General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere to start to find good teammates/team?

Where to start to find good teammates/team? in General Discussion

    Well Im lvl 24 and I fairly know all heroes, As I'm going to have plenty of time I just wanted to make it more serious and play with a team. what is the best way to look for a team or team mates? Is there any community out there for people trying to join a team or finding teammates? any help will be appreciated.


      just saying.... "good" players wont accept you in

      but you may try reddit

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      EZ MID 9k mmr

        ''Well Im lvl 24 and I fairly know all heroes''

        My sides!


          As all good players know... you are nowhere near knowing all heroes. You won't be for a long time...maybe never. 500+ games may seem like a lot, but it's not. I have well over 6,000 games and still plenty to learn.

          But don't worry about that. You won't realize just how little you know now until you know a lot more and can look back and laugh at it. Instead start trying to build up a friends list of people you want to play with. Dota 2 teamplay is extremely complicated and really can only be learned with others. It looks like you already figured this out.

          So, How do you build a friends list? Its hard because Valve has made so many efforts to hide players information but it can still be done. Because so much information is hidden all of a dozen or so website attempting to set up some way of ranking players and making teams have failed... but its still possible it just takes some work.

          One thing you can do is take a look at the teams list on dotabuff. There are a lot of people already on teams that will be interested to add you and play in pub stacks anyway. They can't play with their team all the time. Recognize that you are still a nub at this point...but that's ok, there are millions of others. Try adding people from teams in the 2000 to 2500 tMMR range. These people also have very little experience and are at a similar skill level to you so they will not care about your 46% winrate. They may not be very good, but they like to play in a team...that is why they are on the list. So, try adding people from teams from your country.

          Another method which I use to add friends: I pay attention to my games. When I see someone who knows what they are doing, is particularly skilled or cooperative, has good communication... I add these people. It takes a while but either way over time you build up a list of people to play with. As you do this you will have to weed out people that didn't work out well with you for one reason or another. But eventually you will find people near your skill level who get along with you and play in a way that matches your style.

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            Level doesn't mean anything. Your skill is all that matter. And people will judge you with your stat
            Good players usually have more than 4 years of experience in this game.
            By the way, How long have you been playing this?

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