General Discussion


`b U u

    What am I looking for ?

    - Friendly players that play well in team environment
    - Strictly no ragers, players that'll be able to put up with others
    - Committed players, willing to put in effort towards building the community

    Goals of the Guild :

    - To have a small community where solo queue players can party up with one another
    - to build up trust within the guild
    - to have teams within the guild to join small online tournaments

    Requirements :

    -at least 500+ games played( in order to keep the standard within the guild )
    -must have a SOLO MMR of 4000 and above(win rate doesn't matter)
    -if you will apply as a team, team MMR will be considered and it must still be above 4000 smile.gif
    -knows each and every roles in dota 2 (improvements will come along)
    -must be able to speak in English

    just add me up if interested :

    Once Invited :

    - kindly read the info tab to avoid confusion
    - dont be shy in asking for parties
    - be fun and keep the level of the guild above average

      Dieser Kommentar wurde gelöscht
        Doesn't seem to be "VERY HIGH SKILL" to me.


          It's basically just a >4k MMR guild. We're looking to form parties with people of relatively similar rating.


            [ESP*] Wink
            17 minutes ago

            Holy shit wink, you are really braindamaged.

            gtfo this forum


              Tj0f, what an conduct from a guy like you. Try to act more professional if you're from this guild. Sounds so immature!
              Hvert fall når du er norsk.


              `b U u

                :) feel free to criticize but as long as you met the requirements posted above, i'll be happy inviting you.

                jess the goat

                  Man my mmr is at 3.4k and im just losing every game now!


                    mind to tell ur own mmr?


                      Do let me clarify:

                      We're looking for players who play on the SEA server, with a Solo MMR of not less than 4000. The reasoning behind this is that we want to provide a guild where players can find decent stacks of roughly the same skill level as them for ranked games. Queuing with people from a very broad skill range makes for more unstable matches, and we're just geared towards avoiding this. We want our ranked games to be enjoyable, not a whole load of grief because one guy can't play for nuts.


                      The minimum Solo MMR of 4000 is set so that we know
                      (a) 4k seems to be the minimum level where a player is competent enough for good ranked games. Playing with sub 4k players is usually a chore. There are of course a few exceptions, but we needed to set a bar and this was it. If you're a sub-4k player and you think you're good, you can work your way up to 4k and we'll be happy to have you.
                      (b) Solo ranking is taken into consideration so we know that you didn't get carried to the 4k+ mark.

                      For those who would like to criticize us as elitist, I'd like to point out that 4k MMR is a relatively low bar. In fact, it's the lowest we could go without making the guild totally useless.

                      Although we're currently accepting those with Party MMR of 4000 and above, I'd like to stress that by the end of January, players who fail to meet the solo requirement will be booted. Squall and I have each run our own guilds in the past (with varying success), and we'd like to keep this one up to standard.




                          lol sorry jk
                          i am from sea 4041 MMR
                          wait dont invite me first.


                            "(a) 4k seems to be the minimum level where a player is competent enough for good ranked games"
                            This means you are not competent enough to play ranked games in party? You have 3.9k party MMR. And for the solo MMR, you need only about 4-5 consecutive losses to get below 4k.

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                              Damn, the demand is way too high I think I'll have to pass :D I am not competent enough for ranked games. So anyway can you show me the profile of some of the guild members in it.

                              brastealer  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                such cereal guild much yolk

                                jess the goat

                                  Well, considering the ranking is win/loss based, this guild is useless. I could be better than all of it, but I might have lost way more games.


                                    @6_din_49 I'm referring to solo MMR. Party rankings are more heavily influenced by the people you queue with (which are not always above 4000 in my case, and is also why we take solo MMR as the de facto guild requirement). And yes, my solo MMR is around 4100, which puts me on the lower end of the scale. We conduct monthly MMR checks and nobody is exempt from the rules, so if I do drop below 4000, I'll be asked to leave. Consider it a motivation to push players towards improving, rather than just being stagnant.

                                    @A Hobbit MMR gains/losses are not purely based on win/loss. I lost the game below, but still managed to move up by about 35 points.

                                    P.S. Each guild is free to impose their own requirements for membership. If you have a problem with that, please take your gripes elsewhere.


                                      Monthly MMR checks? Really? Dude, learn to advertize your guild!

