General Discussion

General DiscussionCasual gamer, casual team

Casual gamer, casual team in General Discussion

    So basically, I'm a noob. I probably do everything wrong in this game. I would like to think that I am getting better. Maybe you are new too. Maybe you just want to know that you can depend on your teammates to do and act a certain way.

    I am looking for people who are willing to get together to make a stack and play games together. I want to learn from each other, but more importantly, I just want good communication so that I know that we are at least coordinating within the game.

    I play most nights from 8-12 pm CST.

    All roles accepted. If there are enough people who would be willing to get together, we may be able to make several stacks.

    OR, if you already have one of these groups and need another player, please let me know. I am willing to listen and learn.

    I like to win, I don't like to get ROFL stomped. :)


      1. You can't coordinate if you suck
      2. You just said you are casual and suck, yet you don't want to lose hard? If you stack as 5, you will be against a stack of 5 and WILL get roflstomped
      3. You need to play more before trying to learn off of a team, I don't care how much you think you can learn, you won't get a real grasp of the game until a few hundred games have been played
      4. You will learn better by pubbing and watching videos like Purge, XVRogue, and competitive matches to see what higher level players should be doing


        Such hostility.


          >implying you have a grasp of the game


            ^ Same to you


              [1] You CAN still coordinate if you suck. In unranked games 5 stacks can still be matched against 5 solo players. Coordination is more fun and wins more games.
              [2] There will be tons of 5 stacks of similarly low skilled players to match against you.
              [3] Have your stack play the same heroes every game and you guys can learn a lot faster. Decided picks while finding the match and get them right away.
              [4] Pick a strat that you can play. If you are low skilled it may be that you can't do the high level strats. Do something that fits you. Don't be forced into trying to copy pros.

              Vanity  ツ

                Ask a more experienced player to coach you and your friends during pub games


                  Friends?! What are those?!

                  Maybe I phrased myself incorrectly. I would like to join gamers to have fun and have a high level of communication and maybe learn something along the way.

                  I come from other MMO and such and I would just like to play through more games where people don't:

                  Give up
                  rage quit
                  leave because mommy tells them too

                  It doesn't happen all that much to me (no more than anyone else i suppose), but at least if you are with people with good attitudes and common sense, then losing can be easier to handle.

                  I know I need like 1000 more games under my belt before I can even consider myself to be seasoned, but that doesn't mean I have to let other people's lack of care effect me along the way. And honestly, I think there are people out there who think like me, and if you are, feel free to contact me.

                  I'm not going pro, blah blah blah, flame flame flame. But I am on this site, and I do read and watch as much as I can. Flame me if you want to I guess.


                    Worded like that you seem like a pretty cool guy. My flames have been extinguished, good luck on your dota journey :)

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                      ^Guy's from esp and talking smack. k ima fly outta here nao bye


                        Who even are you? I just said friendly stuff to op and you say im talking smack? And what does esp have to do with my lurking?


                          added you, im not a pro player by any means, but im sure i have more knowledge than someone with 200 games and im totally willing to teach you everything i know if it means getting another person for my current 3 man stack :D
                          looking forward to playing some games with you!

                          Dire Wolf

                            What's your solo/party mmr? I'll play with you if you're not like 1000 pts off of mine. I'm only 3200/3500.

                            King of Low Prio

                              I dont think there is anyone on this site that is 2.2k MM......

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!