General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich is better on natures, phase or treads?

Which is better on natures, phase or treads? in General Discussion

    Also DPS or dagon eblade
    And Laning or Jungling

    Phase has a higher WR and is built by professionals more often... But treads are the majority and provide nice stats
    I prefer phase as they make your auto attacks useful during the laning/jungling phase which is where profit is less useful.

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      treads more hp

      dps (include sheepstick)

      depends on lineup


        care to explain =p


          Offlane = Phase boots
          Jungle = Treads

          Phase for more m/s obviously to run away or chase.

          Really depends on lineup too.


            treads cause later to necro


              Phase is better than treads.




                  NP is a mid-game carry and he should never be considered as the main late-game DPS hero in a team. I usually go with Phase, because they give you a decent early game damage boost and the ability to run through units. I would advice you to go Midas, Phase boots, Shadow Blade, Orchid (both optional), Scythe, MKB/Crits (MKB preffered), Necro. Desolator is fine too, but try to focus on more expensive and useful items. You can also get stuff like BKB, Linken's, Dagger, Force staff and Manta if you know they're gonna boost your survivability. Also you should ALWAYS carry a TP scroll with you.


                    "NP is a mid-game carry and he should never be considered as the main late-game DPS hero in a team."
                    Though this is generally true, NEVER is a word that doesn't exist in Dota. Mushi went full carry with NP in TI3 and it worked. Burning and Black also did it sometimes.


                      He can be the main late-game dps hero, since he's all hollah dollah, 6 slots come pretty fast.

                      Dire Wolf

                        His dps is outstanding once 6 slotted and he'll be 6 slotted quicker than any other carry. He can usually 1v1 most other hard carries late with sheep stick. He's squishy and not a great team fighter.


                          AdmiralBulldog going always phase,so it`s phase. = )


                            ^ That's cause Bulldog plays NP in the offlane, where you need that little bit of extra mobility. A jungling Prophet can go Treads.


                              Welp I guess since the answer is mixed its preference. Also I've heard a jungling prophet is worse than a laning prophet, is it at all smart to lane until lvl 3 so you get an early midas and jungling is sped up with the gloves
                              I find its more comfortable for me to do this but I generally lane prophet as I feel weak early otherwise...


                                Dagon + eblade is usually a troll build that will result in a loss against good players. You can only use it if you know you are against really bad players or you know you are with really good players. Otherwise, you will most likely lose. Rushing a lvl 1 dagon is fine, don't upgrade it.

                                If I'm laning, I go phase boots mainly for its benefit in last hitting and denying. Otherwise, PT are better since they give higher DPS and HP.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I would jungle if you have a good off laner. Otherwise don't.


                                    Jungling: Midas, Phase, Shadowblade, Deso/Scythe/Orchid (Pick which one first, then get others), then replace Midas with Necro or Mjolnir depending on how dedicated you are to pushing or fighting, or if enemy has invis just get necro.

                                    Offlane: Phase, Shadowblade, Orchid, Scythe, Deso, Necro.


                                      /\ this


                                        it's very situational. it's stupid to suggest what to get where it purely depends on lineup.

                                        bum farto

                                          I wouldn't honestly take advice from [TO] Wink (no offense intended)

                                          Playing NP the same every single game is not really something you should do. Each game might call for something slightly different but the NP build is pretty boring and standard. Recently I have seen the charm of Phase boots because it helps you catch up to people to get the sprout off if you misplaced your tp, helps you weave out of your own treants or creeps (people die cause they block themselves more than you think).

                                          With the ability to farm that much faster and to instantly even the odds NP can go a variety of builds. It would serve you better to, instead of learning the hero, learn the mechanics and counters better.

                                          >Dagon/Ethereal is good for single target take down but is a selfish build and can bite you back if you don't execute it well
                                          >DPS build is good but as a team you will have a carry anyways (or should) is the extra right click really needed? (it might be)
                                          >Utility build with Necro/Scythe/Refresher is probably the preferred as NP excels at pushing and ganking and this build suits it.

                                          NP is an easy hero and you just have to be map aware of where to gank, what lane to push, what items to buy etc. The hero is a "free win" hero and annoying as hell to deal with and its up to you how you choose to build.


                                            These guys are playing in a pro team and they probably have a strategy to work with carry NP. If you want to play a hard carry NP, then you should always have a "back-up" carry to deal damage later in the game. But his main potential is a pusher/ganker. He shines in mid-game as a team player, but later on he is too squishy to stay in a teamfight for a long time. Int heroes just don't do great in late game. He should be played mainly as "rat-pusher" later on.

                                            @OA*_Havoc Badger
                                            NP is NOT a "free win" hero. Although he might seem noob-friendly, he requires great positioning and map awarness, as well as mana managing early in the game. If the enemy team knows anything about dota, playing NP could be very hard.


                                              phase in most cases

                                              treads if youre forced to get mek/forcestaff and need that early game tankiness



                                                If you get a mek AND a forcestaff, getting phase boots would be 10x better than normal. This is the last case you would need power treads, phase boots give you more survivability than treads not to mention the fact that you also have a mek and forcestaff...

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