General Discussion

General DiscussionIt is my teams fault not mine

It is my teams fault not mine in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    Plz keep it in one thread. We all get how Valve, MM, teammates etc are holding you down you dont have to convince us anymore


      The delusion is even stronger than once thought. I sometimes get told off by people with 1000 points less than I have. Even when presented with de facto measures of skill, they cannot accept how bad they are. It's a shame. They'd get better if they listened to me. Just commenting further on the delusional thinking you've brought up.

      Sōu ka

        pretty sure there are people with 1000 points difference in MMR where the lower rated player is still better


          Rating isnt accurate if its just based on win/loss. Its not defacto


            its actually my fault cuz of my ego and selfish plays i feed on purpose and lose all of the games cuz of that

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              @fuckthezero is bad #1
              @wink is bad #2

              Stop being so delusional. The reason you have 3000 score is that you are not that skilled.

              Sōu ka

                there are people with 6k-6.2k+ rating picking earth spirit every game and there are professional players dropping below or close to 5.2k-5k
                so whats your point you fucking dumb ass cunt
                hows that delusional
                where are your fucking facts at now huh

                Quick maffs

                  MMR does not represent skill, but it does represent your perfomance in a game, profesional players usually dont try-hard on pubs, earth spirit pickers probably do.

                  Or its singsing a bad player ?

                  King of Low Prio

                    MM takes the data that is available, as Dorkly stated unless the pro players are try hard'n in pubs they will not score as high as someone who does purely on the fact that the try hard is prob showing better results.

                    King of Low Prio

                      @ brozisky

                      you proved my point even more. Players will play heroes like weaver, wr or BH who really do not die that much even if they are getting stomped then say "LOOK AT MY CM FEED".


                        You know matchmaking measures your ability to win public games right? Seeing earth spirit players at the top by a huge margin suggests to me the system is quite accurate :)

                        Picking the most imba hero in all pick is pretty much the epitome of skill in ranked.

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                          It's my teams fault not me, seriously!

                          <font face="wide latin">N...

                            add me good stats i think? though im not yet level 13 to play MRR


                              It's not always your teams fault, sometimes the enemy team is better. The hard part is accepting that.

                              And if you find that in most games you're constantly blaming your team, you're probably the shitter.

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                                I dont have 3k mmr, i am still tbd but of my 2matches in ranked i did the console command and it said 4.2k and i would have more games played but my comp has been in repair for the past week


                                  Here's your cookie.

                                  Woof Woof

                                    What Pancakes wrote about es pickers and pros is rly sad and true also #mixing solo and stacks in one mode while taking 2 different ratings was briliant idea


                                      nice thread.

                                      Happy :)

                                        Seriously though I'm in absolute shit-tier right now and I deserve to be exactly where I am. Once I get better at the game I'll be able to contribute more to my team regardless of what role I'm playing and then I will win more games and get a higher MMR. What annoys me is players who refuse to acknowledge that they are just as bad as everyone else in the game. For example a 0-10 support is spam pinging his teams carry who has been forced into the jungle because the enemy team is super fed and all caps typing "NOOB WHY NO HELP?!" And then as soon as you point out his KD he says "LOL noob at least I help team. Which is more important KD or winning?" Or a carry who at the end of the game flames the Bane who is the only one with less then 10 deaths and reports him for ability abuse because in his mind the only way that someone could possibly play better than him is by KSing. You accomplish nothing by typing "GG team noob" and maybe, just maybe, if you actually looked at your own mistakes you'd get better and start winning games.

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                                          "It's not always your teams fault, sometimes the enemy team is better. The hard part is accepting that.

                                          And if you find that in most games you're constantly blaming your team, you're probably the shitter."
                                          That's great quote :D


                                            I've seen times where it's a combination of picks and plays that really make a difference. And I've gone "man, those guys are simply outplaying us". So, what the good Doctor says holds true.


                                              Please keep this topic up. People need to realize that if they were truly better than their MMR/bracket, they would just win their way out of it. Can't win? Don't deserve to get in better bracket.

                                              Don't blame it on bads either. For every game you have a bad losing the game for you, there's another game where he's on the other team winning the game for you.

                                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                I used to say it was my teams fault. More or less just one guy I played with. I stopped playing with him around two months ago.
                                                +2 % win rate since then. MM works to make the game even you out at 50% winrate, sometimes it can be your teams fault. Just make a change. Play with a friend or stop playing with that bad friend. Things fix themselves. zzzzzzz


                                                  jerax is not playing earth spirit anymore
                                                  what's his mmr now?


