General Discussion

General Discussionfor everyone who thinks stats means shit

for everyone who thinks stats means shit in General Discussion

    cant believe my eyes, the worst player ive ever seen in my entire life.

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      The guy had a bad game.. so what? Have you ever had a bad game? I bet you have , and no one came and made a forum post about how hard you sucked, and you probably have sucked hard, so hard in fact that the milk standing in the glass near you monitor went sour and the cookies on the plate just crumbled with your noobness making you go into the shower to disguise your noob tears of hurt at how much you sucked and ruined THAT game.

      Still no one gave a proverbial fuck and came here making a post on how hard you sucked because we all have bad games.

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      Bone Chilling

        ^ niceone

        Woof Woof

          extremely inflated winrate/rating due to party abuse pre ranked and lack of real placement games #i gues only people that didnt see games like that coming are those 2/3 valve devs behind mm and report system


            black lion shut the fuck up, dont fuckin talk like u know shit, he didnt had a " bad game " he is just a fuckin scrub that dunno shit, pretty much like you.

            lmfao unfuckin real ur max 3k rating and dare open ur slut mouth ?

            i dont give a shit if u give ur opinion about anything, but when it comes to dota u just shut the fuck up abyssal piece of shit.

            ^-^ <33

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              Oh im really fucking sorry.. your willies got ruffled in a bad way.. did you wake up with a double set of balls thinkin you were superman and got disapointed at the reality.. or is it just butthurt worming its way trough whats between your ears?!

              Is it the win / lose lose lose streak you are having worming its way and you are not getting carried enough in your games anymorel? Should we also watch some of your replays and point out how bad you sucked? Or should we make it a Petition for the White House.. like the people did in Steam when they wanted the russians out of the EU servers... we shall call it " Boohoo give me a hug i lost some games" !?

              Would that make you feel better? Perhaps a bit manlier... should we make a petition for more cookies and milk?! A couple pats in the back perhaps and tell people they should carry you more!?

              Btw my max 3K solo rating beats your whinny 4 K anytime.. just by the simple fact that i dont cry when i lose or blame others for my mistakes chump.

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                  Eloquently put. I don't see how rating has any impact on the validity of his points. For examples what Relentless usually says makes sense; it doesn't matter whether he's 6k pubstar or 2k trash. Don't be so mad, you're the one who suffers the most.

                  Everyone has bad games, gg go next.

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                    russians, but rubick+ember fucks over weaver regardless and legion rushed blink instead of midas so theres more rape to it

                    King of Low Prio


                      stop feeding like noob and will stop losing like noob


                        He really is quite bad, I was the tinker in this game. He literally didn't do shit the whole game.

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                          sampson whyy,
                          wvr was safelane vs solo ember, he just couldnt play this hero


                            damn you guys argue over mmr i am not even qualified for mmr LOL


                              @Black Lionz91
                              - why would u open ur mouth that wide? all i see in ur posts is 'cookies' and 'milk', are u trying to tell us something?
                              i mean if ur in such need for dicks in ur mouth there are other ways to get what you want.

                              jess the goat

                                trust me, maybe the reason people dont like you @ß? is because if the dota community made a thread for every single player that has fed before, threads would be made every minute or two, after every game someone loses.


                                  whoa...that escalated quickly.
                                  well i admit that the player in question is NOT good (saw his matches where he WON) but still we have to tolerate Russians just as we tolerate mexicans.
                                  dont get me wrong i have played with some awesome Russians on dota as well as LoL( lvl30 Plat)


                                    ß? on a serious note.. has it occurred to you that the Ember might have had that game right ( looking @ Chester the Ember guy he doesnt seem to be nothing special ) ? A good played Ember can screw over alot of heroes, WVR included...

                                    Another thing.. how many of you rushed Midas?! 0_o ... using my ( humble ) judgement there... i think that was gg for you the moment you had 4 Midas running and your Brood rushed a Bloodstone....

                                    You had two lane pushers, 1 all around guy alch and guess you were the carry?! And why was the wvr offlaning alone? Couldn't the spider do that?!

                                    Damn im gonna look at that replay later on.. i'm freaking interested on how that game developed.

