General Discussion

General DiscussionMy account got disabled from ranking - Admin please read.

My account got disabled from ranking - Admin please read. in General Discussion

    Hello Admins,

    I know I was supposed to open this thread 3 days ago, unfortunately I was in a vacation with my family and I couldn't do much.

    As I've read in Vroksnak's thread, you got us disabled from ranking for playing in low priority I assume.

    When I had reached around 100 wins, I shared my goal to everyone here in Dotabuff that I'm doing my best to reach the Top50 winrate players, and I DID read the FAQ/About and many Top players' related threads here in the forums to make sure that I'm in the right track.

    I wasn't aware that playing in low priority can cause my account to get excluded from ranking... especially when I'm not the one having the low priority myself. And in the last month, only my last few games were low priority (Thanks Wuzzy Fuzzy). And speaking about low priority, I still have like 90% of my games which are normal brackets, if not even more than 90%.

    I would really appreciate it if you re-consider your decision on disabling my account from the ranking. And to prove to you that I mean every word I wrote, I can play 100 games this week NOT in low priority and AP mode only (which is 90%+ of my games are actually in AP) and then you can have your final word.

    Thanks so much for reading my super long post, but I really think this should have not happened to me since I had no clue about this low priority rule.

    PS: I would be more than welcomed if an Admin actually gave me a warning before disabling my account from ranking! (Like what Safe Base did to Vroksnak)


      I'm not going to sit here and judge you, but you were intentionally manipulating a system meant to punish inappropriate playing behavior, in order to gain an advantage by playing against teams that were less skilled and organized.

      I get that people like dotabuff and such, and frankly, i don't care if players inflate their stats, but you were ruining games for other players, even if they were in low priority, so that you could get a better win % record on dotabuff. The admins discouraging that seems fine with me.

      If I was an admin, i'd let you out of the doghouse a month after match making is released.

      King of Low Prio

        Gets caught cheating

        -starts snitching

        Your match history is no longer valid once you started to cheat. EVERYONE on this forums know vrok is a cheater so coming here and pretending like you where some innocent victim has to be sad attempt to win over sympathy


          look son, a faggot

          King of Low Prio

            ^ are you embarrassed you had to stack low prio to get 55% winrate?


              So if we have a friend in low priority we can't play with him ? I don't know how much this guys had game in low prio, but how many games in low prio it take to get disabled ? I had like 3 games in low prio several days ago because a guy in our party, I don't think it's near what this guy did but I'm a bit worried now lol.


                Can you define cheating?

                The same day I got disabled from ranking, I got to play against Virtus Pro's stack: (Enigma was Ars Art as well) and we almost lost... Also we got to play against Ole444's stack which gave us a nice match (caught us on Roshan and they got FB and stuff), against the guys from Sigma, and of course many easy games with less skilled players than us, since we got a strategy and we all communicate well in TeamSpeak.

                @Sampson - I'm not sure what you mean by "Your match history is no longer valid".. I haven't played for 3 days.

                I don't think I'm going to answer every hater's comment from now on... since I have a name, and that's not Vroksnak!


                  I dont see a virtus pro stack. I see a member of VP. Most likely lower skilled players were used to ofset his high rating compared to that of yours.

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                    Well you must surely been a weird to guy play on low prio on purpose anyway, it's like a strong gamble if you don't stack as some players even disconect after one kill. Well if you get fun likethat...


                      enigma = ars art ember guy= jotm pugna = ns, before you comment get your facts straight.

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                      King of Low Prio


                        they were putting themselves into low prio on purpose then playing tons of games


                        you talk about your "strats and communication" but did you discuss making sure you got someone into Low prio? or discuss dodging games against real teams? Or did that discussion never come up?

                        You got caught with your hands in the cookie jar once, for some odd reason Dotabuff felt sorry for you and gave you guys a 2nd chance AND you spit in their faces and do it again


                          Just to be fair... these guys did play against VP stack. I watched the game. 4 of the players are VP main's and aliases. The Faceless Void is not. He is the lower ranked random player... but he is still good, just not pro level.

                          They did play against Russians on purpose to win more. They did play in Least Played mode on purpose to win more. They played some games in LHM to before that was frowned upon... But they were not playing in low priority que on purpose. That is just a consequence of picking ursa-wisp a lot. Teams report you for doing it.

                          Clearly they are making every attempt to gain any extra advantage possible without technically breaking a rule. Dotabuff still has failed to clearly outline the rules because of their philosophical position that rules are for loopholes. So the rules remain partially subjective and secret.

                          Dotabuff of course has the right to put whoever they want on their highscore for whatever reasons, but I still believe they are making a mistake not producing a clear, definitive set of rules for it. Leaving it to subjectivity invites arguments and ultimately corruption by favoritism and bribery of the judges. Every systems of rules for every human endeavor through history had demonstrated this fact. Judges must rule on the law, not be the law.

