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General DiscussionTips/Advice/Feedback for improving solo mid skills

Tips/Advice/Feedback for improving solo mid skills in General Discussion

    So I ve been working on my solo mid lately. Our team is playing on CSL, Cevo, JDL this semester so was trying to get better. Would like to hear any tips, advice, maybe constructive feedback.

    I am a pretty experienced player, have another account with 2k+ games and played 7-8 years of dota 1, have competitive experience, haven't achieve anything big tho, 4.3k solo and 4.4 party rating. So no need to explain/advice basic stuff like which heroes counter which heroes, creep block, last hitting, rune control etc. what i am looking for is some more advanced ways of improving at solo mid role, maybe more 1v1s or some solo lobby practicing, shortly anything you think can help

    oh and last, i play most of the mids quite good, so versatility is not a problem

    sorry for any language errors, my English sucks balls


      Try faceless void solo mid for 50 games. This is like the ultimate combat training for mid players.


        Most retarded thing I ve ever heard but thanks! I ll try that someday lol

        [dS] Throws Hook ; Lands ...

          Stack camps if you lose the lane, learn to draw creep aggro. If using ranged heroes, Take advantage of the creep aggro to give free pokes to your lane oppo(I believe there are guides around teaching that)


            watch videos, play heros that go mid a lot, then do something stupid with the (do that in bots though). Learn how to get kills or force people out of lane really early. I know when i play mid, i have a little bit of a problem when i get forced back, especially if i did a bottle rush start.


              Do you want to improve your actual mid laning? Or are you more interested in how you can make an impact transitioning out of the laning phase? Or are you having trouble in teamfights? Or are you struggling to make your kills turn into towers? Are there certain heroes you really think you do well playing, but don't win?

              Be more specific and it will be much easier to help you without saying things you've known for years.

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                I can't really contribute much, but I would like to say that I am extremely happy to see a player from Kazakhstan on our forums) E-sports in my home country are somewhat underdeveloped, and seeing a semi-professional players reaching out makes me wonder if the things are finally starting to change.


                  Hard to know what you are asking, but a few more advanced methods.

                  Creep block wins you most of the first 2-3 waves of mid, you'll have to learn the arteezy Radiant mid block. -Stand next to tower/ rax to cut off the creeps pathing, which means all the creeps enter onto one side.
                  If you are a boss at this, you will never lose a radiant block.
                  and if the enemy doesnt do the Arteezy block, your dire block will always be better.
                  there should be some videos on it.

                  In pubs, just think before you check a rune "the 2 supports are missing, instead of checking top.. i'll check bot rune"..
                  because in competitive, chances are they are smoked and about to punch your face.

                  Learning to Trade, is annother great aspect.
                  A shadowfiend, invoker or similar style heros benifit alot more from sitting in lane for extended periods of time, rather then ganking.
                  If the opponant leaves the lane, with the aid of a basi, will get the tower within 2-3 creep waves.
                  Also meaning that you need to judge if its worth ganking and leaving the lane and letting that SF or that TA or whatever it is push down your tower.

                  Little things that make a difference.
                  Correct bottle crowing - timings
                  Small stuff with illu runes, Use them to harass, help last hit, and when the time comes, send one to check a rune and the other to stack a camp for you...

                  Aggro tricking
                  - if you don't do it, please learn too.

                  A few good ways to train is too..
                  Drill unfavorable matchups

                  Dk or Beast master Vs Tinker etc.
                  Shadowfiend vs TA
                  Arteezy and sing, Practised that matchup 100's of times, and are very confident in either roll, meaning the SF can actually win if you know the matchup well.


                    master bottle crow usage, make sure the crow doesnt idle in base with ur bottle, or basically do stupid things. using burst when carrying the empty bottle back to base is the most efficient. always carry tp after your bottle boots/upgraded boots


                      I am probably more interested in how to make more impact when ganking, because usually I do well on my lane 1v1, i know the aggro and most of the tricks etc, i have decent mechanical skills as well, what i am having troubles sometime is that even though i destroy their mid lane but we still lose, because he gets couple successfull ganks and gets back in game, on the other hand when I gank, it often becomes that enemy mid gets free farm, maybe even t1 then just snowballs out of control, so winning lane is not that big of a problem here, main problem is to transition won mid lane to a won game.