                                    And no ß im not interested in your lack of cookies and milk, i'm not the one coming here crying that i lost a game, in this case it seems clear that your victim wasn't the sole cause of your lost game after watching your builds and your somewhat meagre description of who was were..

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                                      who said ppl dont like me ? im adorable.
                                      the thing is i say what i want, without giving a fuck, if there are ppl retarded enuff to answer to my threads its just cuz they are mental issued : /

                                      +im adorable.


                                        YOU KNOW THAT"S BAD MANNERS DORA! BAD DORA!

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                                          @Black lion

                                          why u keep arguing about my game ? were u in it ? all ur sayin is shit, why u even talkin about ember, if he were dendi it wouldnt change the fact that this fucker is just terribly bad.

                                          Also im sorry to repeat myself but ur sayin bullshit over bullshit.. cant argue with you like this, its not even funny :§


                                            ß... im not the one here crying on the forums that i lost 1 game because of 1 guy... so taking your coment about wide things.. the only guy with a very wide mouth atm is you.. in fact your tears are really ripe for destiling and savouring..

                                            And pal.. you said.. wvr vs Ember .. solo offlane.. look at your Team.. just look at that crap, guess your MMR is just good enough for flauting around but to see that Wvr / Invoker / spider / alch / furion all of them but 1 with midas is utter poo isn't uh!?

                                            Damn if you play like that @4k mmr ( usually i dont care what mmr you have its completely bonkers to argue over that but in your case i'll make an exception ) i kinda wonder how you reached it....


                                              @B? (how do you type that shit?)
                                              you know he's right you shouldn't have done that.You wouldn't want Tom to come here and talk shit about you would you?

                                              edit: Is his name Tom?

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                                                im 5.1 i still dont get why u keep talkin to me tho, we arent from the same universe dude .. just let it go
                                                i mean the only reason ur still here talkin to me is cuz either ur in love with me or just that retarted, u act like u know things but trust me u just dont. you're in ur what we experts call unconscious incompetent phase.

                                                maybe in 5years u'll know how stupid you were back then, until then dont try to argue about anything with me.

                                                Also just to close the deal, no one cried, if u look closely at the letters in the thread title and post u'll notices sentences, read it.

                                                @guy up above, i wouldnt care, tho no one can say shit about me sorry :( too adorable.

                                                i mean ur at a point dota where i could win vs you and ur entire friendlist with touchpad, comon..

                                                the guy ive talked about is horryfing for a 5k+ player yes, but ur not even close to be near his level if u see what i mean, and hes rly rly bad.

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                                                jess the goat

                                                  I do not care if you are anything, whats the point of making a post if you cant handle responses?

                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                    whatever MM you are atm you are not where you should be if you can not handle winning your matches. You are getting put back into the 2k MM bracket where you will be able to maintain a 50% winrate


                                                      what responses exactly didnt i handle ?

                                                      "trust me, maybe the reason people dont like you @ß? is because if the dota community made a thread for every single player that has fed before, threads would be made every minute or two, after every game someone loses."

                                                      this ? coming from nowhere ?
                                                      all i see is you talkin non-sense.

                                                      i mean im alrdy super kind to answer every of you fans even tho ur lows (

                                                      @sampson im climbing actually, and dont take offense but ur the less inteligent person on that forum, everytime u just say random bullshit like what u just said~ its like u pick random words in a jar and make sentences of it without even seeing wat words u choose xd.

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                                                        ß in love with you? ß you just made my day, your original poast is like the fusion of an orgasm while having sex with nympho twins and the fucking big bang ( the creation of the Universe for the ones that didn't get it ) .. your tears and rage throught the whole thread are like better then the 20 year old wisky bottle i've been drinkin all week long mate.. it really is.

                                                        We're so much on another universe that its like you being in another dimensional plane in relation to mine... but somehow ( trough one of those twilight zone moments in life ) i can connect to your pain... i know.. remember the waking up thinkin you're super man four ball thing? yep i can connect with the pain ( but not the balls sorry i play on another league mate.. the pink one is all yours ) and in fact i can understand that you come here raging about 1 game from the last you played.. it sucks.. in fact this is a cathartic experience for you and that you should pay me for allowing you to shed your rage and again walk the path of enlightenment...

