General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle Axe now 8 wins 72 losses

Jungle Axe now 8 wins 72 losses in General Discussion
Relentless <--- 8th win

    I keep track of all the jungle axe games either on my team or against me. I managed to win this game... had to support with WK.
    I was planning to farm but, SWM made it clear that he was going to solo bot and feed if I tried to farm... so I switched to support. I'm still not sure if that was the right choice, but it kept LD down anyway.

    The enemy team's SF lagged out early, but SWM still managed to feed him AFTER he dced. I suspect tinker was microing the SF.

    Jungle axe did absolutely nothing for the first 15 min of the game and got first item hood, with no boots.... he did eventually get a blink dagger and used that to blink into stacks of marches and maybe call one hero. I got a linkens which I put on him to eventually break the base since axe would manage to get call on someone before being perma hexed because of the linkens. Maybe this is a valid option to force jungle axes to suck less... or maybe I just got lucky.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      I Was in this game too i remember it !


        You mean the jungle axe is a bit more useful then a leaver?


          It's a close call. I think in this game the leaver SF was more helpful than the jungle axe. LD also eventually gave up. We put a lot of pressure on him... but if he did not leave we still might have lost.

          Jungle axe now 8-73
 <---- a more typical jungle axe result

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            Tinker less than 10k hero damage LOL, I can't do this even if I try


              What is the record vs laning axes?


                jungle is fine but not from lv 1!
                i know he also need gold for blink, armor and hood
                but his lv 1 jungling has so much more risk of ganking than "cutting-lane" axe especially when enemy team has bloodseeker
                if you have to compare it with other jungler who can maintain his health above 50% all the time until they can get out from jungle

                one and half gun

                  key reference: 2000-3000 MMR

                  Dire Wolf

                    Jungle axe is terrible but I think skywrath was your problem that game not axe. And jungle is not fine, axe should only go jungle if you harassed the enemy of out lane so hard there's nothing else to do and you don't want to push the lane so much. Axe's skills are amazing for lane harassment.

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      I love you relentless. Best thread 2014. So many laughs.


                        The best i see axe perform is either creep skipping a tower or mid laning... though mid axe is rare in my games.

                        It either works out well because the other team doesn't respond to the creep skip, or it goes down horrendously.

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