General Discussion

General Discussion(attempt #2) 20 WINSTREAK RANKED MATCHMAKING duo/tri queue here we go

(attempt #2) 20 WINSTREAK RANKED MATCHMAKING duo/tri queue here we go in General Discussion
    5k+ rating europe west

    second attempt if this fails im never playing ranked without a tryhard 5 man stack.
    if someone steal mid from me, i'll go roam with alchemist.

    how can you watch me? since im at my friends house, i cant stream but every match i play (normal or ranked) always shows up on front page or second page so feel free to spectate there :)

    current progress:
    havent played 1 game yet, taking a break to calm down my mind from the first attempt

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    King of Low Prio

      do you ever shut the fuck up?


        Whatever you think of this guy, you've got to admire his faith in not getting retarded teammates in 20 games in a row.


          if this fails im considering suicide

          King of Low Prio

            plz do


              inb4 op wont deliver lost in 2nd match :D


                2nd game lost, even with kaolin on team )))))


                  why is sampson in my thread, oh right dotabuff advocates shitposting of low quality.

                  earth spirit is useless when you have a mid and carry who cant farm and rather feeds.

                  what is there to do man? :)

                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                    Good luck.


                      keep us updated

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                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        smurfs so HARDCORE he's gotta have 10 accounts!


                          no? i have two accs, this one and my main account.

                          i cant post with my main acc here :) right now im chilling in normal mm to cleanse my mind from that shitty match, expect progress tomorrow

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                            I'll follow this journey. If you achieve this i become a fan.

                            kappa god

                              your games are actually super impressive nice lol


                                me and my two mates wont disappoint you guys tomorrow... i hope we get people who dont random in this new attempt


                                  Are you going to stream or something? Cuz i wasn't able to find the games you played today.


                                    no idea, i get like 200 ping in eu at my friends house because he lives in the "country side" or whatever its called in english

                                    i'll see if i can stream tomorrow but my games appear on first or second page


                                      Yeah i don't think so. I tried to find them but they weren't even in the 1st page so i had to search them by hero filter.



                                        riki was ryze and yeah, he dived the fountain twice and there goes the game :) forced 50% winrate lololol fuck ranked


                                          If you think you have bad games then look at this crap here >> , i was like alone and tought.. well trilane top cant go wrong... right? right!?

                                          That was possibly one of the reasons why i lost faith in the players recently...


                                            you have 47% how come you are one of the people that have lost faith?


                                              I have 47% because i dont 5 man stack that often, usually when i have 5 people to play with all on skype we dont lose ( so i guess your WR arguement just went down the drain there ) , you on the other hand never seem to solo queue so i dont even know where you are going at with your poor arguement ( actually i know but idc because its a very poor assumption to judge people in the first place when you yourself are one of the people that dont know what solo queuing is. )

                                              Anyways if you had bothered to watch that replay it was basicly a story about a spectre flaming a Doom for being russian, a doom dying in our fountain after furion having tp'ed there and mostly because AA never bothered to look at the map, that said he just walked past furion while furion dropped the Doom... i finished the furion while the AA was still walking top.

                                              The rest of the story is the typical.. i'm a super pro dont need spectre's Q , or AA never using his ulti when he should, or how a SD / AA / Spectre trilane just fed all their deaths to a tinker / visage dual lane

                                              Funny the other guys wheren't even that special and still a 3 +1 doom lane managed to die horribly against 2 heros.. :)

                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                              Legit Pudding

                                                I'm currently on a 20 game win streak granted my mmr is shite. And 1 was a 4 stack but we were playing a 5 stack so it's fine.

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!