health and reliance on multiple core items makes him a lot easier to deal with. Team fight control will affect him hard


                Yes I find that sven is good vs a tb, all other hard carries however have trouble with his sunder, reflection. I don't think a void can kill terrorblade given both are equally farmed. Terrorblade is very tanky, has sunder, manta, 200% hp & 60% damage metamorphasised illusions.

                Tried pa against tb, pa got owned.
                Void I'd say is on equal grounds with him but requires much more farm.


                  Why do you even go late game against Tb? Pick 1 roamer, and gank the shit out of him. He don't have flash farm ability so,after few deaths , he will have such a hard time catching up.

                  On the other hand, when he gets to late game, you are practicly scruwed. The only one could do good , is farmed dusa ( and i mean farmed) or maybe void. But don't know about void, easy to be kited


                    void is shit, wtf u all talking about, there is no phase in the game where he could actually solo kill him. unless void is fed, but since the hero is uselss he cant be fed.

                    Lorenzo VI

                      Me and a friend tested it and if void gets the chrono off at the start of the fight, 6 slotted he will beat Terrorblade. Chrono gives 5 seconds for that void to bash the hell out of TB (admittedly he has to pick the right model and not an illusion). I think the builds were :

                      TB : Treads, Manta, Satanic, Butterfly, MKB, Daedelus or Desolator

                      Void : MOM, Treads, MKB, Butterfly, Daedelus, Battlefury

                      Interestingly we also tried out a number of other carries 6 slotted at lvl 25. TB beat all of them bar the void but here are some honorable mentions:

                      Luna : Glaives are fun and with satanic it is close but TB still wins
                      Medusa : Close but the ability to swap health and general damage output makes a close fight just unfair
                      Morph : Did ok but again the fact it trades %age of health means the ulti wipes him in the end.


                        I hope Valve will rework TB's ult.


                          phantom lancer. but well that's never really a fight, when the phantom lancer is well played

                          otherwise, there's just void, but he has to go really naked glass canon build. and not to land chronosphere in the very first second

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                            Keep in mind terrorblade is easily kiteable and is AM tier carry.
                            get a ghost scepter and stuns and burst him down.
                            Everyone can outcarry tb with proper play its just that his splitpush and farm power is insane thats why he's so strong.

                            Miku Plays

                              Legion wins


                                DOOM with eyes closed.


                                  Imo 6 slotted Lifestealer can beat TB.
                                  Not to mention what silence spells can do to TB without BKB.



                                    Lifestealer cannot possibly hope to contest one of the best Agi gains + damage steroids + BAT in the game.


                                    TB can outcarry a Naga with equal farm - naga's illusions are far less durable though they have the radiance buff. Give a free lane to naga and a free lane to TB and TB will definitely out-push naga.

                                    Have a cow

                                      Manta style, huskar(mad dota time), your support with meka, weaver

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                                        Lol lifestealer, doom, legion cannot contest with terrorblade. Terrorblade is not am tier carry either, he is higher tier than am. So, why? Simply because Terrorblade scales much much better than the above mentioned Heros by people who replied to this thread.

                                        Low base attack time
                                        Highesr armor, agility gain
                                        High scaling illusions
                                        Strong early game

                                        You can focus on trying to shutdown or pick of Terrorblade but his team will try and stop you.

                                        Have a cow

                                          fast halberd is good vs any early game carry


                                            The thing is, you are not supposed to 1v1 outcarry him.

                                            Void can outcarry him by chronoing both him and some of his CCers.
                                            Medusa can outcarry him by getting rid of his pesky illusions while she wrecks the whole team instead of just one hero.
                                            AM can outcarry him by farming faster and then bursting down a key hero during a teamfight (though this will be so rare...)
                                            PA can burst down supports and CCers while in BKB so stupidly fast if she's lucky that TB will always be at a disadvantage.
                                            Sven and Kunkka's cleaves will also completely destroy the squishier heroes in TB's team before he can deal with them.

                                            Of course, this is all theorycrafting. TB can still splitpush far better than any of them if things go wrong, and the difference between TB and other splitpushers is that you can't send just a single hero to deal with his pushes.

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                                              12 slotted Lone druid.



                                                why do I keep losing to 6 slotted medusa?


                                                  Void + Kunnka

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I mean this whole discussion is kind of silly cus no one ever goes 1v1 vs another hero and TB has an ult that makes you kill him twice, only it's way worse than that cus the second time you have ~15% hp.

                                                    However if doom is 6 slotted and dooms him so he can't sunder can't doom hold his own? And what about troll warlord, crazy bashes, attack speed burst with satanic after being sundered, whirlwind axes can make illusions miss, and what about phantom lancer? Illusion on illusion violence yeah! I'm not certain those guys would win but I'd like to see it.


                                                      oh so u all talked about 6sloted void, cuz this actually happend. a lot.

                                                      Lorenzo VI

                                                        @ Nova, 6 slotted void isn't that hard. Proc enough back tracks / time locks, farm a midas quickly, get your mom and then just make your chrono's count. Easy.

                                                        He is one of those laughed at heroes that I really fear because he's only easy to kill when his luck is not good. Sometimes you can do everything right and he just backtracks so many times that he reaches late game. Then all he has to do is chrono up your low health characters, beat them down several times and soon enough you have a 6 slotted void... A Character that has inbuilt basher (with a dmg buff), force staff (longer range with a slow), butterfly (dodges spells) and finally a 5s oppurtunity to kill any hero of choice every 80s.


