General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do pro players become their roles?

How do pro players become their roles? in General Discussion

    A odd question. For example how did Dendi become a semi-carry? Was he just playing a mid hero and navi saw and was like join our team as that role. Did he just like it so he plays it? Or when he joined did puppey just go "you dendi.your going to play mid" so yeah


      He played ten thousand dota games and thought mid was his best role

      King of Low Prio

        well I cant say for sure because I cant read their mind but for me I just played thousands of games in dota 1 (I miss those times when I had more free time :'( ) and realized I liked the freedom of a solo lane and did not like the mid role so offlane just suited me best. Alot of people jump into a role way too soon and it hurts them in the long run.(playing everything helps give you a decent understanding of how to deal with it)


          well it was better when players switched roles, don't stick into 1 role . and all players start from smaller teams , then they jump into the scene .


            generally pro players like [A] EGM dont like to play support in their pub games because supports can't win..


              so they play support roles because they need to. iceiceice became an offlane when he joined DK, he was originally mid. they probably decide who can play which role best then play those roles


                I don't like static roles either.


                  So the players decided their own roles they were not assigned?


                    Man, this is a game and you are a player. Do whatever you want. If we tell you that you should be a carry, you will be one, even if you hate it? WTF man just go play and do whatever the fuck you want, I don't understand your threads and your questions. No one needs to tell you your role or what you should do.


                      I was just asking a question i was honestly curious and iv only posted 3 threads 1/3 have something to do with what u said


                        Maybe they liked the role and decided to work on it.

                        but you need to be good on one role to be recognized, Dendi started as a support.




                            It is very hard to be outstanding at more than one role at a time. While a pro support player would really be a great carry in a pub game they can't perfect all the heroes at once. Usually roles are decided when a team forms and don't change unless things are not working out.

                            Pro players sometimes change roles when they move to a new team or when they get a new member. It takes time to adjust to the new roles.


                              well myself i cant see my self going hard support because i hate being behind on gold. some heroes manage it pretty well with levels but heroes like silencer/wr are really frustrating with a few cs. you can have a greater impact if you have decent gold in your pocket


                                you have greater impact with anyone if you have more gold so that's a null point.
                                some people just enjoy playing supports (crazy I know)

                                and it's not like these people can't play other roles, they can. just for the sake of team performances it's easier having dedicated roles.