General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you're supposed to win 50% of your games...

If you're supposed to win 50% of your games... in General Discussion

    Does that mean that my MMR will never go up? It will eventually just balance out?

    (And in my case, go down since my win% is 49.6 :P )


      The 50% chance of winning any individual game in ranked is bullshit. I went 8-2 in calibration and then lost 10 straight. My win rate has gone down since ranked came out and I haven't gotten any worse...


        ^Doesn't look good for you :(

        But yeah, I do neither believe in the 50% chance of winning. After winstreak you get on losestreak no doubt what.

        I was close to 52% winrate, (51,98) then I got on losestreak and back to 51,70 or something. I'll never make it until I find a reliable stack.

        However, if u get below 50% I think you're just bad players and ruining the games, due the fact after a losstreak u usually get on winstreak cause u get matched vs worse players/better team-mates. So you shall not cry I guess.


          Its not that your MMR will never go up. Its just that it will only go up a little bit, slowly, and with tryharding on your best heroes.

          If you want MMR to go up you will have to pick out your best role (carry, ganker, pusher, support, etc) pick your 3 best heroes in that role and just play only those heroes in ranked games. That way you can win maybe 55% to 60% of games and MMR will slowly rise.

          Otherwise its not going up. By random luck you will go up and down in a range of +/- 150 points or so in the long term if you don't do that. Half of all dota players are below 50% winrate, even though you won't see many ordinary dota players posting here.

          If you really want to get over 50%, the best option is to find a stack of better players and play with them. Team dota is so much better than solo dota it is far more likely to win games. Stack more and you will win more... unless you can't find an above average stack.

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            ^^ I agree. Stacking is literally the only way to go on win streaks/fun games/no retarded teammates/wards/supports/good lanes/etc. Unfortunately ranked solo MM is badly flawed. I think they should come up with a system where you won't necessarily lose MMR if you lose a game. If it is obvious that you were the best player on your team and you didn't feed, had a positive k/d ratio, and did above and beyond what needed to be done for your team and you still lose, why should you lose MMR? Lets be honest... ranked MMR DOES NOT give a 50% chance for any given team to win. I strongly do not believe that.


              For me being mainly a solo player (atm) I'm having good experience with the ranked solo matchmaking. However, I'm only queuing CM/CD in ranked which makes me avoid 5man carry and "super-retarded" team-mates.

              So my suggestion to you if you gonna solo q you better go CM/CD to avoid 5man carry and shit. If you go AP, pick last instead of flaming


                Oh dear.. CM/CD queue times are way too long.

                And yeah, I don't know any good 5 stack players :( No one is online that often haha.


                  it will, as you improve
                  but as soon as your MMR really represent your skill, then you'll stay at 50%, most likely


                    improving solo mmr will be incredibly difficult.


                      @GIMME THE LOOT

                      I don't think that's true that it's the ONLY way. Really, really good players can impact solo queue enough to get 55% or 60%. The reason being that they are so good that the game struggles to find worthy opponents to offset their contributions. And in the name of having a reasonable time to find a match, Valve will just put what they can together sometimes.

                      Another common way to go on a pretty big green streak is to play a hero you're really good at. As an example, let's say you're 3k MMR. But on your best hero, you could perhaps play as a 3.7k MMR player. You just know way more about how to exercise the impact of your hero for that one hero. So a big green streak can happen if you play your best heroes. E.g. I have (mostly solo queue):

                      Ignore the first LC game. That was my first time playing her. To be fair, though, the second option is only artificial and temporary. If you keep doing it, your MMR will eventually go to that "pumped" level, and you will eventually start losing. (Unless your level of play for those heroes are on par with the best players)

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                        MMR can rise even with 50% winrate. Dendi has 55% and his mmr is probably near 6k, so you don't need to stack and get 60%+ to improve your MMR.

                        King of Low Prio

                          well technically you do need to increase your winrate to advance if you go 50 50 with shitty opponents you will stay in the shit tier


                            Play party rating games if you arent satisfied with your teammates thats it.Also release your obsession about this game slowly and you will have no pain(who goes pro anyway why bothering yourselves with pub games) :)


                              Well, MMR does make a difference, when I play on my friends account, I have a lot better team mates and more enjoyable and tense games.

                              I kinda screwed myself on my account by having a spree of "no-care" games.


                                Here's a question for Relentless:

                                If my party MMR improves, will my solo game match making also improve? If not in rankled matches, in non ranked pubs?


                                  nop asante, they are separated
                                  you can get carried by your teammates and get a 5000 party MMR, and at the same time have a 2500 solo MMR. both are independant

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    It is fairly easy to go up if you are lower than you think you should be. I have like a 90-95% winrate in solo ranked atm because of it.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      just do not play heroes you suck with because you could end up trapping yourself in the trenches


                                        I think the system is very unforgiving then, many of the games were me attempting to get better at different heroes :P


                                          When you q CM/CD in US dodge a guy named mr.chicken in your team
                                          Yesterday i wanted to make him choke on my fist after 3 matches him being on my team


                                            There are 4 separate MMR scores now. Solo MMR, Solo Ranked MMR, Party MMR, and Party Ranked MMR.