                                      jess the goat

                                        Pretty odd considering I've been something like 20-0-13 and lost a game because everyone was 0-6-1 or even worse, mmr is 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999% on winrate, and im also 99% sure of that.

                                        ♥ cieles†e

                                          too bad i don't fulfill the games required quota despite playing d1 for 3 years lelz


                                            @cartographer i'm stuck @ 3.8 - 3.9k.. once I get stable in 4k-4.1k I'll pm your right away :)


                                              @BlackXargon We look forward to having you.

                                              We're looking for more people so there are parties available round the clock!

                                              Current member count: 25
                                              Highest Solo MMR: 5xxx

                                              `b U u

                                                bump :)
                                                currently we have 26 members and still looking for more :) rest assured that each member has 4k up mmr

                                                weird fishes

                                                  462 matches 4100 mmr


                                                    how to know my MMR? Sorry for this noob question. :D

                                                    `b U u

                                                      bump! :)


                                                        would like to join your guild since it's in SEA..
                                                        I already sent friend request, this is my overview not good enough but i think it passed through your standard :))

                                                        you could check my MMR when u accept my friend request, its around 4k

                                                        you just have to play ranked match several times (just as dota requested) by the time you reach that number, you'll eventually get your MMR :))

                                                        `b U u

                                                          Happy New Year to all! :)


                                                            added you

                                                            Dat Boii

                                                              4146 solo
                                                              3900 party
                                                              what's the procedure to join? Just send a friend request?


                                                                @jesse Yes, just drop either of us a friend request. Whoever's on first will approve you.


                                                                  hi, ive just added


                                                                    I've just sent out a round of invites. Those who have added me but have yet to receive a guild invite, please drop me a message via Steam.

                                                                    `b U u

                                                                      Currently we have 53 members and let me remind you guys that every end of the month we will conduct an inspection in order to maintain the standard within the guild. We prioritize quality over quantity.

                                                                      just add us up if interested :

                                                                      `b U u

                                                                        just add us up if interested :

                                                                        Member Count : 61


                                                                          Solo: 4407
                                                                          Party: 4408

                                                                          But I feel that my hero pool is too limited. Can i join & watch your games so I can learn?


                                                                            @ROTTI/solanin Sure, no problem. Doubt it'll be any different though, very few heroes are actually picked in ranked games. If you really want to expand your hero pool, do join me for unranked games. I've got and ex-compy mate who's more than decent at most of the available heroes (he mainly plays unranked now because he's teaching his partner how to play).

                                                                            P.S. Guild recruitment is now on hold pending a guildwide MMR check on the 31st of Jan. You may continue to apply, but your application will only be processed after the 1st of Feb.


                                                                              5.3k solo
                                                                              5k party


                                                                                master zenoth! :p

                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                  It's honestly kind of sad that you're turning away potential good players due to you valuing an inaccurate and worthless number over the actual skill of a player through tryouts or just playing till you synergize.


                                                                                    @OA*_Havoc Badger Not really. More than half the people I've turned away have ground their way to 4k solo and re-applied. Sufficient to say that if you have the skills to back the talk, moving up in solo isn't that hard.


                                                                                      add me im bored

                                                                                      `b U u

                                                                                        currently we have 69 members and looking for more :)
                                                                                        just add us up if interested :



                                                                                          Down to 45 members after our first round of MMR checks.

                                                                                          Note: There has been some change in the organizational structure of the guild. All applications are frozen for the time being. I'll be announcing a new thread in two weeks time.

                                                                                          la the yeezy

                                                                                            I have 4k party and about 3.8-9 k solo. Hopefully will get to 4k soon and join this guild.


                                                                                              Solo: 4807 (was 4950. -140 in one day since patch. )
                                                                                              Party: 4472

                                                                                              Are you guys holding lobby games? I haven't adjust w/ 6.80 yet and I'm in a losing streak(4). I wanna practice in lobby first.

                                                                                              You know it's bad when even in a game where you get teamed up w/ iceiceice, you still lose. So yeah, lobby.:(


                                                                                                i cant add u ... :(
                                                                                                is there any guild u can suggest me


                                                                                                  Why are you guys looking at solo mmr?
                                                                                                  We are going to play with each other, arent we suppose to look at party mmr?


                                                                                                    @Yankee This guild is now defunct, you can contact @BlackXargon to join his guild instead.

                                                                                                    @6.81 EARTH SPIRIT NEW META Please refer to this thread: