General Discussion

General DiscussionI regret

I regret in General Discussion

    not removing lpq by going in co-op bot matches.


      looks like it was a close game, why would you regret it? Winning or losing doesn't matter when it's good doto.

      edit: no blink on puck wtf
      edit2: no bkb on ta wtf
      edit3: lina has second highest tower damage in the game wtf

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        even though lina doesnt have highest tower damage, the fact that we lost after taking 2 rax and both tier 4 towers before of those wtf item choices disappointed me a bit. I asked omni to repel me but he overvalued his role so I bought bkb. later sold eul and bought necro 3 when my team was dead and decided to base race but it didn't work( nobody even saved for buyback) .


          identical game, it happens often, but someone has to lose :/

          Dire Wolf

            You can do coop bot matches to drop lpq?!


              yep, with easy bots you can win a game in ~10 mins as everyone there is to remove lpq. the fastest for me so far was 5 mins.
              doesn't work with passives though.

              Woof Woof

                play to improve or learn new hero especially when you are in lpq where games hit well over 2krating difference

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                  Carry lina in pubs is legit if the Lina is good. Player went Blink for initiation and Euls for speed/self nado.

                  That said, going strait Daedalus without getting treads or getting deso/bkb is silly.

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                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!