                                            After you get past the anti-smurf (where you could gain + 2k MMR in a few games) your party and solo MMR move by about +/- 25 per game. After 150 games you can play ranked games where there is again something like the anti-smurf that lets your score change by large amounts and your KDA matters. During calibration its possible to gain MMR for a loss if you get a high KDA.... or at least it was when that was visible. Now its hidden so we can't be sure. Valve changes these things a lot.

                                            What Is currently visible is Ranked solo and Ranked party MMR. These change by about +/- 25 MMR per game unless you are very near the highest MMR scores (5k +) and balanced games cannot be made. There have also been some bugs and errors in the calculation. I have 13 wins that gained zero MMR for instance... but that seems to be fixed now.

                                            To directly answer your question: winning a party game has no effect on your solo MMR. And if you have completed calibration non-ranked games also have no effect on your Ranked MMR values.


                                              Ah I see, so I'm basically stuck at this MMR =/ .

                                              Would it be more productive of me to make a new account, play the 150 games to get re-calibrated higher?

                                              jess the goat

                                                I get bored of playing the same lane/hero every game, but I suppose since I am down 800 from what I started I need to start doing it now.


                                                  If you really belong at a much higher MMR you can get it faster by staying with this account. 150 games, 160 including calibration is a ton of games.

                                                  If your current MMR really is low winning should not be that hard. If you really want to move up just pick your best heroes and win. Personally, I don't think its worth doing. As I have said in a dozen posts going back all year, keeping MMR lower lets you play more heroes. I don't want to be always tryharding on my best heroes.

                                                  The other option is you could get a smurf account and tryhard every game on that one to get as high an MMR as possible. If you want to do it that way, its not faster... but it is more effective at reaching high MMR. You should only play the smurf in 5 stack games with the best stack you can get. Then your party MMR will be very high.

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                                                    there is this experiment going on playdota forums where a 5.6k player takes over a 2.9k account to test the MMR system and disprove the elo-hell conception. he is at 3.5k after 24 straight roflstomps so till now, it seems if you're good or improve enough, you will win more than 50% until you get to the MMR you belong

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      yup the system gave me like a 3.5k MM to start with (no idea why) and have worked to 4k so far(I cant get many games in) and still winning 90%+ my matches (lost 2 when I came home drunk and fed like a idiot). If you are better than the people in your MM you should be able to shift the matches in your favor.

                                                      This is for solo MM I dont group que enough to care about it

                                                      s l a y

                                                        win rate is only a portion of what is being calculated for MMR, im sure they take in KDA, GPM, XPM as well

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          for the initial calibration yes, after all that matters is winning

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            I am losing all my solo queue calibration games, 5 out of 5 lost, halp :(

                                                   I dont why, i dont how, but i ended offlaning as cm.

                                                   Void last pick was questionable.

                                                            Oh well 2k mmr wait for me.

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                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              the calibration matches really do not just your MM much


                                                                Have anyone ever get any points after lose a game? i recall that Valve said we could get points when losing/ lose points when winning

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  outside of the calibration matches I have yet to see it happen to anyone


                                                                    i hate this system srsly :@

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      I like the system it promotes people to focus on winning rather than personal stats


                                                                        There are ways to win more than 50%... If you are consistently playing with high-communication teams you should probably win more than 50%. If you are playing consistently with wombo-combos or are a consistently better captain in CM/CD, you should win more than 50%. If you always pick OP heroes or strong heroes that you are very good at, you can win more as well

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                                                                          Awesome tips in here! Thanks a lot Relentless!! And everyone else!

                                                                          Appreciate the advice :)

                                                                          My friends are all pretty shocked at my MMR, and some of them who are considerably worst than I am got calibrated around 100-200 over me.

                                                                          I'm perhaps not in the 5k mark, but 4200ish? and I got calibrated at 3600

                                                                          So since I'm not THAT much better than my MMR, it's hard to go up :P

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            play BH, easiest way to win games


                                                                              IF YOU WIN MROE THAN YOU LOSE YOU'LL ALWAYS GET HIGHER MMR

                                                                              anyone can make it to 5k+


                                                                                you need to play like a team player and if you're against a strong stack you need to just cheese them


                                                                                  Yup what Relentless/Sampson said. If you don't belong, you'll win/lose your way out of that bracket. If you get stuck, that's where you belong.

                                                                                  In this system, from here on out, if you win more than 50%, your MMR will rise. I liked hon's system better where the higher MMR players would win/lose less MMR than the lower MMR players of the game. IE: In dota in an even matchup, everyone wins or loses 25 MMR. In hon in an even matchup, blue/pink would win or lose 6 MMR while orange/brown would win or lose 20 MMR.

                                                                                  This puts a "cap" on the MMR ceiling, as well as makes it more difficult to gain MMR at a rapid rate for the best players in a game.


                                                                                    Don't worry the cap is there.
                                                                                    I've currently 6k3 party mmr, and appart from 1 or 2 game, there and there, it's only +2 to +9. (and lose ~40 each).

                                                                                    It's just that if you aint in the very bottom, or very top, you get most of the time, balanced -in terms of mmr- games which will never vary a lot from the +-25mmr