                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          Doom ( low hp terrorblade, doom doesnt give a fuck about armor, goes through bkb ), OD will wreck terrorblade IF terrorblade doesnt get bkb ( with hex + rod of aui + orchid terrorblade cant even fight ) but if terrorblade is a good player he will get bkb so ...

                                                          Void, PL, Gyro will kill his entire team while they fight, medusa too, spectre will be a pain in the ass for the supports too ( maybe even killing the supports while he fights against terrorblade ).

                                                          Maybe CK, a 6 sloted CK + reality rift does A LOT of damage.

                                                          Maybe a good sniper player ? 6 sloted sniper should be able to burst terrorblade before he could even get at melee range, but is sniper so who cares.

                                                          Still dont think TB is OP.



                                                            Mike Hawk

                                                              Xin with stacked batllefuries > illusions heroes. PL army? Press W => no PL army.
                                                              TB army? Press W => no TB army.
                                                              Meepo army? Press W => no Meepo army.
                                                              AM or Luna manta? Press W => no more manta.

                                                              Seriousky, this hero rocks.


                                                                @ Commodore Lorenzo The Third

                                                                6 Slotted void isn't that hard? For you it seems! : or better:


                                                                You don't have any 6 slotted AM wins or losses.....

                                                                Yes medusa is the WTG for terrorblade. It is his hard counter for sure.

                                                                @ Concede

                                                                A 12 slot lone druid would win I know you're just kidding... right? :O

                                                                Lorenzo VI

                                                                  @Caveman If I bothered to play hard carries more often I would be ashamed about my lack of 6 slotted AM or void wins. I havent played AM since summer last year, a big difference in time and skill between then and now. Void keeps cropping up in games and he keeps mysteriously getting 5 or 6 slotted (even after terrible starts).

                                                                  As it is I don't play AM as a general rule and the one hard carry I play semi-regular is Morphling, where I finish 6 slotted often enough. If I wanted to play an afk farming game often then AM and void would appear a lot more often :P

                                                                  Just try Medusa vs Terrorblade 1v1 with 6 slotted and lvl 25. While I agree Dusa comes off better in a tf all I am saying is 1v1 Terrorblade only gets beat by Void from the main hard carries I have tried.


                                                                    "Nothing can stop our march" - pl
                                                                    And its true if you dont suck at dota

                                                                    And no dusa doesnt counter pl if you dont get caught in ult

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                                                                      According to the stats on him axe has the easiest time against him for some reason?

                                                             6% advantage? Thats pretty big. Axe must smoke him early game maybe so he doesn't snowball later?


                                                                        In 1v1 only FV, a lucky PA, and Medusa.

                                                                        For a real game, the list is bigger. FV, PA, Medusa, AM, Sniper, Tiny, Luna

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          Ok i am lost how the fuck does a PL lose against TB ? pls tell me, unless terrorblade is a genius and knows the true PL all the time how will him clean the illusions ?


                                                                            Someone explain how AXE is best vs terror blade anyone? This confuses me.


                                                                              How can everyone forget about morphling?


                                                                                And how exactly morf gonna win vs tb? He gonna engage, shotgun Tb, atack him for a while,then he will realise that he atacked the wrong one. Then? He gonna kite tb with stats change? Not gonna happen.

                                                                                Dusa , gyro and OD, are only one that can fuck him in ultra late game. Void, yes, but if tb team gets few force staff's or eb's , he be useless. Too much variables.


                                                                                  ^ The idea behind Void outcarrying TB is that he will chrono not just him but the heroes with the main CC as well.


                                                                                    Yea, but if enemy team is decent, they won't just stick togheter , in the chrono radius. On the other hand, if they do, they are scruwed.

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      Guys guys PL D:

                                                                                      Dont ignore pl pls


                                                                                        Everybody hates PL, even though there's no reason to do so anymore. The Cancer Lancer days are burnt into the memories of every single player...not me, I rejoined dota after that era :P

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          Are we talking 1v1 or just general out carrying in a 50 min game where the score is 50/50, both carries six slotted, no rax down? Cus that changes the whole game, base race luna, hell even lycan might kill the rax quicker than TB.

                                                                                          But if we're talking 1v1 6 slotted Doom is going to crush him because we forgot about Aghs. Infinite doom, TB won't even be able to cast illusions or sunder. Given those parameters where it's just a 1v1 death match doom should beat anyone if he just clicks doom fast enough, pops shivas for slow and has phase boots to keep up.


                                                                                            @I like to support
                                                                                            who goes rambo retard shotgunning some hero who has so many illusions when he just can waveform those illusions so he knows who the real one is?

                                                                                            Morphling is not always about ethereal>wave>strike


                                                                                              I thought you were talking about shotgun. My bad then, but still, in late game, you can hardly see real from ilusion with wave, it is just too low dmg. I would rather take zeus and with his ulti, reveal real one.






                                                                                                  shes strong, but she cant deal with sunder.


                                                                                                    naga isn't supposed to manfight him rofl


                                                                                                      @Zenoth lol, you didn't outcarry the naga, if anything the clinkz carried you...


                                                                                                        drow sniper should both work

                                                                                                        hes got no way to get close and use anything

                                                                                                        however he can just kill their base

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