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General DiscussionInvoker Tips? :(

Invoker Tips? :( in General Discussion

    Guys I really need help with my invoker. I am hoping for some tips from you guys like when to go quas wex or exort. Situations, heroes to avoid at mid or how to deal with them, when supports are ganking and have dust ready what would you do? There are many things i still need to learn and just watching pro players really doesn't help me at all cuz I try my best to imitate them "skill builds" and it's really hard, some quickly rush Midas and get phase by like 9 mins some tend to skip because they didn't do well laneing phase, that is my trouble there, the landing phase is really hard for me. Basically I can't find a time where I am able to kill the enemy hero (unless he's taking tower dmg or creep damage, which is very very rare). The only time I can get kills at mid is when my supports come and help me out. How do you guys set up kills by yourself? Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you for reading <3


      use forged spirit to establish lane presence
      use cold snap to secure kill

      rly fkn ez


        Heroes to avoid - TA/OD (its possible to win OD at lvl 5 with 1-0-3-1 though)

        Try not to skip midas, no matter how late it is, i find it a must on every invoker... he really needs the experience. There's a few ways to setup a solo kill by yourself in lane, if you have ss and snap invoked, just ss and if he walks into it, snap immediately and hit him, if not then wait the next time your ss hits. (hardly will you be able to kill with just snap alone). The more preferred way is to have forge and snap invoked, forge to harass -> snap when you see an opportunity to kill. Follow up with sunstrike if he's not dead. I would strongly recommend doing this instead of the ss/snap combo, mainly because you need the forge to control runes, harass and push towers.

        Ples Mercy

          Ill make a video 2day about this topic, i've been asked by quite a few players the same thing. I was once at 27% winrate with invoker, now hes my best mid hero by far.


            no need phase, skip it
            stay at brow boots
            and you can get faster midas
            if you need damage, get robe of the magi at the beginning to get drums later on
            or 3 branch to get wand


              Get Midas before 7th minute.
              Play With Spirits and Practise lasthits / Rune control with spirits
              Practice combos for every situation and u will be fine..
              also map awareness is the key for early boost from Sunstrike Kills.
              You can check my last played games and see replay this will help you:)
              Hope I Helped
              Good Luck with your Invoker

              jess the goat

                Imo, if you need levels and gold a euls is amazing, my kda with invoker has gone up from 2.21 or so to 3+ from getting euls most games. Sunstrike meteor blast will give you a kill on almost every hero in the game, and supports will become food once you get a force staff or high levels of wex to run to them. Also once you have full exort or so and 4 things of quas, send 2 spirits at supports once or twice then a ss should finish them off.


                  See my comprehensive guide:

                  6.79 invoker can beat TA now. Early spirits control runes and remove refraction. ice wall and snap for the kill. EZ kill with one stun from support when invoker is level 3.

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                    I hate invokers who get cold snap / sunstrike. It's literally fucking retarded. It's better to get cold snap / forged spirit then invoke sunstrike.


                      There are three Invoker builds: Quas+Exort, Quas+Wex, Exort (not recommended)

                      Quas+Exort is completely reliant on acquiring a lot of farm throughout the early and mid game. You get 4 levels of Exort and 4 levels of Quas ASAP in order to be able to summon 2 forge spirits, and early on they deal a LOT of damage. The way Invoker lanes is very simple, he has lots of Exort so he hits like a truck; therefore, he can last hit easily, and he can trade blows no problem, he also summons forge spirits and sends them to autoattack the enemy laner. You pretty much always want Coldsnap on your active spells bar during this stage because it is what you will use to get kills and stop ganks (getting coldsnapped when diving a tower is not fun). You should have 4 Exort, 4 Quas, and 2 points into Invoke by level 10, then at level 11 you get your first point of Wex, followed by upgrading Invoke at 12, this is when you want to start getting your Aghanims Scepter, which should not be too difficult because you have a shit ton of money because you bought a Midas in lane (hopefully). What this allows you to do is cast a lot of your spells in one fight, which is insane when you have a lot of Exort because you can deal A LOT of damage with your spells. Until level 12 you should just be Cold Snapping, Sunstriking, and casting Forge Spirits, with the occasional Ice Wall, once you hit 12 though, it's a new game. Tornado + Meteor + Deafening Blast is almost an auto teamfight winner during the early mid game if placed correctly. Once you have 5 levels of Wex (which you get after maxing Exort), and you have level 17+Aghanims Scepter, you start doing Tornado + EMP + Meteor + Deafening Blast.

                      Overall this is an Invoker who relies on farm and fast level gain to get his spells to maximum power in order to decimate teamfights and ganks. His core items are: Phase boots OR Boots of Travel, Hand of Midas, Eul's Scepter, Aghanim's Scepter. If you get everything from this list other than Aghs by level 12, try getting a blink and/or force staff in there as well. After Aghanim's, it's all up to you, I like going Refresher + Hex.

                      Example games of this build for you to look at:
             Dat Bounty Hunter

                      Pay attention to the GPM and XPM on Invoker compared to others, he is always doing his best to maintain the highest possible GPM whilst being the highest level hero in the match. This is how you know you will win, if you don't have a level advantage, you will quickly fall behind.

                      Quas + Wex is a different story and I am not good at it so yeah....

                      Exort is a troll build where you get max Exort and 1 point of the other 2, then you rush a Eul's Scepter and just Eul's a dude, sunstrike + Meteor + Deafening blast him, and then he dies. Troll build, similar to Dagon + Ethereal Nature's Prophet.

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                        i just read 1 guide and I went from bad Invoker to ok invoker

                        CHORONG SARANGHAE AH

                          @grim - assuming no supports on both teams, its hard to bring down a TA especially if she still has refraction instances after she walks out of wall.

                          @ram - yeah... the only time i do that is when im facing qop of pain, i find it easier to kill her with ss/snap than forge/snap/strike


                            Thanks a lot for all the tips guys, Ill try playing invoker once again, after reading these comments, i should improve by a lot. thank you all again for the comments and tips!


                              ^ oh and that was @Grimorum's guide by the way.