                                                        But never ever say you are 5.1k MMr and use that shit after the game you just posted and the thread you just made because it will and it is right now, making you feel sad and pathetic in the eyes of others.

                                                        As a finisher i'll just say this to you ( in the vain hope that the last embers of your inteligence can grasp what i'm really saying to you ) , a good player will never say he's the best or perhaps boast the way you ( and others sometimes ) do. ;)

                                                        Have a nice day on your 5.1k and 4 midas team universe.

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                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          I also love how he he says how bad MM is then uses his MM to say he is skilled.


                                                            AAGGA U STILL TALKINg i wont read ur shit anymore tho sorry, game calls #muted


                                                              Damn ß? such come back, much intellect. Welcome to the world of rationality where assuming you can put down others on the basis of rating is just commiting ad hominem. So what, if vronsnak with his 5.6k rating comes in and tell you that you're wrong, will you just accept it like that?

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                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                Watched the first 16 mintues of it. Your radiant side is basically 3v5 with roaming/ancient stacking Alchemist & jungle furion. You're expecting weaver to farm nicely without support vs. lich. Also your sun strike & Alchemist's stun caused him to be FB. Fire Ember played prefect and was a perfect counter to him. As well has having a support lich to deny creep wave & harass.

                                                                You bearly kept up with a rubrick mid. You had 3 gank attempts on him, while he killed you once. Your item choice is pretty stupid too Why not finish phase boots before finishing orchid. Also with that double forge spirits take down that middle tower so they are less aggressive and might possibily smoke in order to get ganks on. Then again ur midas gaming lineup is pretty thin.

                                                                You do realize it might be his brother or sister playing? You know how some people allow others to play on their account? Or maybe he's drunk or high. Yea looks like he stacked pretty high before ranked etc...

                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  ß? is the biggest fucking moron I have ever seen. You are so fucking ignorant and egoist it makes me cry.


                                                                    Damn, first page regular sam says it to your face. Since his mmr is higher than yours based on your logic you can't argue back.



                                                                      NO PLS SAM NO WHY comon :((
                                                                      its not about mmr, im the first one saying idc, its just when ppl with such low understanding of dota comes and talk i have to shut them somehow, and on this forum only wway to do is is to show ur e-penis is bigger than rest.

                                                                      sam is shit tho sorry


                                                                        eal players .. phew


                                                                          But ß not even your e-peen is bigger.. or better.. in fact ß with this post and this game you just shot yourself in your microscopic e-peen at point blank range with a bazooka loaded with a shrapnel grenade.. on top of that you are rubbing yourself salt on the wound.

                                                                          The small but important detail you are missing is that you wanted to shame and flame another player, the rest of us are just pointing out that he indeed could have had a bad game, and as others have pointed out and after seeing what the first person that saw your game posted you weren't that brilliant either.

                                                                          You are shuting no one down mate, ur just making yourself look sad.


                                                                            okei u won :(

                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              Yeah players with lower MMR than you = shit
                                                                              Players with higher MMR than you = shit.


                                                                                ^ +1

                                                                                OP take a shower and calm down. Have a nice day!


                                                                                  I had a terrible game yesterday as Sand King. Then I came back and had two pretty decent games (as tide and OM). I was in a 5 stack and couldn't pull off any combos. And Alch was pushing my shit in, bad. :(

                                                                                  You Might Be A Zombie!

                                                                                    I find this game amusing. Don't know why!!! No offense plz... :) Check this -

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      ^ russians fault


                                                                                        lol are you stalking him ? Jesus.. remember me not to ever shitpost here...


                                                                                          ITT: Black Lion obliterates ß


                                                                                            even if the guy is indeed really bad, why do you make a thread about it? no one cares


                                                                                              I hope somebody trolls you even more.


                                                                                                im just doing same shit as everyone on this forum aka making uselss threads that no one gives a shit about ;)

                                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                  @ sam its k ur not shit dont take my word for a reality, u dont like me cuz u dunno me, all u know about me is my posts on this forum which are 100% trolls, but yea its hard to get it online.

                                                                                                  im cool with everyone, even sampson :)


                                                                                                    OP is fag /thread

                                                                                                    SMELLY APE

                                                                                                      OP says stats don't matter but keeps telling people that have lower MMR than him to stfu. Is ur vagina bleeding yet?

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!