General Discussion

General DiscussionBrood vs Spirit Breaker

Brood vs Spirit Breaker in General Discussion

    Why SBreaker don't get picked even vs Brood?
    can he just track Brood w/e she goes and win her at lv 6?
    or SBreaker is just too easy to be kited?

    this is because i just went offlane spirit breaker and brood was offlane too
    literally Brood did her hide in tree thing and i killed her soon i reached lv 6
    this happened a few times until she abandon the game

    Bone Chilling

      I played the NEW brood a few times against a bh+spirit breaker set up. Cliff walking just makes all their track/charged attempts useless. Provided you have at least some vision and common sense.

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        got it


          Well, if you have BH, SB, QoP +2 a Broodmother will be easy to handle. However Brood can just get manta and counter the whole thing.


            ^ If you employ all that crap in order to counter ONE have probably been outpicked.


              The proper method to counter Brood is to avoid her altogether. While she's off pushing her lane, her team is forced to fight 4v5. Pick decent pushers with some form of survivability, and end the game before she farms up her core items.


                ^ or the opposite.

                You can counter a brood by early tower pushing her lane, gaining advantage from the tower gold, and then rotating out of her lane and forcing 5v4 against her team.

                who am i

                  if u want a guaranteed shut down hero for her pick LC/bat/beastmaster.


                    Brood is easy to counter, you know that she is a split pusher but almost useless in team fights.
                    Push is lane at five, or at least 3-4.


                      Best counter for Brood? Sentrys and deny her, her farm as much as possible.

                      Altough i got myself thinkin.. how would a well played Gandalf ( a.k.a. KOTL ) fair against her...

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                      Dwight Twilley

                        just get alchemist, and farm her spiders


                          just get pugna krob shadowshaman and ignore brood. win in 15min.


                            Hello, Broodplayer here.
                            I don't really want to share thoughts of the best coutner to brood, however as brood you hide in the woods all the time anyway if certain heroes are missing. You of course use your nuke to farm and run away and then just proceed to lasthit with spiders.
                   in this game for example I was playing really careful and made sure heroes were elsewhere on the map before I did anything. Brood is an easy frag when on the lane and she has no time to respond :(

                            Same goes for Spiritbreaker of course however you have to hide behind defenses in woods than just in woods. Brood is already a common hero which enjoys getting BKB/Manta/Linkens

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              a farmed brood can 1v1 bara. Just survive Q & R.. click R.. profit.

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!