                          On another note, while there are plenty of level 1 rosh, tryhard groups this one is the best I have ever seen. VP has beaten these type of strats before and had a real plan to do it. They even taunt the pub stack daring them not to dodge the game... that is how certain they are that they will win. But VP lost, they underestimated this stack. They really are good enough to beat a pro team if they catch them off guard.

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                            So being one of the most rated guy, he played only two games vs top competition lol ? If he did all that shit he should be happy to not be banned by steam, I mean creating fake accounts and make sure one of this is in low prio by being an asshole and disconnect game is quite a shame.

                            I don't think you can be put in low prio for playing ursa-wisp, we have only a few report per weeks, so better don't waste it for some combo; never played vs this combo but there is plenty of others so painful like lina + sven....


                              So one tread about is not enough?


                                Your ursa-wisp is not good enough to kill ppl so early and so fast that they die over 100+ times. This group is that good. It makes people angry enough to report them. They can get so many kills, even against truly excellent players, that it ruins that heroes KDA. People care about their stats. That is why they get mad enough to report for it.

                       Kunka 75% win, 1.21 KDA
                       Mirrana 63% win, 1.70 KDA
                       SD 45% win, 24 games 1.04 KDA

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                                  I stacked for 55% in low prio? rofl, check my previous 7 games, you lil' scrub, most of those enemies would eat you alive.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    Relentless stop trying to skip over my post where I have them admitting that they are cheating on purpose. Nobody is saying they are awful players. They where warned that if they continued to try and manipulate the system they would be taken off the top 50.


                                      When the new mute system came out i was muted for 2 month permanently without saying one word ;e

                                      King of Low Prio


                                        the slark rushing battlefury? when is his next pro match?


                                          Sampson that has nothing to do with the current discussion its from an entirely different set of games. Mostly what you did here was prove you are privately obsessed with saying that Vroksnak cheats... I guess you are jealous of him. I think Vroksnak has the talent to become much more than an excellent pub stomper if he was willing to risk playing against similar competition and losing his moderately inflated stats. But if he wants to just keep winning lots of easy games for fun that is his business too.

                                          I am not even arguing that dotabuff should count them on the highscore. I'm just saying that...

                                          [1] They can and did occasionally beat pro teams. I saw them beat Empire and Mouzsports before also.
                                          Did the pros take the game seriously and try their best to win? No. Were they really a stack of pro players? Yes.

                                          [2] Dotabuff should have clear rules not subjective hidden ones.

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                                            And this screenshot from Sampson is about another topic and has nothing to do with this topic. We were talking about something different.


                                              he has higher winrate than you still. check clinkz and darkseer you fucking fan, than check the skywrath game in which I was with just a friend.

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                                              King of Low Prio

                                                ROFL I got the memo alrdy why you are defending them.


                                                  It's good enough or not good enough ? The only times I saw this combo was in a stream of a player named "Draskyl" and he beat his combo, though i saw only the end of the game.

                                                  There is plenty of combo likethat, like shadow shaman + chaos knight...

                                                  I just suppose that they play against mediocre players that don't even counter these picks or stay in the lane if melee.

                                                  Why would people care about their stats when it's about winning or losing the game ?

                                                  Maybe i'll watch one of his game to see.

                                                  Edith: Just saw that fuzzy wizzy was playing with them so his comments must be biaised ?

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                                                    ^he had linken but we killed chicken with recipe in :D


                                                      Van-Art, let me remind you, before stacking with vsnack you had just a little bit above 50 wr so don't get too cocky here :D Btw impressive 2-10 vengaaaaaa :D And still, sampson is being wrong in this thread in soooo many different ways that it hurts to read everything he writes :(((((

                                                      King of Low Prio


                                                        they cheat so often it is hard to keep up with which cheat they are talking about at a given time


                                                          Yes, now that game was total bullshit and deserves to be ridiculed. But you will notice that is not the same stack.

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                                                            LP doesnt mean you face LP. And there should be a limitatoin why people get excluded from the list :D I mean I play LP too sometimes due to friends being in LP (thanks chris) however it shouldnt be a rule to be excluded.
                                                            I mean I have been playing in LP, playing against the best of the best, being top page and yet it is still LP. Not much logics about that exlusion

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              One of the admins posted saying that if they put up a list it is like putting up a guideline on how to cheat. If they had to the power to lock valve accounts they would because they would have power to deter behaviors.


                                                                Fair enough on them beating 4 VP. That is commendable.


                                                                  Ok so i just watched this game 409879008 , with fuzzy in where he said that make 100+ kills got them reported and that's why they were in low prio.

                                                                  So this game is in low prio, they were already in low prio so he lied , and they did roshan lvl 1 lol.
                                                                  One of the ennemy heroes disconected before the 10 mn mark, and they did 70 kills at fountain against 4 disconnected heroes without ending the game.

                                                                  It's even laughable that they had only 75% with this strategy.

