General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do we play DOTA2? ( My personal research)

Why do we play DOTA2? ( My personal research) in General Discussion

    Hey everyone! This is actually my first time when I’m writing something so big, but at the same time so interesting( I hope it’ll be like that) in the internet. Could I ask you guys about checking and estimating my ideas? I would appreciate any opinion. So let’s start…
    I began playing DOTA2 3 years ago. I’ve played approximately 1200 games. I don’t want to imagine how many games per day I would play if I don’t have girlfriend and job and a lot of other stuff to do. Number of games would rises to 3000 or 4000. I guess this number is INCREDIBLY high. It’s like I was working almost 4 years full-time without even weekends or vacation. And this game isn’t getting boring or annoying, rather I’m getting involved in dota deeply day by day. This game is so addictive. It means that this game has something that people can’t refuse to; People can’t say “I’LL NOT PLAY THIS GAME ANYMORE! STOP!” I can’t even count how many times I’ve been called “NOOB, BLEAT’, SUKA”. I don’t know how many times players told me “MAMKY EBAL”. And still I play dota every day!
    Well… what is it?? What is the thing that forces people turn off their computers or laptops and play over and over again? Have you ever asking yourself “why”?? I don’t want say that dota will eventually ruin your life; I don’t even say that dota is bad and every one of us should stop doing that. I just want to know why people do that!
    So, three month ago I’ve started finding answers. I was reading different books about psychology, watching lectures about people who are addictive. There was so much information…BUT! I’ve come to some conclusions and today I want to share it with you guys. These findings are based mostly on motivating research. I’m going to tell you about 5 HUMAN NEEDS, that makes DOTA2 so popular, so addictive.
    1. The first human need is FOR SIGNIFICANCE. And this is the desire to feel that we are important, that we are matter. Let me explain…When I’m playing a game, usually I want to feel that I’ve played better then my teammates. I was staying mid lane better or I was farming better. Or we won, simply because I was an awesome support, I bought courier, upgrade it and so on! I felt powerfull, I was kicking ass. Sometimes even a whole game depends on me.
    2. The second need is CERTAINTY(SECURITY). In dota, everything is so simple. Look at the Ranked MM. You know exactly that if you win the game, you will get 24-27 point, and if you lose, you will lost the exact same number of points. So let’s calculate. Imagine you have 3500 point now. Then if you want to be like DENDI ( OH GOD) , or Loda, you HAVE TO win approximately 100 games in a row. Simple, right? Nothing unpredictable…just win 100 games!
    3. Paradoxically the third human need is UNCERTAINTY. This is our need for sense of surprise and spice in life. Let’s talk about this a bit. When you are playing alone, you don’t know what kind of people would play in your team and against you. So you are starting a game, and someone (lets call him НАГИБАТОР2000) tells you that your mommy is fat, and he’ll go to the mid line or feed a lot. Surprise, right? So of course you lose that game, then you start a new one, and what is it? SMART, SKILLED, English speaking people! Enjoyable,right? This is also why we sometimes take IO or pudge. We know that it’s stupid, BUT sometimes we win and we don’t know how, and we truly believe that this time PUDGE win the game.
    4. The next need is the need for CONNECTION. And again, this is so simple. For me personally, it’s so enjoyable to believe that I’m connected with people all around the world. Valve’s system may find a person from USA or Sweden or Germany for me. And after the game I can invite him to play more with me. It’s maybe like a druggy who feels connected to their dealer.
    5. The final, and at the same time, high-priority need is the need for GROWTH. That is the feel that we are moving forward, that we are becoming something. If you feel that you are doing progress from day to day, you are going to be excited more! This is the good time to think about competitive dota. Players, who play competitively, became stars, gods! The thing is that all you have to do is to play EVEN MORE! Practice more! ( Maybe also u have to leave your job, family, friends) Then, probably, someday you will play in NA’VI, and you will be a star. Efforts, energy, time that you have to spend playing dota in order to become “International” Champion, are not so much. Absolutely everyone can get it.
    So guys, my point here, is that DOTA is so interesting phenomena, and I want you to look at this game from different sides. If you like this topic, I would write couple more about players, behavior between them inside the game. Hope you’ll give me some responses ^_^

    Ples Mercy

      pls tl:dr this


        Psychology 101 is hard


          its jsut a wall. and there is no breathing space.

          take some space



          much better


            Lol... been at a Tony Robbins seminar lately?

            King of Low Prio

              looking at that hurt my brain......


                Been playing dota +10 years and getting bored often. After week or two not playing, getting interested again.

                Woof Woof

                  lay down those self help books

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    Dunn Kruger effect for everybody!

                    Dire Wolf

                      Freud says you play cus you want to f your mom


                        Good article though there was nothing I didn't really know because I was thinking about it myself and heard other people's opinion.


                          @There is no try


                            good question, i dont know
                            i rarely have fun, and ofc i'm not going to be a pro, mainly because i dont have the time as i have a job and university, plus here in brazil its hard as fuck to get sponsors so no wai

                            i play cause im retard, i suppose


                              Good Job!

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                Noobs watch NAVI & Purge play then they have this:

                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                  please use spaces

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                    He has spaces between each and every word. I think he should use some new lines though.


                                      LOL @ the Dunning-Kruger effect


                                        we need more psychologic threads, tho we lack of smart ppl, look at sampson it hurts his brain just to watch at it, what would it do to him if he actually read it ?

                                        just kidding dont get mad

                                        Woof Woof

                                          ^ would commend/+rep if possible ; d

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!