General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy MMR has no correlation on you individual skill.

Why MMR has no correlation on you individual skill. in General Discussion

    Because MMR is 100% reliant on victory and victory is 100% on your team, not just you.



      waku waku

        as long as you don't help the enemy team on purpose, defeat is only 20% your fault


          True. Sucks much to have to carry people to win.



            That's a double-edged sword, that means that victory is only 20% reliant on you also. What if the other 80% play horribly and you play perfectly? Does that make you a bad player?

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              ES picker >:U

              waku waku

                well, i don't know anyone who has above 70% winrate in solo queue without lpqing or picking heroes like slark, io, or earthspirit either

                Everyone loves Chibi

                  Well, Dota is a team game. To gain mmr you have to win and in order to do that, other guys have to contribute something too of course. But if you're THAT much more skilled player, you can do a lot more for the team - check that 5.6K mmr guy who went to play on 2.9k account. Won 24 games in a row mostly alone with stomp :)


                    @Sugar Puppy

                    And then those other 4 people who were with him gain MMR that don't reflect their own skill. You're proving my point exactly, you don't gain MMR on how well you do individualy, you gain it based on the team you're in. Yet it seems like everyone takes MMR as a number that gives off their own skill level.

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                      pls stop these shitty mmr is shit threads
                      u are shit

                      King of Low Prio

                        if you are better than the people in you MM bracket you will win more games than you lose and if you win more games that you lose you will game MM

                        I have over 70% solo ranked and while I do have slark in my hero pool it is because he is part of my offlane pool



                          Then the other people who were with you gain MMR that don't reflect them if you win the game for them.


                            If MMR is only gained on wins and losses, didn't we already have winrate to determine that?



                              That's two account with only one trial on that experiment. Hardly what I would call solid results to make a conclusion on.

                              King of Low Prio

                                MM was easy to manipulate back when there was only one MM rating. Having a MM rating to gauge individual skill was never in the game prior

                                King of Low Prio

                                  MM uses matches over a long period of time and not just one match



                                    You can still queue up with a skilled friend for a lot of matches and let him win the games for you. I have a friend who has never learned any other hero than Juggernaut, has no idea what the difference is between a safe and hard lane, insists that Bladefury is still good on Jugg, yet still has 3508 MMR because he plays ranked with us and one of our more skilled friend who tend to simply carry us to victory most of the time. He's been on a almost 10 win streak thanks to us and he still doesn't know the difference between lanes, he auto-attacks creeps ffs.

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                                    King of Low Prio

                                      that is party MM not solo MM



                                        of course bladefury is good on jugg



                                          Is it better than a quick aghs in order to jump forever in the early-mid teamfights? The person I'm talking about here doesn't even go boots, just straight up Battlefurry. You don't need AoE cleave as Jugg if you're going to be spinning with AoE damage in those early fights anyway. He simply builds it so he can farm jungle camps faster, Jugg isn't like Luna where you stack ancients, disappear for mid game and come back later 6 slotted. Jugg isn't AM his mid game presence can be huge.

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                                            do you know what the fuck is bladefury


                                              siegfried is a faggot @ zenoth





                                                  why give this stupid thread more posts...just stop it


                                                    Shhhh, they don't need to know :)


                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                      The best solo que can only have around a 60% WR your not meant to always win MM balances it on purpose


                                                        "well, i don't know anyone who has above 70% winrate in solo queue without lpqing or picking heroes like slark, io, or earthspirit either"

                                                        Hi, my online moniker is Monkeh. I have 74.35% win rate in my solo queue ranked matches so far. 29 wins, 38 matches. I have not played slark, Io or ES. I do play a lot of Lich though. Nice to meet you.

                                                        "The best solo que can only have around a 60% WR your not meant to always win MM balances it on purpose"

                                                        Please see the sentence above. I am not 'the best'. Very far from it.


                                                          ^ Come back again with 200 games, it should balance at one point, prob you were underestimated before ranked due to stacking or not-tryharding. If you wint that much more, your mmr goes up, so at some point, you will reach your limit and your last x games will be closer to 50%


                                                            @ Siegfried

                                                            I go straight to battlefury with jugernaut too. If you help him to last hits he can have it at around 9-20mn then he will farm way much faster, also perseverance help him to stay on the lane for 20mn with the health and mana regen and use his ulti almost everytime on cooldown.


                                                              I'm sorry but I agree with Siegfried. He has a point about matchmaking. The statement "you don't gain MMR on how well you do individually, you gain it based on the team you're in" is 100% correct. You don't and it is pretty obvious. I just don't understand why valve hasn't fixed this yet...

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                MM is how you influence your teams chances of winning a match.


                                                                  "^ Come back again with 200 games"

                                                                  Very fair comment. I'll see what i can do ;)


                                                                    the sky is blue


                                                                      well OP is just wrong.

                                                                      moving on.

                                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                        cuz volvo has forced 50% winrate?

                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!