General Discussion

General DiscussionMistakes people you play with make

Mistakes people you play with make in General Discussion

    Ok guys, we often complain how shitty our team was, that they all fed and stuff, instead, what about we point out the common mistakes so maybe we will prevent THAT guy from ruining our future games? It may help eachother out anyway

    - Master of Picks - person that pick whatever he wants, a hard carry when you need a support, a jungler that doesnt fit lane when you already have one. If your teammates scream that they need a supp - listen to them, dont ruin the game.
    - Overconfidence - early stomp by 1 team and you start to wander alone, all split up, the stomped team decided they will ward jungle, stick together and apparently you are starting to lose because they have picked off your hard carry 2 times already.
    - Going for a kill when most of the enemy team is missing and the next thing you realize 3v2 is 3v5, you get stomped and lose a tower.
    - PUSH. PUSH. PUSH. Really, people forget its about pushing, instead of taking the oportunity to push your teammates go jungling or back to base instead of pushing - so common it hurts.
    - Not going for a kill when you really can, instead, you let that guy just farm, have free exp

    Thats what I remember for now


      Yesterday I played with a guy that last picked Void when we already had 3 carries and 1 semi-carry on the team. He started complaining about no one buying courier or wards, and he said that if the game would last 45 min, he would carry the shit out. End of the story: the game did last 46min and he managed to carry our team down the hole with an amazing 2/9, and farmed only a MoM and Cristalys. Oh, and 1 clarity, i almost forgot. I once played with a Weaver that would not uplvl his ult until he had maxed out his other skills (even swarm) cause "they are just to good to spend a point on a useless ult".

      But the most common shit is:

      - Never carry a TP
      - Never buy detection itens such as dust or sentry, even when the other team is riki, bh, clinkz, nyx and traxex with SB
      - Never contest jungle when enemy has Doom/LC/LS
      - Supports think the only supporting item is Meka, so they all make it.
      - CM thinks it would be an awesome idea to rush Aghs, though she never ults.
      - Bloodseeker thinks he is so imba that he will jump on vs 5 enemies, cause if he manage to kill 1, he gets full health again
      - People auto-atacking after ET stomp, when the team is still positioning.
      - Invoker who thinks sun strike kill stealing your own carry would be way too much helpful.
      - Jugger ulting while enemy is in the middle of a creepwave.
      - Your Doom afk farm the whole game and start bitching you for not standing 4v5.
      - /\ same goes for AM
      - /\ and Void
      - ... and LS
      - ... and LC
      - ... and your CM who stays in the jungle all the way with her brand new Midas
      - And ofc your Furion, who thinks his teleporting ability is too overrated
      - Tinker thinks it is extremely funny teleporting to a lane, using march, reload, march, back to base, do the same thing over and over and just don't make himself present in fights.
      - Your Dazzle that steals every fucking kill "trying to heal", even if you're at full health.


        - Not smoking into Roshan
        - Not dewarding even with an excess amount of money
        - Mid and supports never checking runes during laning stage
        - Jungling when there is an easily available safe lane to farm in with a support
        - Skadi on Clinkz (yes it stacks, but there are way better items to get on him)
        - Getting drums but farming instead of fighting
        - Going Midas in a game where the carry is clearly going to be needed early on
        - Battlefury Kunkka
        - Queueing into a server that you don't live near
        - Selecting a language you don't speak
        - 2 Mek, Pipe, Vlad's


          Feels good im rather familar with most of these things, just didnt think of them. I have often saw someone get vlad when he was the only one that would have an use out of it and vlad when you would want to get satanic later on.

          "- Battlefury Kunkka" - I go battlefury most of the time, helps with regen, does some extra to pushing, feels way more comfortable that way, otherwise I often find myself without mana/low hp. Battlefury on the bounty is a problem, tho


            can anyone tell me why BF is recommended on BH? can't really find a use for it

            Sōu ka

              i really like it when people who have no idea about dota think they know why they lose the game
              that's like my favorite thing in dota




                  BF is NOT a good item for Kunkka or BH. Regen can be acquired from soo many different items, the only reason people get it is because the guide says so and they aren't smart enough to just try a build that actually functions. BFury is in the default build for BH because supposedly Jinada + cleave is op and lets you farm really fast, but really you shouldn't be farming with BH and cleave almost never helps in teamfights, especially compared to items like Deso, drums, AC, and Abyssal. As for Kunkka, the cleave is puny on Bfury, while the splash from his passive is HUGE, this makes it really stupid to go Bfury because the odds of getting both cleaves on multiple targets are sooo low. You are way better off getting actual damage items ASAP like Daedalus, and then worrying about regen with a different, more useful, item.

