General Discussion

General DiscussionDSR and old brackets

DSR and old brackets in General Discussion
Donald Duck

    Player number 84640910 DSR is:

    This player has a Gold DSR score (top 15%)

    What does this means? I mean, I was used to normal/high/very high bracket, what is gold dsr?

    And, I guess top 15% stands for gold DSR.

    King of Low Prio

      the DSR website is a private website that has nothing to do with valve


        Top 15% means hes better than 85% of dota 2 players. The website is known to be inaccurate though so don't take it too seriously.

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          it means that ur scrub

          Donald Duck

            15% is too high, indeed.

            Valkiss wanna 1v1 ???+?//:+-?

            I'll beat u in 1 min !1!!!



              Player number 114192409 DSR is:

              This player has a Emerald DSR score (top 1%).

              Crystal Maiden 1v1, nub?!

              Lol :)


                Gold means you're probably in high, although the people whose stats are counted in the percentile ranking do not have the same skill mean as the mean of the total number of DOTA players

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  That's pretty good considering you picked BH near 20% of the time. Don't pick void & pa and your score might be higher. That's pretty good rating considering you tanked so hard early on with PA/Void picks.

                  WHAT NONSENSE #GETEREKT

                    Player number 36501093 DSR is:

                    This player has a Mithril DSR score. Doesn't show percentage distributions and standard deviations :/

                    What are the distributions for 'mithril, gold' etc? It doesn't say anywhere

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                      I think it only counts the 20 most recent games, so it doesn't matter what you used to play a month or two ago.