                                                    He is not even playing ranked so I guess it's the same as before.

                                                    waku waku

                                                      i lost 8 games out of 10 in ranked matchmaking and not all of it was my fault

                                                      Nice Patch Blizzard

                                                        I feed on purpose every game so its 100% my fault, no questions asked.


                                                          why do i get the feeling Sampson (the creator of this thread if he changes his name) suffer from dunning kruger effect? not only that, i may be wrong with this one but i feel like he's under the influence of autism, just reading his posts makes me wonder why he's not banned from posting here since he's literally never said anything constructive and it's always "wow you suck go learn how to play this game ECKSDEE IM FUNNY am i trying too hard now?".


                                                          what's wrong kid? too scared to play dota but you enjoy shitposting? i guess all that shit you type behind your screen must take away all your time and pls dont tell me "my internet is bad so i cant play dota" or "i have a job/school to attend"

                                                          shut the fuck up already l e l and dont bother responding to this

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                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            ^looks like I struck a nerve on this one.


                                                              ^^ implying you are even a DECENT player to comment on others is dunning kruger effect

                                                              Sneaky Pebbles

                                                                idk lol..vivivvivivi, i don't consider myself a great player but most ppl posting here are seriously impressive.... including sampson lol... the 5th post above this one has one of the most impressive players ive found on dotabuff...not really sure what shit talking here gets u :/


                                                                  One of the issues with this, is that in some games, one or more of your team mates will feed particularly hard, and be more responsible for the loss than you. That is fine to identify and get annoyed about. However this happens to everyone equally when solo queuing. That doesn't mean the loss isn't your fault. Its always partially your fault.

                                                                  It is also never 100% not your fault. At best you can reach 95-7% not your fault. If you think about it like an insurance claims-person, no car accident is 100% one drivers fault, ever. The closest it gets is 99% basically. There is always something the other driver, no matter how out of control/victimized by the situation, could have done to avert the crash. If you apply this to dota, each player is in theory responsible for 20% of victory or loss (20% x 5 players = 100%). At some points in the game, some roles or players will have more control over the situation than others. Even if other players are more at fault, you can compensate for their bad play. Even if you play amazingly, there is still something more you could have done, so of that 20% theoretical control over the match you had, some part of it will still be on you when you lose.

                                                                  The "its my teams fault" turns into the Dunning-Kruger effect when players can't recognize their own faults over a period of games. Most players on these boards understand that a complaining player is not 100% responsible for all of his losses, but they also know that the players is the common denominator in all games played. You can reach very high status with 52% win rate given enough games for example. Obviously that means a lot of losses, but the player still is winning more than loosing.

                                                                  There will always be trolls who are extremely hostile because it pleases their ego, and because they have seen thousands of complain threads before. There will also be stacking groups with abnormally high win rates, whether that's due to stacking skill, cheesing the system etc.

                                                                  @community toxin: We know its not 'always' your fault, but you are ALWAYS on your team, and taking responsibility for that is a major step.

                                                                  Dota players hostility regarding MMR complaints is also self-perpetuating. The same players that act high and mighty and chide players for their dunning-kruger complaints, are often the same players that talk shit and belittle other players skill levels. This is particularly bad in dota because these same players have suffered bad players in their games for years, and having overcoming that incredibly frustrating experience, have no patience, an inflated ego and a lot of repressed anger. Other genres like Sc2 or FPS games or fighting games are much more civil towards players who vent their frustration. Yes, even fighting games.

                                                                  @ESP Wink - Winning is all that matters, and so far the rating is relatively accurate.

                                                                  As for me, sadly i think I will end up in a trash tier. I have played 3 solo ranked games and won all of them ( I've been sick) and they seem easier than the games I had in normal. Despite having high k/da in those games, i played aggressively and got kills as an offlaner, and my last hits were low. If i end up there, then that is what i deserve. Maybe I am more knowledgeable about the game than other players in the bracket i end up in, but i'm still there, and thats' on me... and its on me to get out of it. Learning to play with shitty trash players on your team is just as important as learning to play the game the way the pros do in 5v5 matches.

                                                                  So if you can't/shouldn't blame your team for losing, what can you blame them for? Well you can blame them for making you do too much. If you are playing carry, and they dont ward, its still your fault for not warding. But its their fault if after you have warded and last hit like a boss you are 150 short on a key item. You can blame your team for poor positioning, forcing you to help them rather than last hit. Those kind of things you can gripe about. You can identify what went wrong with YOUR play, and then identify the source of that. It doesn't let you off the hook for a losing game however.

                                                                  bah... that post was way too long, fucking Scotch...

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