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                  Quick maffs

                    wink believe me rushing a daedalus on kunkka is stupid, you need at least ONE damage item before getting daedalus on kunkka, bf on kunkka helps you farm ( even if you should be fighthing with kunkka sometimes you need to farm ), you dont get it to stack cleave.

                    Maybe you can get like shadow blade mkb daedalus instead, but i still think battlefury on kunkka is legit.


                      for kunkka i would rather go for a cristalys and a drums instead of BF


                        Shadow Blade is the best first item for Kunkka, besides Drums

                        Dwight Twilley

                          Stop inviting your shit tier friends into ranked stack unless u got 5 than by all means get ur ass schooled.


                            being bad


                              Having the attitude of a 5 years old from a rich family.

                              Quick maffs

                                I usually go with kunkka phase drums shadow blade bf or mkb and only after that daedalus, i tried to rush daedalus on kunkka twice, in one game it did work but its like you crit for 400 with the full daedalus what is like nothing.

                                Well about OP is asking, the worst shit people do in my opinion is crying when the game goes bad, they start blaming each other.


                                  Oh well, I just love people saying "gg" after it's 1:5 in kills, such shit attidue is so annoying. Also:
                                  - USE THAT SKILL OMG! This kind of shit got pretty common when I started playing LC, people will tell you to duel at any cost even tho it'd probably end up badly

                                  Of course there are times when your tide doesnt use ult when its needed or pudge doesnt hook when he could but most of the time if someone didnt use that certain skill he probably had a reason not to

                                  Oh i forgot, GANKS. People think you HAVE to gank if you are mid, no matter if the enemy is under tower, you dont have enough stuns/slows to kill him - you gank or gg. On pubs don't even think they will come gank mid, even tho its usually way easier to gank mid with a good supp that any other lane. Today I was mid vs invoker, havent killed him 1v1, he havent killed me either and apparently Im bad because of no ganks and that "invoker won mid" lol

                                  Good we won

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                                    mid no gank gg

                                    <font face="wide latin">N...

                                      -i hate players who doesnt have map awarreness , even if there are wards or not.
                                      -trashtalkers, full of sh*t... i think the reason behind that is that they have a losing streak of 99999999 games after some decade they finally win and yes i can now say "noob' to my opponents bla bla bla
                                      -persons who are poor in teamfights


                                        Common mistakes:
                                        - pick Darkseer for no reason
                                        - pick Pugna for no reason
                                        - pick Magina for no reason
                                        - no ward at any rune against mid pudge


                                          1. Picking too many supports, and no carries, vice-versa.
                                          2. Not Defending towers or against Rat dota.
                                          3. Playing too safe when you have the advantage
                                          4. Not Roshaning after winning team battles
                                          5. Greed: Chasing enemy hero with 1 hp left but with no mana
                                          6. Thinking you can win a team battle that you cant.

                                          Сука Spirit

                                            I'd just add 1 more thing here: positioning. I've seen far too many times ppl cluster and get raped by heroes with strong aoe disable.


                                              - wrong herochoices: in most of my games i can predict the outcome by looking add the picked heros, example pudge vs od is not a great plan
                                              - wrong understanding of their role example: a venomancer that farms the jungle for 15mins cause he needs his agha
                                              - supports that steal farm from the carry, if you play a carry you will encounter some linas, dps, wrs, kotls etc etc that think its funny to clear all waves and the jungle
                                              - map awareness, some ppl can't see the enemy even with a dozen wards
                                              - enrage, ppl try to force something by intiating a fight in a really bad position
                                              - lions with agha instead of wards/courier/mek/pipe
                                              - there are games around the 4,2k rank where a naix has to buy the courier and the wards cause noone else is doing it
                                              - picking a hero you can't play, just because someone got raped by lets say an invoker there is no fucking reason to pick invoker in the next game and hope for the same outcome
                                              - a lot ppl stick to their standartbuilds, they don't care what is needed they just buy the same stuff over and over
                                              - ppl that ignore all other lanes cause their own lane is great, nice that 1 lane wins but if the other 2 get utterly crushed the game is lost
                                              - offlaner ( with good gankheros) that don't gank, for example a tusk sits on the offlane for 15mins, you can kill at least 2-4 ppl on the other lanes in this time
                                              - ppl that think only the midlane hero can gank, everyone is able to do so and the enemy midhero is normally an easy target
                                              - CARRY TPS AND USE THEM FOR GODS SAKE, carrys can stop farming for a min too if they can make the difference

