General Discussion

General DiscussionIs terrorblade too strong?

Is terrorblade too strong? in General Discussion

    I don't feel like I should've done this well. I kinda suck.

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      gonna get nerfed after the arcana comes out

      one and half gun

        yes he is one of the best heroes in the game with great escape mechanism and lots of hp at the beginning, he can literally sustain a trilane or duo lane such as sd/lina or whatever


          Look at the changelog. Maybe after buffing him 10 times he turned into something.

          Jorges Sanz

            Meracle Terrorblade incoming...


              +10 Wave. Thanks to him i finally understood Terrorblade's true strenghts.

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              Woof Woof

                why manta and sy

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                  The reflection ability looks to be far too strong early game. Playing against him yesterday was like being constantly hit by Viper's ultimate.


                    10 min 200 dmg, gg wp early

                    valve needs money


                      over 5000 damage at lv7, yes, op./


                        5000 damage? how?

                        Ples Mercy

                          its a joke, terrorblade is a trashhero.

                          To sum it up:
                          he has 430hp,he has no useful cc, he is ez to rape, his ulti is useless since u can just burst, silence or stun him down and he has no escape.

                          Quick maffs

                            I agree with blunt, its like i think midgame if he had free farm he can be pretty good but he is so easy to shutdown early.


                              If people know how to play against him in lane, he has a worse early game than Spectre or Void...and THAT'S saying something.


                                He is probably the worst hero in game...He is just so fucking bad. No hp, no escape mechanism, horrbile ulti (takes forever too cast & range is small), horrible cd on Metamorphosis. Only his reflection is nice, but casting range is also shit....I bet he will be the first hero to have under 30% win-rate...

                                Dire Wolf

                                  He seems pretty awful in the two games I've had him. But in those games he got very little farm. Pheonix seems pretty good, like a weird fiery, flying venomancer.


                                    way too overpowered...


                                      So TB is a trash hero...I want to see what u will be saying after some pros pick him in a tournament and rape 5 heroes in a fight just for fun! TB, Morph and Spectre are the hardest carries of Dota pls stop saying BS just to say something


                                        He's not in captains yet, surely?


                                          and he wont be until summer of 2k14


                                            If TB is op, he will have like 65%+ winrate like CW before nerf'ed

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              and how the hell should that happen? How is a tb gonna rape 5 heroes? Pls explain ur little dream, it sounds interesting.

                                              Quick maffs

                                                I am not saying that he is trash, personally i think he is like void, good if you dont have a bad lane phase, if you get like 10 minutes of free farm he can be pretty good.

                                                I mean, carries like luna or antimage can flash farm with no problem, even if they had a bad lane phase, but what do you do when you get behind with terrorblade ? you cant do shit. That doesnt mean that the hero is bad.


                                                  TB can be one of the hardest carries alright, but I can't think of a hard carry with a worse early game than him (against competent people). I mean, Void, AM, Morph and Spectre at least have escape mechanisms. Mortred has a pseudo escape mechanism plus a safe farming tool (albeit innefficient), Medusa is ranged, has a range nuke and is tanky...TB is more dependent on supports than any other carry.


                                                    His 4300 starting HP is more than made up for by the fact that he has the highest starting armor of any hero in the game by some margin.

                                                    He also has well above average movement speed and the second highest agility gain. From lvl 1 Reflections slow enemy heroes for 5 seconds. To say that he has to escape mechanism is crazy.

                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      i lold.


                                                        Isn't Reflection almost melee ranged?


                                                          @Neah, buffed? Morel ike nerfed 10 patches in a row and then buffed a bit 5 patches in a row. Pre 6.72 tb was wayyyyyyyyy better


                                                            It is, 250 cast range.

                                                            TB has no escape mechanism and no early game presence, he's weaker than Medusa
                                                            just gank the hell out of him and you'll be fine


                                                              every single game i play with tb in he gets fb doesnt matter what lane hes in

                                                              that insane base damage with metamorphosis just wrecks everything

                                                              and when he gets tankier /etc its just imposible to take him down

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Its so weird i mean he is big as fuck he should have a strength gain like doom or centaur.

                                                                You look at medussa and its like little weak bitch but terrorblade is so big its unfair !


                                                                  dunno i think he's pretty good. the meta damage early on is absolutely insane and 60% slow for 5s on lvl1 makes killing heroes on dual lanes easy as fuck. at level 10 with empty inventory he chews through towers in seconds. if something it's probably the ultimate that will hold him back from becoming a top pick since the low range, long cast time and you not dying in that small frame make it quite hard to use effectively against good players/teams


                                                                    DMG is not a problem with him. He can be played on mid & even gets first blood if he is not against nuker type hero. The problem with him he is one of the easiest heroes to counter. Just pick nukers, good stunners & he is total shit. I think u need to be a total noob to lose to TB. His late game is also overrated. He is not that powerful as Spectre, Void, Medusa & his laning is 10 times worse. He is just the worst hero currently in Dota.

                                                                    one and half gun

                                                                      can people stop picking this hero in my games please some actually want to win

                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                        well everytime i see a tb i pick meepo.... 100% winrate so far #yolo


                                                                          wave, that is why you don't play ranked when new heroes get released.


                                                                            High armor but anyone with a low CD magic nuke will take him out easy. Lina, Luna, DP etc will chew through him.


                                                                              the guy start with 7armor ;>>>> ^^^ that 5sec slow 60% lvl 1 is strong, but he isnt broken at all, in a real team composition he dies like all others, specially cuz he bait himself with his ulti and then die

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                Ok this is my opinion, Phoenix > terrorblade.

                                                                                ( I guess i should try to play any of those heroes in pubs before speaking :P but fuck it )


                                                                                  they are both bad and phoenix works in more situations than TB which is why it feels like phx > tb

                                                                                  one and half gun


                                                                                    [–]hbkiler [score hidden] 5 minutes ago

                                                                                    TB is hard to counter but i think a malevo when he is 50% is a good choice. Phoenix is just teamwork (silence him helps too)


                                                                                      Terror isn't Op
                                                                                      Metamorphis has a massive cooldown and his illusions are easily countered
                                                                                      q will probably get nerfed... but the low range makes it not OP
                                                                                      An early radiance will be insanely strong tho, allowing u to farm 2 lanes + jungle

                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        "Terrorblade is like Void in my opinion. Countered by everything unless you let him get scary."



                                                                                          its relatively ez to counter phx with potm in lane... i used to do it back in dota

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            Dont you think that phx is good in team fights ? for what i see if you have decent team mates they are going to wait for you to pop the sun and then stun the enemies ( for example a sand king waiting for you to pop the sun and then doing his combo )


                                                                                              people getting SnY and manta, ahhaahhahaha

                                                                                              Woof Woof

                                                                                                ^ dem recommended items


                                                                                                  So just played terror w/radiance
                                                                                                  butterfly on the courier + 5k gold


                                                                                                    wacoo - how is getting S&Y and Manta bad on him ? I know MS doesn't stack, but S&Y gives early hp, MS & cheaper version of skadi slow. Manta is purely for illusions. He is probably the only hero i would buy this 2 items, normally of course it's bad to get 2 of them.