General Discussion

General DiscussionI need some advices

I need some advices in General Discussion

    Can someone just take a peak at my dotabuff and tell me what am i doing wrong. Cause simply , i really need to get this mmr up ( i had 4100 then dropped to 3400 ). This isn't flame or whine thread, i just need some tips and help, how to win games. I don't give up easy, but when you end up with guys, who flame and trash talk all game, instead of playing and not giving up, it is rather hard.

    Thanks in advance

    Cheers. :)

    King of Low Prio

      by the looks of it you made a smurf account, got overvalued slowly dropped down to your real MM. That said you will need to improve your overall gameplay if you want to get a higher real MM.

      -aggressive play (control the pace of the match and you will control the outcome)
      -be adaptive (just because X pro player players a hero in the safe lane does not mean that he can not be put in the offlane)
      -do what it takes to win (necro books, mek, pipe etc)
      -first blood is not a big deal
      -dont fall into the trap of learning new heroes on smurf accounts (play on your main account so you learn how to play them against people at your skill level)
      -going 0-4-10 is much better than going 4-0-0

      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

        Make new account.
        Pick mid that snowballs/high impact heros.
        Dominate the midgame and carry into late. Go like 30/1 or some shit.
        Have amazing kda/mmr/Winrate. (Get like over 9k or obviously pro mmr.)
        After calibration, play high mmr with other high mmr pro players.
        Feed uncontrollably because you don't belong in that mmr.
        Work your way down to 3.4 k.

        [color=#a918d6]Forget who said something similar to this, but props to you. I agreed never to be[/color] [color=#90ee90] CREATIVE [/color] [color=#a918d6]again.[/color]


          ^ imma try that :)

          To Sampson, yea, probably my biggest problem is that i watch a lot of streams of pros and they trying to get that idea in pub games, which then goes awfully wrong. And yea, i got other account, but on that one, i just play with 4 stack ( and those mates are unable to play for now , so i play solo on this one ). And thanks for advice, will try my best. Cheers :)

          Sōu ka

            losing like 600-800 points in solo ranked doesnt mean that you were overrated
            systems so fucking random

            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              [color=#a918d6]I really think that you misunderstood what whoever said that was getting at. Making smurfs doesn't make you better. You'll be happy while dominating rands for a while and then eventually people that are better than you ( I know that may seem hard to believe, you know with you deserving to be 4.1k whatever) that will stomp you back to where you belong.

              Right along 90% of dotabuff that claim to be in "ELO" hell. Want to get better? Play more. [/color]


                I do know what you wanted to say, but the biggest problem is not me getting stomped, rather getting , in least hand, kids in team ( i don't wanna say other names for them, even we all know what are they called ). Is it that because i made other account or not?

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                  Melody-San stoooop writing in purple

                  @OP: You pick a lot of useless heroes like Pudge, Bloodseeker and Sniper. Try picking something more useful.

                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                    [color=#ff1493]Alright. Geeze.[/color]

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                      jess the goat

                        useless pudge? Ha, he can gank any lane he wants whenever he wants, and at lvl 7 and deal 600 dmg to anyone middle in like 2 seconds, and with a haste rune you can get ez double-rampages, anything between
                        oops, I ment double kill triple kill ultra kill rampage, not 2 rampages

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                        Sōu ka

                          just play your own game
                          like when you play something thats relying on your teammates doing anything then you already lost

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                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              You were probably carried to 4100 pre-ranked. 3400 is prob. where u at. Your jug.. I haven't watched the replays but I assume it's offlane jug. I would opt for sb instead of Bf. You will kill creeps just as fast late game. Also in INT heavy lineup I suggest BKB as 2 or 3rd item if you're not owning. Don't go drums on him just go sceptor. Skip Mjollnir and go for abyssal blade or deadalus is better. Also lifesteal on top of your healing ward. Jug's best time to kill is level 11-16. go in and hunt.. ult then sb out. Try get 3-4 kills before they gem than late game strats starts and you will be force to teamplay more.

                              Your Mirana.. Get ULT at 6 please! I don't know about you but if you can save 1 hero from dying, at 10 mintues in every 90 seconds for the rest of the game, that's amazing. I see u don't get it til level 10 or 12. Whhich means like 30 mintues in is your first ult. Which is really bad. IT's like pub Clinkz who get's treads/orchid at 30 minutes and get's 2 ganks off before game is over. Or that Lone Druid with no enemy towers down at 30 mintues and just gotten radiance and the game's almost over. If you know what I mean. Getting ult early means your team can fail ganks twice as much an enemy team. So basically more ganks and/or escapes and less deaths.

                              As for Invoker, I would suggest the 3 minute phase boots, into bottle. Don't go force staff unless you really love saving noobs. Cuz 99% of the time I see pub invoker never saving allies with it. This is from a hero that can ghost walk he has NO NEED FOR FORCE STAFF OR EULS, when he has so many spells. My carry invoker always can get phaseboots, deadalus under 30. So Imagine a double forge spirt, necromicon & dominator invoker pushing towers.

                              Finally I would focus on heroes you're better on this month such as OD, Pudge, Sniper & CM. The winrate on SF, Mirana, Invoker just means that at that level most players are better than you on those heroes, atm.

                              And finally crap didn't notice this is your smurf account with 2 months in only with 300 games. I suggest playing on this account more often.

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                                well, crying about mmr cause of the system (dropping so much?) is not relevant. I've dropped some houndreds but build myself back up as the opponent I meet after dropping are simply not good enough to handle it. If you drop that much without winning you probably belong to be that low.

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!