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                                                -they pick ns


                                                  why are "people" with downs syndrome and autism allowed to interact in video games online when they can't even function in life

                                                  that's the common mistake people do when i encounter them irl and in dota, they should be in bed and staring at a fucking wall with their arms and legs strapped down

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                                                    -Player Has Picked Pudge
                                                    > Pudge has died mid
                                                    > Pudge has Rage Quitted
                                                    > gg


                                                      - A carry that RAGE buy back and die again, and it cost us the game =D (Enemy straight mid end even we are having great advantage)
                                                      - Unnecessary buy back
                                                      - A guy who pick carry and can't even last hit well, and you play as a support will be kinda pissed there
                                                      - A carry who is ok in farming but BAD in decision making and the mistake is big enough to cost you the game
                                                      - Some pub who tend to be a leader and thinking himself/herself is so so pro and he/she will lead you to holland with his/her bad decision making
                                                      - A game without a courier
                                                      - A game of 15 minute and without any observer ward
                                                      - Someone who is racism and refuse to cooperate
                                                      - When you control a courier to go and steal the gem when the whole team died, and someone will control him back and telling you:" THIS IS JUST A GEM."
                                                      - A guy who instant pick a solo mid hero and say:"mid or feed." And his score is 0-6 in 10 minutes.
                                                      - A overconfident carry will buy divine when he is leading and the divine dropped. THROW
                                                      - The support ignore you even you keep on ping-ing a spot that the enemy might placed an observer over there.
                                                      - A leader who ask to fight without any dust or sentry when enemy got a mirana.
                                                      - A team without any arcane boot.
                                                      - A support who ask you to wait him to get an item b4 buying a ward whereas it is alreeady 10 minute without any ward just because he want arcane boot so badly.
                                                      - A team keep on using the courier and your item won't reach you when you are solo mid.
                                                      - Support that don't up bird automatically when the game is about 10 minutes and blame you for the death of the courier.
                                                      - The invoker without cold snap, and just relying on SS
                                                      - A mirana that don't up a single point his ultimate.

                                                      There are still a lot more but I'm tired of typing all of them.


                                                        1.rage quit when the game is under 10 min because he think the game is over
                                                        2.Pick AM when opponent play Early Push strat. Lose game under 30 min and AM flame the team..
                                                        3.Carry that cant last hit.
                                                        4.Dive just to die and refuse to buy BKB..
                                                        5.Player who dont know how to play defensive with a late game hero in their team. (they give up)


                                                          Biggest mistake people make when playing with me is not quitting instantly to avoid the inevitable rage I shall cause.


                                                            1.being retarded
                                                            2.not having common sense
                                                            3.being russian


                                                              One of the reasons why some of your games don't go too well.



                                                                * maxing thunder strike over glimpse :(


                                                                  i forgot, bad use of gylph
                                                                  like your t1 tower has 80hp left and the whole opposite team is attacking it
                                                                  then a genius presses J


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                                                                    I'd say the most common thing people do is they think they know it all, and then they argue about random arbitrary numbers and unintentionally become hilarious :D

                                                                    Kamado Kun

                                                                      when people lack awareness and put themselves in very dangerous situations , just to blame the team for their mistake afterwards

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                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        when my team plays like pussies when I put myself in dangerous positions


                                                                          When people say they can't play support because their positioning is bad.

                                                                          When people Glyph without intending to do anything with it (ie. teleport to deny, etc.).

                                                                          When people Glyph at the end of a creep wave early game ("oh no a single catapult being targeted by the tower is hitting it! Fortify!").

                                                                          When supports don't ward.

                                                                          When supports steal farm.

                                                                          When I get bashed for NOT building a Midas.

                                                                          When people don't carry teleports or don't use them.

                                                                          When people demand mid on stupid heroes only to feed and cause the other mid to snowball (recently had people demand mid as KotL and rush Mjollnir, and Crystal Maiden).

                                                                          When people intentionally feed in Ranked MMR.