                                                                  They should be happy to still be able to play to dota 2 and not worry about the dotabuff ranking lol .


                                                                    gabe is gonna ban us within the next MM patch. GG VULVA


                                                                      Thanks Relentless for the nice words, although I really don't want this to be another spammy thread full of arguements. I have made this only to clear things up with the Admin. I expected many haters to come here and start doing their job by sticking their nose in somebody else's business, but I was ready for it, and that's why I have no intention of answering them, and I feel that nobody should do as well. Subjects are switching from post to post... first it was about me.. now its about Fuzzy Wuzzy and with links to his previous games.. Go discuss it in IRC/Steam group chat or whatever...
                                                                      In the end, its the Admin's decision and its up to him! (Just make sure you let me know so I won't wait forever ><)


                                                                        This is starting to look like the Big Brother show to me. Seriously. A few people on this forum that seem to be a bit more popular than the rest and everyone is all around them discussing and giving opinion. You all look like that exact bunch of not very intelligent people who waste their whole day in front of the TV watching reality show consisting of made up idols.

                                                                        To the viewers, I'd say that you should learn to let go. Dota 2 is just a game, win rate, virtual property and so on does not really exist. If in a few years Dota dies, then all this, Dotabuff included, dies as well. Suddenly you have no fancy hats and no flashy win rate. Who cares if they use cheap tactics to win? Reply to fire by fire. If you see them against you, just dodge, gg wp. Simple as that. Also, don't put people up on pedestals. The fact that they're just a few people who pubstomp a lot doesn't mean anything. They're people just like you and me and this does not guarantee that they're actually worth it in real life.

                                                                        To Vrosnak and party, guys, no one on here is stupid enough to believe you, quit it already. I have no personal feelings towards you whatsoever. I don't care even if you have 99% win rate in 2000 games. You perfectly know that you're "cheating" in a sense but you refuse to admit it. You want people to have a set definition of the term "cheating" and this term to fit you perfectly in order to admit it. Until that time, you will just keep on dodging around the set rules of Dotabuff. Speaking of Dotabuff, this website and the owners are not obligated to check with you before banning/removing you from the statistics in absolutely no way. Asking them to do stuff for you is super arrogant since you're nothing more than players. YOU are the ones using the site - if you don't like it, you know where's the setting on the Dota client to disable access of 3rd parties to your status.

                                                                        Again, nothing personal, you seem to be nice and helpful guys around the forums, I personally have received help from you with my questions, but seriously - man up and accept things as they are.


                                                                          @Revert Death Where did I say that this game got me reported?


                                                                            fag abusers l2p


                                                                              They even dodge other lpq stacks


                                                                                dodge lpq stack > get more lpq > prophet ?


                                                                                  hmm, just my opinion, but i dont think people should get banned from playing lpq or other weird modes...people should be banned because of playing against bots and such (blatant abuse)


                                                                                    You didn't say it. He just conflated some of what I said with this game and some of what you said. It's a very common internet, and communication problem in general. It gets hard to keep straight who said what when many are talking.

                                                                                    Hopefully there will be a much more straight forward way to do all of this once Valve indroduces ranked matches. No LPQ, no questionable modes... still language options and such but... They say its possible to lose points for winning so that means they are going back to a TSR type system with stats expectations where you lose points for even playing against bads win or not. That should clear it up.

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                                                                                      duo que with pugna, still raping, I must be V-GOD



                                                                                          you were disabling matchmaking sharing, ursa/wisp fail rosh abandon strategy, least played and limited hero pool

                                                                                          go snitch on ur teammates more trash player


                                                                                            So much autism in 1 thread


                                                                                              C'mon, why do you think you should be among real progamers like TC or another gamers, who play different heroes really good so they got high wr if you only abuse this amazing omg imba ursa+wisp+treant strat? Sometimes I look through this list to learn something new and not learn that wisp+%heroname% are overpowerd versus random people without any coordination and communication.


                                                                                                I don't give much on this DSR-thing since it's often kinda strange but soooo low?
                                                                                                Same goes for his friends.

                                                                                                Why is it that low when they play vs. such good people? I don't even want to say you was bad, Fady, more of a general question to all.
                                                                                                I don't care when you have 80% winrate (Ursa-Wisp) and 8.00 KDA (hilarious fountain-farming) by doing the same over and over again.
                                                                                                How Relentess wants to see potential for pro players in such stuff though, Idk...


                                                                                                  @Fuzzy Wuzzy

                                                                                                  They even dodge other lpq ****stacks****
                                                                                                  so hard to read

                                                                                                  game is bad

                                                                                                    Even in my low leveled games, I have yet to see wisp+hero combo work. I had it once. We sniffed it out pretty quickly and took Roshan (their 5-man vs. our random pubbies). We ended up losing anyway, because we were not coordinated and they were, but they would have lost had we had a stack on our side.

                                                                                                    You must be playing the bottom of the barrel to have that work as often as it does.

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!