                        haha which city are you from?

                        can't say I am reaching something right now, but yeah things are slowly going. Though I am only Kazakh in my team, studying in U.S right now and made a team there.


                          good one, thank you, I know and do most of what you listed, still couple of things are good to know/notice

                          yeah i ve read that chaq mid guide about aggro/rtz block, probably will go over it again

                          really liked the sf vs ta practice, will try it very soon

                          DeFi Maxi

                            one of the best way to practice your solo mid skill is to use Lone Druid. this trains your micro skill + map awareness. just my 2 cents bro ;)



                              interesting advice, thanks

                              had a bad experience with ld mid last time tho, no root luck at all :(

                              DeFi Maxi

                                when you go mid, it's all about playing wise, micro and map awareness. luck + roam support is another thing :)


                                  you this is sorta a fucked up suggestion.

                                  But a good way to practice mid is to make a new dota account (steam account), and only go mid. When someone contests mid, abandon the game. once early laning is over (10-15 minutes), leave the game.

                                  or play against bots on the hardest mode. Those bots last hit on a pro level.

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                                    turn YOLO mode : ON


                                      @[ESP*] Wink
                                      I don't know if you're serious

                                      Bone Chilling

                                        @ concede what?! *Those bots last hit on a pro level.* 1v1 mid they can't last hit shit =\



                                          Its been awhile. i remember if you set bots to "unfair" they are pretty nasty.

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                                            unfair bots are really great on last hitting and harassing

                                            but sometimes they go berserk and dive you to your t3


                                              Unpredictable If you have mechanic for mid mid like a midle doesn`t matter much if you can play that even. It`s all about game sense after 6-7 lvl at mid..when to gank when not to gank when you farm when to tp and fight etc..

                                              <font face="wide latin">N...

                                                no need to kill just pick OD and deny all his creeps


                                                  Sounds like you know the basics. There's nothing really nothing to say if you know all of the mechanics. After that it's just game play outside of mid or when the 1v1 phase ends. Another thing would be team play, which is your coordination with your team. Are you in a position for your team to gank mid/are your teammates ready for you to push mid. Are you going to sit and farm/push mid.

                                                  Only way to get better is play more or watch people who are better than you whether that be thru streams or POV on replays.


                                                    good point, need to watch some of the pros streams


                                                      your first role as mid is not to die, if you're getting raped in the lane sadly you have to leave it or ask for continuos support roam...aside from that, having enough items transitioning to mid game and knowing to use your hero you're ok :)

                                                      if you think u can win mid try doing so the first 2 minutes, where u are both level 1 2 and 3, harras the fuck out of himand dominate it...then get bottle and control your mana so u always have mid controlled, if things stagnate its time to move or ask for roam to take down tower

                                                      a mid lane over the hill ward gives you higher chance at winning the lane, also remember 1v1 is a psychological battle so do random shit once in a while, either to scare him off or to change the momentum of the attacks enabling you to outplay him in the comingg 2-5 creeps...remember shooting games?? u would never stay still cause someone could snipe u-->same thing here but dont do the same movements over and over again->be original...sometimes harras with skills with no intention whatsoever so that when u rly need to make one he's conditioned to not back off right after it increasing the chances of successful gank considerably...u can also play as a retards to make him lower his defences for lets say 10 sec or fake some lag. u can also do a fake buying items to lure him in, or fake tower range pussy back to make him turn etc...use potion between attacks and use the little fog u have. in case of missing people in minimap losin a wave or 2 is just a small price to pay to not feed some kills, u can also fake go at a position closer to tower to turn a 3v1 into triple kill...since ur with friends u can always warn them and tell them to get tp and play aggresive from then. night time is min 4 now and not 6 so use it as u may find appropiately...give free harrases just to lower his hp etc...sometimes its worth it... u make him conscious of his surrounding messing up his last hit or preventing him farming the same amount cause of more safeplay

                                                      there's more shit but im eating now lololol


                                                        which school? we could scrim :)


                                                          Purdue, you? sure we could


                                                            4.3 solo rating is shit tier u trashcan


                                                              i used to practice lasthits with techies back in dota 1 :')